A compiling problem about OA package

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A compiling problem about OA package

#1 Unread post by zhouwei »

I am trying to compile OA package in Fedora 7 with gfortran compiler, I typed this command and got the following errors.

Code: Select all

[zhouwei@localhost oa]$ make -f Makefile.Gnu 
g77 -DNO_EXIT -g -O2 -o /home/zhouwei/bin/oa oamain.o acor.o asm.o atg.o bcintrp.o bcucof.o caldate.o day_code.o def_oa.o dhlev.o diagn.o down_shift.o dynht.o exitus.o filter.o geodesic_dist.o get_date.o get_clima.o get_grid.o get_dynht.o get_obs.o gregorian.o hindices.o ierinv.o indepen.o inside.o invmtx.o lintrp.o lenstr.o locate.o lubksb.o ludcmp.o oamean.o oapar.o objan.o outlier.o ptem.o press.o qtrap.o readhydro.o remove.o se_grid.o selectclm.o selectobs.o sort.o svafunc.o svan.o svel.o trapzd.o trend.o trendcoef.o try_range.o xclima.o xhydro.o -lnetcdf
/bin/bash: g77: command not found
make: *** [oa] Error 127
I don't have g77 in my machine.I have no idea how to solve it and whether I need to install g77?
Thank you in advance.

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#2 Unread post by kate »

Edit Makefile.Gnu to change g77 into gfortran.

Posts: 29
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#3 Unread post by zhouwei »

Thank you very much for your reply,Kate.
Recently ,I was trying to compile the initial package ,but the following errors appeared:

Code: Select all

gfortran -c -DNO_EXIT -g -O2 get_date.F
 In file get_date.F:111

Error: Symbol 'mon' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
make: *** [get_date.o] Error 1
I have no idea how to solve it,.Has anyone had a similar problem and found a way to fix it?
Thanks in advance.

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#4 Unread post by kate »

This is what happens when you use "implicit none" and forget to declare a variable. Up at the top in the variables section, add the line "integer mon".

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