ROMS only runs with NDEFHIS set to zero

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ROMS only runs with NDEFHIS set to zero

#1 Unread post by samphibbs »


I'm having a problem that ROMS only runs when NDEFHIS=0 in the file. This means it produces one very large history file. I would like to produce multiple history files so my model does not encounter problems when it runs for long periods of time. But if I change the value of NDEFHIS=720 my model crashes as soon as it tries to write to the history file with the following error:

NETCDF_PUT_FVAR_1D - error while writing variable: ocean_time
in input file: /scratch/sap12/New_COAWST/Output_CFSR_2/
call from: wrt_his.F

ROMS/TOMS - Output error ............ exit_flag: 3

And no history file is produced at all. I have attached my file. Any help on this would be really appreciated.
Many thanks,
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Re: ROMS only runs with NDEFHIS set to zero

#2 Unread post by arango »

Maybe you don't have privileges to write to the /scratch/sap12/New_COAWST/Output_CFSR_2 directory or that path doesn't exits... It is kind of suspicious that you cannot even create the NetCDF file. Perhaps, there are some problems with NetCDF library that you compiled.

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Re: ROMS only runs with NDEFHIS set to zero

#3 Unread post by samphibbs »

Hi thanks for the reply,

I do have permission to the directory though - both the restart and station file are created in the directory for NDEFHIS=720. Furthermore, if I set NDEFHIS=0 my model will run for full time period creating history, restart, station and average files in the directory.

The only other thing I can think of that might be both mentioning is that I have made changes to the varinfo.dat file so my forcing files are correctly read in - for most of my forcing variables I have changed the time label to 'time' eg 'pair_time' was changed to 'time' and 'tair_time' was changed to 'time' etc.

But, I'm not sure why changing the varinfo.dat file would make a difference. In fact I find it difficult to think of a problem that would only effect my run if NDEFHIS is non-zero.


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Re: ROMS only runs with NDEFHIS set to zero

#4 Unread post by kate »

What's odd is that it's trying to write to /scratch/sap12/New_COAWST/Output_CFSR_2/
as opposed to I would have to watch this in the debugger, or add print statements to output.F (or more).

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Re: ROMS only runs with NDEFHIS set to zero

#5 Unread post by colberg »

Hi all,

has there been a solution to this problem ? I am currently having a similar issue with roms-3.6. I can use multiple output files with NDEFHIS=360 (for my particular setting) but not any other number (!), it then gives me the same error as indicated in the thread above. ROMS is trying to write to instead of or so. I have not had this problem before but have been running 2d simulations mostly...but this seems rather unrelated. I wonder if this is related to changes in the file ?

ideas anyone

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Re: ROMS only runs with NDEFHIS set to zero

#6 Unread post by wzhu »

samphibbs wrote:Hi,

I'm having a problem that ROMS only runs when NDEFHIS=0 in the file. This means it produces one very large history file. I would like to produce multiple history files so my model does not encounter problems when it runs for long periods of time. But if I change the value of NDEFHIS=720 my model crashes as soon as it tries to write to the history file with the following error:

NETCDF_PUT_FVAR_1D - error while writing variable: ocean_time
in input file: /scratch/sap12/New_COAWST/Output_CFSR_2/
call from: wrt_his.F

ROMS/TOMS - Output error ............ exit_flag: 3

And no history file is produced at all. I have attached my file. Any help on this would be really appreciated.
Many thanks,
Correct! I met the same problem with ROMS 3.0. In the beginning, when I set the ocean_time to zero, it worked with the non-zero NDEFHIS, but when I set the ocean_time to non-zero to change the starting time to later date, it appears the problem. but if set the NDEFHIS to zero, it works. if the history is a single file, it will be 200G in size! Do I have to set all the time parameters to the new starting time? I think it is a bug.

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Re: ROMS only runs with NDEFHIS set to zero

#7 Unread post by kate »

Are you really running ROMS 3.0? This has been fixed in newer versions.

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Re: ROMS only runs with NDEFHIS set to zero

#8 Unread post by wzhu »

kate wrote:Are you really running ROMS 3.0? This has been fixed in newer versions.
Yes, but I just changed the DSTART according to the ocean_time, it works. Thanks.

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