I am a very new ROMS and CYGWIN user. I am trying to compile ROMS in CYGWIN by,
Make -f CYGWIN-g95.mk
and I get the following message:
Make: *** No targets. Stop.
I beginning to learn about cygwin, cpp, and make, this week.
For eg in th e cppdef.h file, it says
The application CPP flag to run is activated in the **
** makefile. For example, to activate the upwelling example (UPWELLING) **
** set: **
** **
where do I put this "ROMS_APPLICATION ?= UPWELLING" in the make file?
My CYGWIN-g95.mk is given below.
Any help would be appreciated.
# svn $Id$
# Copyright (c) 2002-2007 The ROMS/TOMS Group :::
# Licensed under a MIT/X style license :::
# See License_ROMS.txt :::
# Include file for GNU g95 on Cygwin
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ARPACK_LIBDIR ARPACK libary directory
# FC Name of the fortran compiler to use
# FFLAGS Flags to the fortran compiler
# CPP Name of the C-preprocessor
# CPPFLAGS Flags to the C-preprocessor
# CLEAN Name of cleaning executable after C-preprocessing
# NETCDF_INCDIR NetCDF include directory
# NETCDF_LIBDIR NetCDF libary directory
# LD Program to load the objects into an executable
# LDFLAGS Flags to the loader
# RANLIB Name of ranlib command
# MDEPFLAGS Flags for sfmakedepend (-s if you keep .f files)
# First the defaults
BIN := /cygdrive/c/Programs/ROMS
FC := g95
FFLAGS := -fno-second-underscore -ftrace=full
CPP := /cygdrive/c/Programs/cygwin/bin
CPPFLAGS := -P -traditional
LD := $(FC)
AR := ar
MKDIR := mkdir -p
RM := rm -f
RANLIB := ranlib
PERL := perl
TEST := test
MDEPFLAGS := --cpp --fext=f90 --file=- --objdir=$(SCRATCH_DIR)
# Library locations, can be overridden by environment variables.
MCT_LIBDIR ?= /usr/local/mct/lib
NETCDF_INCDIR ?= /usr/include
NETCDF_LIBDIR ?= /usr/local/lib
LIBS := -L$(NETCDF_LIBDIR) -lnetcdf
ifdef USE_MPI
PARPACK_LIBDIR ?= /usr/local/lib
LIBS += -L$(PARPACK_LIBDIR) -lparpack
ARPACK_LIBDIR ?= /usr/local/lib
LIBS += -L$(ARPACK_LIBDIR) -larpack
FFLAGS += -g -fbounds-check
FFLAGS += -O3 -ffast-math
FFLAGS += -I/usr/local/mct/include
LIBS += -L$(MCT_LIBDIR) -lmct -lmpeu
# Set free form format in source files to allow long string for
# local directory and compilation flags inside the code.
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/mod_ncparam.o: FFLAGS += -ffree-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/mod_strings.o: FFLAGS += -ffree-form
# Supress free format in SWAN source files since there are comments
# beyond column 72.
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/ocpcre.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/ocpids.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/ocpmix.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swancom1.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swancom2.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swancom3.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swancom4.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swancom5.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swanmain.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swanout1.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swanout2.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swanparll.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swanpre1.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swanpre2.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swanser.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swmod1.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swmod2.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
$(SCRATCH_DIR)/swmod3.o: FFLAGS += -ffixed-form
ROMS in CYGWIN using g95
- m.hadfield
- Posts: 521
- Joined: Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:12 am
- Location: NIWA
Start a Bash shell in the directory at the head of your ROMS tree, i.e. the one containing a single file (makefile) and a number of subdirectories (Atmosphere, Compilers, ...). Then type:
You should get a more interesting result
The reason make reported no targets in CYGWIN-g95.mk is that there aren't any. This file contains only platform-specific stuff. It is brought into the make process via an include statement in makefile.
The standard makefile contains
There are various ways to change this. One is to override it from the command line, eg:
PS: You'll need Gnu make version 3.81 or 3.82.
Code: Select all
export FORT=g95

The reason make reported no targets in CYGWIN-g95.mk is that there aren't any. This file contains only platform-specific stuff. It is brought into the make process via an include statement in makefile.
The standard makefile contains
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
- m.hadfield
- Posts: 521
- Joined: Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:12 am
- Location: NIWA
Following on from John's comment, a little more information about how make file variables are set may be helpful here. The relevant part of the Gnu documentation is here:
http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual ... tml#Values
The latest ROMS make files use the "?=" operator to set a lot of their variables, eg:
These will be overridden by values specified on the command line and by environment variables. So to build the BENCHMARK test case compiled with g95 you could do
or you could do
Or you could modify the make file of course, but I think the idea with the new system is that you don't have to do that.
The widespread use of "?=" is pretty recent. Previously most of the same variables were set with the ":=" operator. These could be overridden via the make command line but not by environment variables.
http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual ... tml#Values
The latest ROMS make files use the "?=" operator to set a lot of their variables, eg:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
export FORT=PGI
Code: Select all
The widespread use of "?=" is pretty recent. Previously most of the same variables were set with the ":=" operator. These could be overridden via the make command line but not by environment variables.
- arango
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- Posts: 1372
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Alternatively, you can use the ROMS/Bin/build.sh script to compile your application. There is not need to change the makefile in this case.
My personal applications are structured as follows.
I have a header (ias.h) and a build.sh in each of the above application directories. Notice that you can compile all of the above applications simulataneously. I removed Compilers/MakeDepend today. It is no longer under svn control and it is now located in the build directory specified in SCRATCH_DIR.
My personal applications are structured as follows.
Code: Select all
Projects/ root directory
/ias Intra-America Seas application
/AFTE adjoint finite time eigenmodes
/ADsen adjoint sensitivity
/Data input NetCDF files
/Forward nonlinear model, ensembles
/FTE tangent linear finite time eigenmodes
/IS4DVAR incremental, strong contraint 4DVar
/OP optimal perturbations
/OBS data assimilation observations
/Sanity adjoint/tangent sanity check
/SOsemi stochastic optimals, semi-norm
/Symmetry representer matrix symmetry check
/W4DPSAS weak constraint, 4D-PSAS
/W4DVAR weak constrain, indirect representers