treatment of rivers

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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treatment of rivers

#1 Unread post by shrikantmp »

Hi ROMS users

This question is about the mathematical treatment of rivers in ROMS. If rivers are treated as active boundary conditions, to which equations they act as boundary conditions? One equation would obviously be the salinity transport equation. But river runoff does impart some momentum to the ocean and also adds mass to the domain. How is this taken into consideration? Which equations are modified and how are they modified because of the rivers. I tried to know it by looking at the code, but it was very difficult for me. I also went through the book by Griffies, but he treats rivers as boundary conditions at the surface. I request experts on the subject to help me understand the treatment of rivers in ROMS or suggest some reading.
Thanks in Advance.


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Re: treatment of rivers

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

there is a lot of information on this forum and on the wiki here:

rivers do impart momentum and you can have them impose tracers.

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