The problem is that binning is determined by the minimum observation grid coordinate:
Code: Select all
% Compute the index in each dimension of the grid cell in which the
% observation is located.
Xbin = 1.0 + floor((V.Xgrid - Xmin) ./ dx);
Ybin = 1.0 + floor((V.Ygrid - Ymin) ./ dy);
Zbin = 1.0 + floor((V.Zgrid - Zmin) ./ dz);
Here, we have two surveys, 3 observations each. Within each survey, all observations have the same y- and z-coordinate and the same timestamp, the observations only differ in their x-coordinate. In the first survey, the x-coordinates are 4.0, 13.0-0.000001, 13.0+0.000001, in the second survey they are 4.5, 13.0-0.000001, 13.0+0.000001 (identical, except for the first observation). So, within each survey, the second and third observation are very close to each other and very close to the center of a rho-point. After running super_obs, the two close observations are not merged together in the first survey but in the second they are. It is the x-coordinate of the first observation that determines Xmin and hence the way observations are merged.
Here is the example in action, the code to run it is given below (note that matlab prints "13.0-0.000001" as "13.0000").
Code: Select all
>> test_super_obs
before super-obing:
Sinp =
time: [1 1 1 2 2 2]
Xgrid: [4 13.0000 13.0000 4.5000 13.0000 13.0000]
Ygrid: [10 10 10 10 10 10]
Zgrid: [42 42 42 42 42 42]
survey_time: [1 2]
Nsurvey: 2
Nobs: [3 3]
value: [10 10 10 10 10 10]
type: [7 7 7 7 7 7]
depth: [42 42 42 42 42 42]
error: [1 1 1 1 1 1]
ncfile: 'example'
grid_Lm_Mm_N: [1 2 3]
variance: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
spherical: 0
after super-obing:
Sout =
ncfile: 'example'
Nsurvey: 2
Nstate: 7
Ndatum: 5
spherical: 0
Nobs: [3 2]
survey_time: [1 2]
variance: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
type: [7 7 7 7 7]
time: [1 1 1 2 2]
Xgrid: [4 13.0000 13.0000 4.5000 13]
Ygrid: [10 10 10 10 10]
Zgrid: [42 42 42 42 42]
depth: [42 42 42 42 42]
error: [1 1 1 1 1]
value: [10 10 10 10 10]
std: [0 0 0 0 0]
grid_Lm_Mm_N: [1 2 3]
Binning will always bin certain points together and others not. However, it is probably more beneficial to align the bins with the rho-points instead of having them be determined by observation locations. An alternative binning procedure would hence be (the dx=dy=dz=1.0 were removed here but they can easily be added again):
Code: Select all
% Compute the index in each dimension of the grid cell in which the
% observation is located.
Xbin = 1.0 + round(V.Xgrid);
Ybin = 1.0 + round(V.Ygrid);
Zbin = 1.0 + round(V.Zgrid);
Code: Select all
function test_super_obs()
% add path to location of repository
Sinp.time = [1, 1, 1 2, 2, 2];
Sinp.Xgrid = [4.0, 13.0-0.000001, 13.0+0.000001, 4.5, 13.0-0.000001, 13.0+0.000001];
Sinp.Ygrid = 10.0*ones(size(Sinp.Xgrid));
Sinp.Zgrid = 42.0*ones(size(Sinp.Xgrid));
% initialize survey-related variables appropriately
Sinp.survey_time = unique(Sinp.time);
Sinp.Nsurvey = numel(Sinp.survey_time);
Sinp.Nobs = zeros(1,Sinp.Nsurvey);
for isurvey = 1:Sinp.Nsurvey
Sinp.Nobs(isurvey) = sum(Sinp.time==Sinp.survey_time(isurvey));
% the rest of the fields are necessary for super_obs to run but their values do not influence the super-obing
Sinp.value = 10.0*ones(size(Sinp.Xgrid));
Sinp.type = 7*ones(size(Sinp.Xgrid));
Sinp.depth = Sinp.Zgrid;
Sinp.error = ones(size(Sinp.Xgrid));
Sinp.ncfile = 'example';
Sinp.grid_Lm_Mm_N = [1,2,3];
Sinp.variance = ones(1,7);
Sinp.spherical = 0;
% print values and run super_obs
fprintf('before super-obing:\n')
Sout = super_obs(Sinp);
fprintf('after super-obing:\n')