how to make forcing?

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how to make forcing?

#1 Unread post by safoora.seddigh »

Hello everyone.
I am preparing my forcing file.
As dear Kate said, I download nc files(attached) and use ncdump for comparing to my file with frc_bulk.cdl but I don't know what should I change in my file.
would you help me for continuing?
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Re: how to make forcing?

#2 Unread post by kate »

I see that you have a field called uwnd. You need to either rename it (with ncrename) or change the 'Uwind' to 'uwnd' in varinfo.dat for the "idUair" entry. You have a fourth "level" dimension on it with only one value, but I think ROMS needs you to flatten that away. You can likely do that in your favorite scripting language.

More interesting is that your level is at 1000 mbar. ROMS is wanting it to be at some constant z above the sea surface, that value being used to set

Code: Select all

BLK_ZW == 2.0d0                     ! winds
in your


Re: how to make forcing?

#3 Unread post by safoora.seddigh »

Hello Dear Kate,
Thanks a lot for your reply and I do apologize for bothering you.
I have changed my netcdf file for surface(attached).
Also I have done everything that you said in and varinfo.dat.
Unfortunately I am not familiar with Roms well yet, so I don't know how can I use my favorite scripting (Matlab script)?
Would you help me for using Matlab script?
Is it d_core2_frc.m?
Do you know there is any kind of videos for learning to make forcing such as seagrid video or something like that?
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