Dear all,
I should be doing something wrong but I can't find out so any help is welcome.
I develop a 3D ROMS (version 3.7) configuration of the european coast forced with ERA-interim fields and bulk formula with horizontal resolution of 20km and 30 vertical layers. I get what looks like a checkerboard instability growing within a few days leading the model to blow up. I tried different boundary conditions, including closing all boundaries and this has no impact on the instability. I tried different viscosities, harmonic, biharmonic, smagorinsky the only way to get rid of the instability is to put the viscosity around 100 times bigger than what I would except at this resolution (for instance a harmonic viscosity of 10^5 m^2/s is necessary...). I also tried smoothing the bottom topography a lot with no impact.
Please find bellow an example plot of the instability and part of the log file.
Thank you for your help,
### parts of the log file ###
Physical Parameters, Grid: 01
291840 ntimes Number of timesteps for 3-D equations.
30.000 dt Timestep size (s) for 3-D equations.
3 ndtfast Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between
each 3D timestep.
1 ERstr Starting ensemble/perturbation run number.
1 ERend Ending ensemble/perturbation run number.
0 nrrec Number of restart records to read from disk.
T LcycleRST Switch to recycle time-records in restart file.
28800 nRST Number of timesteps between the writing of data
into restart fields.
1 ninfo Number of timesteps between print of information
to standard output.
T ldefout Switch to create a new output NetCDF file(s).
720 nHIS Number of timesteps between the writing fields
into history file.
1 ntsAVG Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged data.
28800 nAVG Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into averages file.
1 ntsDIA Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged diagnostics data.
720 nDIA Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into diagnostics file.
1.0000E+02 nl_tnu2(01) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for tracer 01: temp
1.0000E+02 nl_tnu2(02) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for tracer 02: salt
1.0000E+03 nl_visc2 NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for momentum.
F LuvSponge Turning OFF sponge on horizontal momentum.
F LtracerSponge(01) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 01: temp
F LtracerSponge(02) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 02: salt
1.0000E-05 Akt_bak(01) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
1.0000E-05 Akt_bak(02) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
1.0000E-04 Akv_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
3.0000E-04 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/s).
3.0000E-03 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient.
2.0000E-02 Zob Bottom roughness (m).
2.0000E+00 blk_ZQ Height (m) of surface air humidity measurement.
2.0000E+00 blk_ZT Height (m) of surface air temperature measurement.
1.0000E+01 blk_ZW Height (m) of surface winds measurement.
5 lmd_Jwt Jerlov water type.
2 Vtransform S-coordinate transformation equation.
4 Vstretching S-coordinate stretching function.
7.0000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter.
2.0000E+00 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter.
50.000 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (m) used
in vertical coordinate stretching.
1025.000 rho0 Mean density (kg/m3) for Boussinesq approximation.
16451.000 dstart Time-stamp assigned to model initialization (days).
19480101.00 time_ref Reference time for units attribute (yyyymmdd.dd)
3.6000E+02 Tnudg(01) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 01: temp
3.6000E+02 Tnudg(02) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 02: salt
3.6000E+02 Znudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for free-surface.
3.6000E+02 M2nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 2D momentum.
3.6000E+02 M3nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 3D momentum.
3.6000E+01 obcfac Factor between passive and active
open boundary conditions.
T VolCons(1) NLM western edge boundary volume conservation.
T VolCons(2) NLM southern edge boundary volume conservation.
T VolCons(3) NLM eastern edge boundary volume conservation.
T VolCons(4) NLM northern edge boundary volume conservation.
10.000 T0 Background potential temperature (C) constant.
35.000 S0 Background salinity (PSU) constant.
-1.000 gamma2 Slipperiness variable: free-slip (1.0) or
no-slip (-1.0).
Lateral Boundary Conditions: NLM
Variable Grid West Edge South Edge East Edge North Edge
--------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
zeta 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed
ubar 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed
vbar 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed
u 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed
v 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed
temp 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed
salt 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed
Activated C-preprocessing Options:
NORTH_SEA4 Extended North Sea, 0.25deg Resolution
ANA_BSFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux.
ANA_BTFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux.
ANA_SRFLUX Analytical kinematic shortwave radiation flux.
ASSUMED_SHAPE Using assumed-shape arrays.
AVERAGES Writing out time-averaged nonlinear model fields.
BULK_FLUXES Surface bulk fluxes parameterization.
CURVGRID Orthogonal curvilinear grid.
DIAGNOSTICS_UV Computing and writing momentum diagnostic terms.
DIURNAL_SRFLUX Modulate shortwave radiation by the local diurnal cycle.
DOUBLE_PRECISION Double precision arithmetic.
EMINUSP Compute Salt Flux using E-P.
LMD_BKPP KPP bottom boundary layer mixing.
LMD_CONVEC LMD convective mixing due to shear instability.
LMD_DDMIX LMD double-diffusive mixing.
LMD_MIXING Large/McWilliams/Doney interior mixing.
LMD_NONLOCAL LMD convective nonlocal transport.
LMD_RIMIX LMD diffusivity due to shear instability.
LMD_SKPP KPP surface boundary layer mixing.
LONGWAVE Compute net longwave radiation internally.
MASKING Land/Sea masking.
MIX_ISO_TS Mixing of tracers along isopycnal surfaces.
MIX_S_UV Mixing of momentum along constant S-surfaces.
MPI MPI distributed-memory configuration.
NONLINEAR Nonlinear Model.
NONLIN_EOS Nonlinear Equation of State for seawater.
POWER_LAW Power-law shape time-averaging barotropic filter.
PRSGRD31 Standard density Jacobian formulation (Song, 1998).
PROFILE Time profiling activated .
RI_HORAVG Smooth Richardson number horizontally.
RI_VERAVG Smooth Richardson number vertically.
RHO_SURF Include difference between rho0 and surface density.
!RST_SINGLE Double precision fields in restart NetCDF file.
SALINITY Using salinity.
SOLVE3D Solving 3D Primitive Equations.
TS_C4HADVECTION Fourth-order centered horizontal advection of tracers.
TS_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of tracers.
TS_DIF2 Harmonic mixing of tracers.
UV_ADV Advection of momentum.
UV_COR Coriolis term.
UV_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of 3D momentum.
UV_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of momentum.
UV_QDRAG Quadratic bottom stress.
UV_VIS2 Harmonic mixing of momentum.
VAR_RHO_2D Variable density barotropic mode.
Checkerboard instability
Checkerboard instability
- Attachments
- Plot_SSH.pdf
- (84.19 KiB) Downloaded 678 times
Re: Checkerboard instability
i cant download the attachment because my computer is being overly secure. but did you activate
#define N2S2_HORAVG
#define N2S2_HORAVG
Re: Checkerboard instability
Dear jcwarner,
For the moment I am using LMD_MIXING so from what I understand N2S2_HORAVG is not used in this case.
But I am going to try GLS_MIXING with N2S2_HORAVG maybe it solves my issue.
Thanks for the tip,
For the moment I am using LMD_MIXING so from what I understand N2S2_HORAVG is not used in this case.
But I am going to try GLS_MIXING with N2S2_HORAVG maybe it solves my issue.
Thanks for the tip,
Re: Checkerboard instability
Using GLS vertical mixing parameterization with standard k-epsilon implementation and N2S2_HORAVG does not remove the instability.
Re: Checkerboard instability
It seems to me that for 20 km, you ought to be able to use a longer timestep. This is what I use for an 11 km domain:
alsoplus using the third-order upwind advection to keep things smoother:
ETA: Woah, bizarre plot. Can you plot it earlier to see where it originates from? It appears to be in all the deep water, so I'd try a shorter barotropic timestep.
Code: Select all
DT == 225.0d0
Code: Select all
TNU2 == 5.0d0 5.0d0 ! m2/s
VISC2 == 25.0d0 ! m2/s
Code: Select all
Re: Checkerboard instability
A checkerboard instability pattern is due horizontal diffusion/viscosity. Look at your time step relative to the grid spacing and horizontal diffusivity. With laplacian horizontal diffusivity A dt / dx^2 needs to be less than 1 (maybe 1/2) depending on the time stepping scheme. With variable horizontal diffusivity choices, look for the largest diffusivity/viscosity. Vertical diffusion is done implicitly, so it is unlikely that this pattern is due to a vertical subgridscale model.
Re: Checkerboard instability
You only have 3 time steps of the barotropic mode for every baroclinic time step. So the S-shaped time filter that averages fast-time-step (barotropic) zeta to the slow time step has very few weights. Most users have NDTFAST no less than 20, and typically 30 or more.3 ndtfast Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between
The vast majority of the test cases use the splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2000) activated with #define DJ_GRADPS. I suggest you switch to this option to decrease pressure gradient truncation errors.PRSGRD31 Standard density Jacobian formulation (Song, 1998).
But I'm pretty sure your problem is NDTFAST.
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559
Re: Checkerboard instability
The problem is solved! It was indeed NDTFAST, I sought it was the barotropic time step in seconds so I was decreasing it to remove the instability which made things worse.
Thank you for your help!
Thank you for your help!