restart file error

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restart file error

#1 Unread post by venuscheung »

I have coupled WW3 and ROMS and wanna restart the computation. however, error comes out that it cant read
the question is i dont have this file but I do not know how can i solve the problem...
the attached are the files might can help
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Re: restart file error

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

well, the cpp options says

Activated C-preprocessing Options:
SANDY Hurricane Sandy
AVERAGES Writing out time-averaged nonlinear model fields

so it is looking to do the averages, and since it is a restart, it is looking to add to the existing avg restart.
If you dont want averages, then undef the avg options and recompile.

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Re: restart file error

#3 Unread post by kate »

I think this is actually a ROMS issue. I had a recent run fail the same way. I "fixed" it by changing DSTART to an earlier date. I was reading a restart file and had changed DSTART to match the restart time - that's the job that failed. The job that ran didn't need to read an averages file (I didn't have any there).


Re: restart file error

#4 Unread post by venuscheung »

Hi all,
Thank you very much and the problem is solved.
However, I would like to ask how to determine the DT and DTFAST, I am now using DT=150s and DTSFAST=30, yet it might be too computational inefficient so I would like to know how to find the best timestep.
Thank you.

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Re: restart file error

#5 Unread post by kate »

Trial and error? My runs can go for months, then suddenly blow up. It is often an instability in momentum, in the middle of the water column, just at one point. In that case, trying a shorter timestep gets me through it.

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