I'm newby to roms.
I'm trying to provide IC and BC from a coarser model to my own implementation, with ana surface forcings.
While initial are passed correctly (I think), when bounds are checked the following error occurrs:
Code: Select all
SET_NGFLD - current model time exceeds ending value for variable: zeta_west
TDAYS = 15928.0000
Data Tmin = 15927.0000 Data Tmax = 15938.0000
Data Tstr = 15938.0000 Data Tend = 15927.0000
TINTRP1 = 15928.0000 TINTRP2 = 15927.0000
FAC1 = -1.0000 FAC2 = 0.0000
I tried various different combinations of TSTART, TIME_REF and DSTART parameters in *.in file but the error is always the same.
Waiting for suggestions,