In standard input file *.in, we have RDRG(RDRG2) and Zob used as bottom drag for momentum calculation. And they also important in tide's computing. As for a region, we firstly want to calculate the tides (usually M2/S2/K1/O1/N2/K2/P1/Q1) and keep adjusting the inputs, such as bottom drag coeff or sometimes the tidal harmonic constant (THC) if we got a irrational results of Co-amplitude and Co-phase. We can not start simulating the currents until we have self-confident in tides (The 'tides' i mean here are the elevation,amplitude and phase,i.e., astronomical tide). Now, here comes the question: how to give relatively accurate BDC(s) for each point of the grid

We can give a constant value over the domain if the calculating area is not so vast or give a specified value if we already have a clear distribution. There is one point must be bear in mind is that almost all variables are spatial variation in the ocean, not excepting BDC. The key point to my question would be much clear, i.e., how to do

As i can understand, water depth and sediment type (mainly the d50) may play the primary roles, but i dont understand how they take effects. I have never seen someone do this job (using depth and d50 to get BDCs). Is that a difficult or pointless job

Thanks for any point of view.