Error while loading pyroms package

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Error while loading pyroms package

#1 Unread post by novice »

Hi Forum,
I am getting the following disappointing error :( while loading the pyroms package in my Linux system. I have installed all the prerequisites of this package. I reinstalled many times but still i can't figure out what is causing this error. Any suggestions will be helpful

File "/home/local/PyROMS/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms/remapping/", line 10, in <module>
from remap2 import remap2
ImportError: No module named remap2

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Re: Error while loading pyroms package

#2 Unread post by kate »

Right you are. Simply comment out that line of

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Re: Error while loading pyroms package

#3 Unread post by novice »

Hi, Kate
As you suggested, I commented out that line and similarly couple of other lines and finally pyromstools is working. I was trying to use the script for creating the Boundary condition files from Hycom data. I am facing a problem with the indexing of Longitude for subsetting the equatorial Indian ocean region for which the longitude ranges from 30E to 120E. The hycom longitudes starts around 74E which makes the continuous indexing impossible for me :roll: . I would be grateful if you can point out any solution for this. Thanking You..

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Re: Error while loading pyroms package

#4 Unread post by kate »

You can extract the full range of longitude and tell scrip that your fields are periodic in x.

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Re: Error while loading pyroms package

#5 Unread post by novice »

Hi Kate,
Unfortunately I couldn't find out exactly where I can do "tell scrip that your fields are periodic in x" as you suggested. I am still in learning stage of python and I would be grateful if you can point out this.

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Re: Error while loading pyroms package

#6 Unread post by kate »

I had to look it up myself. It's when you make the remap weights with scrip (which we'll change out to ESMF as soon as someone gets around to it). Specifically, the Arctic examples have things like:

Code: Select all

pyroms.remapping.compute_remap_weights(grid1_file, grid2_file, \
              interp_file1, interp_file2, map1_name, \
              map2_name, num_maps, map_method, \
              grid1_periodic='.true.', grid2_periodic='.true.')
where the gridx_periodic means the grid is periodic. It sounds like only one of your grids will be periodic - leave the ROMS grid non-periodic.

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Re: Error while loading pyroms package

#7 Unread post by novice »

Hi Kate,
While trying to create boundary files using script, I got really stuck with the following error :shock:
Creating boundary file /home/skyland/PyROMS/pyroms-master/examples/ASB_HYCOM/Bry_Files/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 80, in <module>
results =, lst_file)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 251, in map
return self.map_async(func, iterable, chunksize).get()
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 567, in get
raise self._value
IOError: No such file or directory
Creating variable zeta_north
Can you please comment on the possible reasons for this error. Thanking you in advance.

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Re: Error while loading pyroms package

#8 Unread post by kate »

I would start here:
IOError: No such file or directory
The script should mention a list of source files - do you have the right path for everything?

You are using the multiprocessing version of this thing. I find the serial version to be easier to debug, giving more useful stack traces on errors.

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Re: Error while loading pyroms package

#9 Unread post by novice »

Hi Kate,
Thanks for your suggestion, I could solve the error by specifying the proper scrip weights file for creating boundary files from HYCOM data :) . But I can't figure out how to specify the open boundaries in my domain. My domain is proper north-south, east-west oriented with the southern and eastern boundaries open. But the created boundary files does not have any values for the variables in the southern open boundary (Eastern side has values). :shock: . I would be grateful if you can give any suggestions on this problem. Thanks again.

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Re: Error while loading pyroms package

#10 Unread post by kate »

In my experience, it's all in the weights files, built from the grid files. The code will create fields for all four sides of the domain and will have some fillValue where there's land mask along the edge of your domain. You can't have a land mask where you want it to be open.

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