High water speed values in hisfile

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High water speed values in hisfile

#1 Unread post by Scarlett »

Hi everybody:
My model blown up at 55 days, apparently the cause is near the coast...
the history file has very high water speed values (example 5x10^36).
This is a part of the matrix, where you can appreciate the extreme velocity values near the coast
Does anyone have any suggestions, how to correct this?
Thanks in advance.


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Re: High water speed values in hisfile

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

how about looking at some forcing variables near those locations. what does sustr svstr zeta rho look like?? something is making the water move.

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Re: High water speed values in hisfile

#3 Unread post by Scarlett »

Hi John!
I don't have problem with zeta, rho, temp, salt, etc... but sustr, svstr, u and v have values of the order 5-7e+36. Is possible that this was a mask problem?
Is this would cause that the model blow-up? Taking into consideration the following:
"At the end of every time step, the values of many variables within the masked region are set to zero
by multiplying by the mask for either the u, v or ρ points"
I also attachment the logfile
(24.18 MiB) Downloaded 462 times
Thanks in advance.

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Re: High water speed values in hisfile

#4 Unread post by jcwarner »

the error at the end of the output log is

132000 0001-02-25 00:00:00.00 1.203129E-02 7.265249E+03 7.265261E+03 5.839635E+14
(075,001,15) 7.890818E-04 3.869123E-03 2.404095E-02 1.595520E+00

NETCDF_PUT_FVAR_1D - error while writing variable: ocean_time
in input file: /media/STORAGE/prueba_forc_build/ocean_his.nc
call from: wrt_his.F

I am not sure what this is really telling you. it might be a symptom of something else. Can you make sure the disk is not full or nothing else is strange for the ocean_his.nc file.

For the values of high stress and currents - if you ncview the his file, are those high coastal values there for a long time? it is strange the roms is not writing out a warning for those large values. How did you do the masking in the grid file?

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Re: High water speed values in hisfile

#5 Unread post by Scarlett »

Dear John,
Thanks for your reply!
Can you make sure the disk is not full or nothing else is strange for the ocean_his.nc file.
The disk has enough space to write, what other thing could be strange?

For the values of high stress and currents - if you ncview the his file, are those high coastal values there for a long time?
There aren't values of high stress and currents, the 5-7e+36 value is the FillValue.
How did you do the masking in the grid file?
please find attached the gridfile
(5.42 MiB) Downloaded 411 times
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

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Re: High water speed values in hisfile

#6 Unread post by 19zsheng »

Dear Scarlett,

I have had similar problems, My model blew up at 10 days, apparently due to high water velocity values in historical files near the North and South border.

Have you solved this problem? Could you give me some advice?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

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