2014 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop, Rovinj, Croatia - First Notice

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2014 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop, Rovinj, Croatia - First Notice

#1 Unread post by arango »

2014 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop
Island Hotel Istra, Rovinj, Croatia, May 26 - 29, 2014

We are inviting you to participate in the next ROMS/TOMS User Workshop to be held at the Island Hotel Istra (Otok Sv. Andrije), Rovinj, Croatia. The Red Island (Crveni otok) is one of the most renowned tourist locations in Rovinj. It consists of two artificially connected islets: St. Andrew’s Islet (Otok Sv. Andrije) and Maškin Islet (Otok Maškin). More information about the history of Rovinj can be found in :arrow: Wikipedia.

The invitation is open to everybody that wants to attend. In particular, we invite our European ROMS community to participate. The previous workshop in Europe was in 2008.

The current plan is to have a three-day regular ROMS Workshop with lectures, oral presentations, and posters. Additionally, we are planning to add a fourth-day special session with the topic(s) to be determined.

The registration is open until March 7, 2014. The abstracts for oral presentations and posters are due by April 4, 2014. To register, please log into the ROMS website and fill out the workshop :arrow: registration form. This information can be updated often. Notice that there also entries for the T-shirt size and abstract(s). If you are not already a ROMS user please fill out this :arrow: form to become a ROMS user.

ROMS has thousands of users worldwide. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to pay travel expenses for select students to attend the workshop. We try to hold the ROMS workshops throughout the world to make it easier for users with limited funds to attend.

All workshop information can be found :arrow: here. Further information will be posted on that site as it becomes available.

Looking forward to seeing you in Rovinj,

Organizing Committee,

Dr. Hernan G. Arango, IMCS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Prof. John L. Wilkin, IMCS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Prof. Andrew M. Moore,University California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Dr. Ivica Janekovic, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
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Re: 2014 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop, Rovinj, Croatia - First No

#2 Unread post by arango »

The :arrow: Istria region is well known for its :arrow: cuisine, :arrow: wines, :arrow: olives, and specially :arrow: white truffles.
Istria_Croatian_Adriatic.png (83.62 KiB) Viewed 8854 times
Istria.png (361.35 KiB) Viewed 8851 times

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