d_std.m script is used to process standard deviations netcdf files.
In the programes, i found the followed codes: HISdir = fullfile(my_root, 'WC13/STD/Data');HISfile = dir(fullfile(HISdir, 'wc*.nc')); But i can not find the WC13/STD folder from download files! :shock: And i dont know what are the wc ...
Search found 9 matches
- Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:01 am
- Forum: ROMS Discussion
- Topic: 4d var netcdf files error
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1424
- Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:53 am
- Forum: ROMS Installation
- Topic: My Suggestion to arango!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3431
Re: My Suggestion to arango!
sorry,i should present my issues clearly!
that is NOT netcdf4 error BUT parallel I/O error,i think!
i found arango's instruction to parallel I/O https://www.myroms.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1181
i just follow this instruction.
i build zlib, HDF5(with parallel,mpich2),netcdf4(with enable-netcdf4 ...
that is NOT netcdf4 error BUT parallel I/O error,i think!
i found arango's instruction to parallel I/O https://www.myroms.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1181
i just follow this instruction.
i build zlib, HDF5(with parallel,mpich2),netcdf4(with enable-netcdf4 ...
- Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:52 am
- Forum: ROMS Installation
- Topic: My Suggestion to arango!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3431
Re: My Suggestion to arango!
sorry,i should present my issues clearly!
that is NOT netcdf4 error BUT parallel I/O error,i think!
i found arango's instruction to parallel I/O https://www.myroms.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1181
i just follow this instruction.
i build zlib, HDF5(with parallel,mpich2),netcdf4(with enable-netcdf4 ...
that is NOT netcdf4 error BUT parallel I/O error,i think!
i found arango's instruction to parallel I/O https://www.myroms.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1181
i just follow this instruction.
i build zlib, HDF5(with parallel,mpich2),netcdf4(with enable-netcdf4 ...
- Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:55 am
- Forum: ROMS Installation
- Topic: My Suggestion to arango!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3431
My Suggestion to arango!
i am a new roms's user. But i have never find any installation instruction.
:oops: Now i am installing this big softwere by myself. it took me a long time to install it.sometime it works and sometime it failed just because of the version of compilers. I am very confused about which is the stable ...
:oops: Now i am installing this big softwere by myself. it took me a long time to install it.sometime it works and sometime it failed just because of the version of compilers. I am very confused about which is the stable ...
- Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:39 am
- Forum: ROMS Bugs
- Topic: ROMS installation BUG?!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3038
Re: ROMS installation BUG?!
I always try to find where the error happened.
I found that all errors in the make_macrso.mk
#ifdef ADJOINT
USE_ADJOINT := ################################ERROR!!!
and in cppdefs.h
#if defined ROMS_HEADER
#include ROMS_HEADER
CPPDEFS - Choose an appropriate ...
I found that all errors in the make_macrso.mk
#ifdef ADJOINT
USE_ADJOINT := ################################ERROR!!!
and in cppdefs.h
#if defined ROMS_HEADER
#include ROMS_HEADER
CPPDEFS - Choose an appropriate ...
- Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:47 am
- Forum: ROMS Bugs
- Topic: ROMS installation BUG?!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3038
Re: ROMS installation BUG?!
in fact cpp compilers is alao link to gcc4.4.
is that means that make_marco.h can not be compiled by GUN fortran4.4??
is that means that make_marco.h can not be compiled by GUN fortran4.4??
- Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:13 am
- Forum: ROMS Bugs
- Topic: ROMS installation BUG?!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 3038
ROMS installation BUG?!
not quite sure whether its bug!
i have two versions in my machine,GUN gfortran 4.1 and gfortan4.4
i switch these two versions throuth hard link like ln gcc44 gcc
it works through at version4.1 but fails at version4.4
but when i change the cpp44 to cpp4.1,everything is OK!
when cpp4.4 is working ...
i have two versions in my machine,GUN gfortran 4.1 and gfortan4.4
i switch these two versions throuth hard link like ln gcc44 gcc
it works through at version4.1 but fails at version4.4
but when i change the cpp44 to cpp4.1,everything is OK!
when cpp4.4 is working ...
- Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:51 am
- Forum: ROMS Installation
- Topic: MCT2.6 compiling error!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2252
Re: MCT2.6 compiling error!
thank u for ur fast reply.
does everyone build MCT useing GUN fortran 4.1 and MPICH2.
i seems the MCT complier is limited in the follow compilers:
i am very confused!!!
does everyone build MCT useing GUN fortran 4.1 and MPICH2.
i seems the MCT complier is limited in the follow compilers:
i am very confused!!!
- Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:18 am
- Forum: ROMS Installation
- Topic: MCT2.6 compiling error!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2252
MCT2.6 compiling error!
I have install netcdf3,4 mpich 2and hdf5 on my linux system. It seems all work fine with my case.
now i want to couple the roms with swan by MCT.But I cannot work through.
i configure MCT with:./configure FC=mpif90 CC=mpicc --prefix=/opt/roms/mct
it seems ok!
but when i build,error comes!
m_List ...
I have install netcdf3,4 mpich 2and hdf5 on my linux system. It seems all work fine with my case.
now i want to couple the roms with swan by MCT.But I cannot work through.
i configure MCT with:./configure FC=mpif90 CC=mpicc --prefix=/opt/roms/mct
it seems ok!
but when i build,error comes!
m_List ...