compiling the case: analytical.f90(396): error #5082:

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compiling the case: analytical.f90(396): error #5082:

#1 Unread post by shiyf »

Hello, everyone,
When I first compile build.bash for the ROMS according to the instructions-Installing and Running ROMS for First Time Users , I come across a problem as below:

ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean /lustre/home/shiyongfangWKJ/Projects/upwelling/Build/mp_exchange.f90
cd /lustre/home/shiyongfangWKJ/Projects/upwelling/Build; /lustre/inspur/mpi/openmpi-intel/bin/mpif90 -c -heap-arrays -fp-model precise -ip -O3 -free mp_exchange.f90
cd /lustre/home/shiyongfangWKJ/Projects/upwelling/Build; /lustre/inspur/mpi/openmpi-intel/bin/mpif90 -c -heap-arrays -fp-model precise -ip -O3 -free analytical.f90
analytical.f90(396): error #5082: Syntax error, found ':' when expecting one of: % . = =>
ana_grid.h: no values provided for Xsize, Esize, depth, f0, beta.
analytical.f90(1351): error #5082: Syntax error, found ':' when expecting one of: % . = =>
ana_vmix.h: no values provided for Akv.
analytical.f90(1370): error #5082: Syntax error, found ':' when expecting one of: % . = =>
ana_vmix.h: no values provided for Akt.
compilation aborted for analytical.f90 (code 1)
make: *** [/lustre/home/shiyongfangWKJ/Projects/upwelling/Build/analytical.o] Error 1
I am not sure what happened. Could anyone kindly give me some advice?

Thanks very much!


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Re: compiling the case: analytical.f90(396): error #5082:

#2 Unread post by kate »

Please don't edit your question posts and please only post each question once - unless a week goes by without an answer.

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