2004 ROMS/TOMS Workshop T-shirt

Discussion about Ocean Modeling Communities Meetings, Workshops and Events.

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2004 ROMS/TOMS Workshop T-shirt

#1 Unread post by robertson »

We would like to order T-shirts for the ROMS/TOMS Workshop. Unfortunately, our budget will not allow us to offer the shirts free of charge. Instead, we would like to take orders from those interested in purchasing such a shirt. The cost will be between 16 and 20 U.S. Dollars. To insure that we can get the shirts in time, we need to hear from all those interested by Friday, September 17th. Please email arango@marine.rutgers.edu with the quantity and size(s) you wish to order.

The links below show what we have in mind for the shirt.

Front image detail
Back image detail

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Listing affiliations on ROMS logo is a bad idea

#2 Unread post by rsignell »

ROMS Chiefs,

IMHO, listing affiliations on the ROMS logo (Rutgers, UCLA, U Colorado, etc) is a bad idea. One of the great things about ROMS is that it truly feels like a community model, where ideas and contributions are rapidly incorporated into something that feels like "ours". Even it's name, "Regional Ocean Modeling System" suggests this lack of institutional identity. I believe that listing a few collaborators could discourage future collaborations by those not on the list.

My $.02,

Rich Signell

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#3 Unread post by wilkin »

Rich makes a good point about institutional 'ownership' of the ROMS brand. We could easily modify the T-shirt logo and replace the institution list with

"European Workshop, Venice, October 2004"
"European Workshop, Venezia, Ottobre 2004"
(Jacopo's translation)

and debate other sensitivities of this issue later.


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#4 Unread post by jacopo »

why not simply replace with
"1st Europen Workshop, Venice, 2004" ?

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#5 Unread post by arango »

Good point. We used an old logo that we have. This logo is out of date. Indeed, the are more users and institutions helping us in the development and improvement of ROMS. We really appreciate your support.

I think that we should use "Research Community" in the ROMS logo and "Operational Community" in the TOMS logo.

We appologize for the oversight, H

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