Correct CPP options to use ANA_WWAVE?

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Correct CPP options to use ANA_WWAVE?

#1 Unread post by aryansafaie »

Dear ROMS Community,

I'm using ana_wwave.h to specify significant wave height, direction, and bottom period.
However, I can't seem to figure out the correct CPP def's to activate;
simply defining ANA_WWAVE fails at compilation, because the variables within ana_wwave.h
of Hwave, Dwave, and Pwave_bot are not instantiated.

In short, does anyone have any experience using ana_wwave.h and NOT coupling to SWAN?


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Re: Correct CPP options to use ANA_WWAVE?

#2 Unread post by nirnimesh »

Hi Aryan,

Can you please clarify if you are using ROMS or COAWST? If former, I am not sure if ANA_WWAVE is completely tested to be able to provide one-way wave-current interaction. If you are using COAWST then you can provide an input forcing file with your choice of wave input. In this case you will not define wave dissipation from another model, neither would you define wave dissipation based on Thornton & Guza/ Church and Thornton. Happy to provide more clarifications if needed.


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Re: Correct CPP options to use ANA_WWAVE?

#3 Unread post by aryansafaie »

Hi Nirnimesh,

Thank you for your reply.
I'm using ROMS, and I'm trying to figure out the least complex (in terms of model coupling) method of simulating the effects surface gravity waves in my simulations. ANA_WWAVE seemed promising, though I realize now I need to pay more attention to the bottom bl model I specify (based on There is a sediment toy problem that can likely provide clues also, so I'll dig a little deeper into that and report back.

Thanks again,

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Re: Correct CPP options to use ANA_WWAVE?

#4 Unread post by jcwarner »

The ana_wwave is for hwave, dwave, pwave_bot _top, etc = from wind waves, ie periods from ~ 2 to 20 seconds. Is this the wave band that you are interested in? when i hear 'gravity waves' i usually think of longer periods, but just wanted to make sure you knew what we intended for the names.

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Re: Correct CPP options to use ANA_WWAVE?

#5 Unread post by aryansafaie »

Thanks for the heads up Dr. Warner. I think I'm on the right track now.

If it's any help to anyone, here's what I did:

My CPP defs were modified to include ana_wave.h and all the necessary dependencies therein to specify wave height, length, top period (bottom period is for moveable bed i.e. sediment applications when you have one of those SG, SSW, or MB BBL formulas activated, which isn't what I'm interested) :

Code: Select all

#define ANA_WWAVE
#define WAVES_HEIGHT        /* turn on to specify wave height */
#define WAVES_TOP_PERIOD    /* turn on to specify wave top period */
#define WAVES_LENGTH       /* turn on to specify wavelength */

Then I also activated terms in to compute radiation stress, based on Mellor, George L. "The depth-dependent current and wave interaction equations: a revision." Journal of Physical Oceanography 38.11 (2008): 2587-2596.

Code: Select all

#define NEARSHORE_MELLOR     /* use to activate radiation stress terms and wave direction in ROMS. */
#define NEARSHORE_MELLOR08  /* use to specify form of radiation stress terms (Mellor 2008). */
Finally, I selected one pair of formulations for TKE injection from wave breaking + surface roughness: either Charnok + Craig&Banner (based on Craig and Banner 1994), or TKE_WAVEDISS + ZOS_HSIG (based on Umlauf and Burchard 2003 & Stacey, Michael W. "Simulation of the wind-forced near-surface circulation in Knight Inlet: A parameterization of the roughness length." Journal of Physical Oceanography 29.6 (1999): 1363-1367.)

Code: Select all

#define CRAIG_BANNER        /* use if Craig and Banner wave breaking surface flux */
#undef TKE_WAVEDISS        /* use if wave breaking surface flux from wave amplitude */
#define CHARNOK             /* use if Charnok surface roughness from wind stress */
#undef ZOS_HSIG            /* use if surface roughness from wave amplitude */
As mentioned by others before me, the following papers are very useful:
Kumar, Nirnimesh, et al. "Implementation of the vortex force formalism in the coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system for inner shelf and surf zone applications." Ocean Modelling 47 (2012): 65-95.

Carniel, Sandro, et al. "Investigating the impact of surface wave breaking on modeling the trajectories of drifters in the northern Adriatic Sea during a wind-storm event." Ocean Modelling 30.2-3 (2009): 225-239.

And the following forum posts also help out:

Thanks again John and Nirnimesh!

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