List of small bugs with ROMS/TOMS Version 2.1

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List of small bugs with ROMS/TOMS Version 2.1

#1 Unread post by arango »

Here is a list of the small bugs found in ROMS/TOMS version 2.1, released on May 5, 2005. You have the choice of correcting this small bugs yourself of getting the affected files from the roms-2 distribution directory. Please note that you need to login into the ROMS website in order to download these files. These bugs will be corrected in version 2.2; critical bugs are marked with :!: :

(1) analytical.F: few changes in this user routine.

(2) biology.F: replace CPP directive from # ifdef BIO_FASHAM to # if defined BIO_FASHAM in line 21. In some computers compilation may fail when nonstandard CPP constructs are used.

(3) def_his.F, def_rst.F: Add conditional to use mod_sediment when BBL_MODEL is activated in line 19.

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#if defined SEDIMENT || defined BBL_MODEL
(4) def_station.F: add USE mod_sediment at line 19 to avoid compiler errors when SEDIMENT and STATIONS options are activated. Add the following statements:

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#if defined SEDIMENT || defined BBL_MODEL
      USE mod_sediment
(5) inp_par.F: Change format writing statement format to WRITE (out,110) 'idBott' in line 3886 and add the following statement in line 4083:

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 110  FORMAT (/,' READ_StaPAR - variable info not yet loaded, ', a)
(6) inp_par.F: Change writing statement format to WRITE (out,80) in line 4005.

(7) mod_ncparam.F: If BIO_FASHAM is defined and CARBON undefined, the compiler stops with undefined variable messages for this module during compilation. This is because the carbon-related variables are not wrapped in an #ifdef CARBON ... #endif block. Insert a # ifdef CARBON in line 856, just before CASE ('idTvar(iTIC_)') and # endif at line 863, after the statement idTvar(iSDeC)=varid. Similarly, insert a # ifdef CARBON in line 922, just before CASE ('idTbry (iwest,iSDeC)') and # endif at line 951, after the statement idTbry(inorth,iTALK)=varid.

(8) master.F: add #include "cppdefs.h" at the top on line 1. Otherwise, the conditional for AIR_OCEAN will never executed.

(9) mod_ocean.F: remove the conditional for BBL_MODEL in line 246. That is, change line 246 to:

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# ifdef SEDIMENT
(10) sg_bbl.F: remove # undef SG_LOGINT at line 2 to allow lograrithmic interpolation within the bottom boundary layer when the reference current height is less than sg_z1min.

(11) sg_bbl.F: A comma is missing at the end of the angler argument to routine bblm_tile at line 74.

(12) sg_bbl.F: Add declaration for real scalar cff3 in the local variable declaration section around line 170.

(13) step_floats.F: The shape matching rules of actual arguments and dummy arguments have been violated at line 210 when FLOAT_VWALK is defined.

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      CALL nrng (iseed, nudg(Lstr), Lend-Lstr+1, ierr)

      CALL nrng (iseed, nudg(Lstr:Lend), Lend-Lstr+1, ierr)
(14) step2d.F: correct wrong sign difference in the computation of the barotropic pressure gradient term when VAR_RHO_2D is activated in line 814 :!:

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#if defined VAR_RHO_2D && defined SOLVE3D
     &                     (h(i,j)-h(i,j-1))*                           &


#if defined VAR_RHO_2D && defined SOLVE3D
     &                     (h(i,j-1)-h(i,j))*                           &
(15) wrt_his.F (line 26), wrt_rst.F (line 21), wrt_station.F (line 26): Add conditional to use mod_sediment when BBL_MODEL is activated.

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#if defined SEDIMENT || defined BBL_MODEL
(16) wrt_station.F: Change argument to extract2d. That is, change semicolon to colon in line 865 as follows:

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     &                    scale, OCEAN(ng)%bottom(:,;,i),               &

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