problem with using analytical climatology

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problem with using analytical climatology

#1 Unread post by xupeng66 »


Here is a problem I have with using analytical climatology. I got the following error message when I set 'LnudgeM2CLM == T' in

"Attempt to use pointer UBARCLM when it is not associated with a target".

It seems that the analytical climatology defined in ana_m2clima.h is not correctly set up. Does anyone know what is going on?

My cpp options are as follows
#define SOLVE3D
28 # define UV_ADV
29 # define UV_COR
30 # define UV_QDRAG
31 # define UV_VIS2
32 # define MIX_S_UV
33 # define DJ_GRADPS
34 # define SPLINES_VVISC
35 # define TS_DIF2
36 # define MIX_GEO_TS
37 # define ANA_GRID
38 # define ANA_INITIAL
39 # define ANA_SMFLUX
40 # define ANA_STFLUX
41 # define ANA_BTFLUX
42 # define ANA_VMIX
43 # define ANA_FSOBC
44 # define ANA_M2OBC
45 # define ANA_M3OBC
46 # define ANA_NUDGCOEF
47 # define RADIATION_2D
48 # define ANA_M2CLIMA
52 #endif

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Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2010 3:38 pm
Location: University of Washington

Re: problem with using analytical climatology

#2 Unread post by xupeng66 »

I think I have solved the problem. It turns out that I did not turn on the logical switch "Lm2CLM" in my file. I had thought that that switch only needed to be turned on when reading climatology data from an external netcdf file. I now see that that switch needs to be on when using analytical climatology as well, otherwise set_data.F will not call subroutine 'ana_m2clima' and hence the analytical climatology data will not be properly set up.

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