Hi every one
i have run roms model for 3 months of 2010 year with out blow up. But when i run it for 1 month of 2007 i gives me blow up after 17 days ( 16614 step) . It is first time which i faced with blow up. There is not any strange thing in salt and temp distribution in restart file. But for ubar and vbar i have seen some regions with max value about 0.8 m/s speed. i dont know that cause blow up? Would you please guide me to solve this blow up error? And What cause that? Input data or another things?
many thank in advance
Ubar, vbar values of +-0.8 did not cause it to blow up. The criterion for blowing up is a speed greater than 20. It is time for you to look at your u,v fields for such a value.
Dear kate
i looked at u and v fields. I just can find some cells with about 10 m/s speed in 2 surface layers in last time step of restart file and fome some cells about 5 m/s. No thing strange were in temp and salt fields.
But you say that you limit blow up in 20 m/s .
Would you please help me again to solve it
By checking zeta values in restart file, it has about 2 meter value in right side.i thinks that is because of westerly wind which push water to that side. Do you have any suggestion for me to solve it?
Decreasing river cells runoff or other recommend?
The oddest field you've shown us is surface u. You haven't shown us surface stress. Your u-velocity is going bad a just a point or three - how about putting stations there and writing out every timestep? Then you can watch the evolution of it, plus the vertical structure of it.