I thnk management & distribution of the ROMS source with SVN is a good thing. However I would like the process of creating & identifying ROMS releases to be a little more formal than it is at present. I suggest that ROMS use a structure that is widely used elsewhere, eg Mozilla Firefox, Windows

The idea is that the development tree has a trunk containing a recent, but not stable, version of ROMS. Developers like Hernan check out the latest version from the trunk, add new features and check them back in. This is what happens at the moment, I think. The more adenturous ROMS users will keep their copies of the code up to date with this version.
The other part of the scheme is that from time to time (every year perhaps) a release is planned when several new features are reasonably well tested. At an appropriate point (eg, about now) a branch is forked off the trunk. this branch becomes a release version and is subject only to bug fixes (most of which will also be copied back into the trunk). The branch will be preserved indefinitely so that users can rely on a stable, reference version, but with the more sever bugs fixed.. Meanwhile the excitement-loving developers go back to work developing the trunk.
I understand SVN supports this sort of structure, better than CVS because SVN allows tree-wide revisions to be identified.
Is this what you are planning, Hernan?