I am trying to set up a very simple first test case for the implementation of the sediment tool into my ROMS model. I want a 1m layer of sand with the typical sand properties (high porosity, no cohesion etc.) evenly distributed throughout the domain with closed borders and and no suspension in the water column as an initial state. I used the sediment in file and ANA_SEDIMENT in order to set this up. I set 1 bed layer and one non-cohesive tracer in the ocean in file. The sediments then shall be eroded, suspended, transported and re-deposited according to the bottom circulation and the parameters set in the sediment in file. I thought this was quite a straightforward approach.
However, when running the case I receive an error about a missing input variable "sand_01_sflux". It confused me since I do not intent to have any surface influx of sand...
What am I missing? I'd appreciate any hints!
Thanks! Switching on ANA_SPFLUX was the solution. I have an open vertical boundary so I didn't even consider switching on any of the surface flux analyticals. For the passive tracers, however, it makes perfectly sense. Thank you again!