I was confused by the results from two version(Old:V.549, New:V624) of roms code, running with all the same input files.
The attached are three plots that with model results comparison and data validation.
As i dont know what's wrong with the new code, i set two parallel runs with one set of input files, say grid and initial, wind force, solar shot wave radiation, pressure, etc., only with two different version of codes, and some CPP definitions(there many cpp options removed from Old V.).
See the uppermost plot. This is a one-year model comparison for temperature and silinity from two runs. The discrepancy to temps and salts(TDis and SDis) are much significant, say 4~5 degs to temp that from two runs and nearly 0.5 psu to salt(see second plot). To temperature, the discrepancy from two results get larger and larger at about 30(x-axis) and 370 time point to salinity. The TDis is maninly associated with heat fluxes, and seems get larger with increase in solar shot wave radiation,vice versa.
Within the second plot, time period(x-axis) coincident with the pink-vertical bar in the first plot and both model results are validated with field data(red solid circle). Be notice that two runs spin-up at day Jan 01/2010 and the field gauge conducted in Oct. We can see that the temperatures from Old Version(549) are much consistent with data and 4~5 degs in discrepancy to the run with New code.
The bottommost plot are fluxes from two runs. As there exists such a marked discrepancy in temperature, i had all the heat fluxes checked out for comparison and results were patched in plot. You can see that the solar shot wave radiations are exactly the same in values at any time point(left-middle). And from the surface net heat flux(right-upper), two results are much coincident, but why and how to cause such obvious discrepancies in temperatures

I would be appreciate your help and suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
Best regrads.