Does ROMS have ESMF interface to couple with other models?

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Does ROMS have ESMF interface to couple with other models?

#1 Unread post by zhangxin »

Hi all,

I am a green-hand to ROMS. I am going to couple ROMS with a ESMFlized atmospheric model. Although ROMS follows the ESMF convention, but I can't find where is the ESMF routines in ROMS.

I am wondering that the ROMS can be easily coupled with a ESMFlized climate component?

I appreciate your any suggestion and comment.

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#2 Unread post by arango »

We are currently working on the ESMF interface for coupling. It will be available in the future. This is a little tricky because ESMF is quite verbose and we have to provide the interpolation infrastructure.

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#3 Unread post by kate »

I hear that Natalie Perlin is working on this. Meanwhile, people at NCAR are working on coupling ROMS and WRF to CCSM as regional models within a global climate model. Once this works within their MCT system, the ESMF coupling will soon follow since we are working closely with one of the ESMF team on the ROMS coupling.

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#4 Unread post by arango »

Yes, I am aware that others are trying to do this. John Warner already has ROMS and WRF working with MCT. The ESMF coupling is not as trivial as you may think. There are several layers that need to be coded on top of the models that are coupled. In ROMS, it requires a restructure of the top layer. This has to be done very carefully to not break the adjoint algorithms. I am coding the interface routines now. By the way, we also need to code the interpolation routines between models and its parallelization. ESMF doesn't provide full support for this.

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