Could I repeat the simulation forced by bulk flux by using its output?

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Could I repeat the simulation forced by bulk flux by using its output?

#1 Unread post by yj7054 »

Dear all,

Thanks for your help in advance.

If I output shflux, swrad, sustr, svstr, evaporation and rain at every timestep from my experiment which is forced by bulk flux, can I get the identical results by using these output variables when I turn off the BULK_FLUX?

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Re: Could I repeat the simulation forced by bulk flux by using its output?

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

there was someone else who asked this, but i cant find that set of posts.
I dont think it worked for them. some reasons might be that the swrad penetrates below the ocean surface, this effects the mixing and shear etc. and that affects the computed su/vstr. Then if you drive the model with the pre-computed su/vstr, those values may yield slightly different stresses. not sure if that is completely true, would need to ponder on it some more.

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Re: Could I repeat the simulation forced by bulk flux by using its output?

#3 Unread post by kate »

Also, it depends on the frequency of the forcing. I'm using three-hourly forcing files and if I were to apply them as daily averages from the ROMS output, that would be different.

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Re: Could I repeat the simulation forced by bulk flux by using its output?

#4 Unread post by yj7054 »

Thanks for your comments.

I am still working on it and I aim to get a similar result (cannot expect identical) by using the output fluxes.

I have another question about the relationship of output variable 'ssflux' and input variable 'swflux'.

As described in varinfo.dat:

Code: Select all

'ssflux'                                           ! Output
  'surface net salt flux, (E-P)*SALT'
  'meter second-1'                                 ! [PSU m/s]
  'surface net salt flux, scalar, series'

'swflux'                                           ! Input
  'surface net freswater flux, (E-P)'
  'centimeter day-1'                               ! Input:  [m/s]
  'surface net salt flux, scalar, series'          ! [PSU m/s]
  1.157407d-7                                      ! 0.01/86400

The unit of 'ssflux' is PSU*m/s, and the unit of 'swflux' is cm/day? To get the required 'swflux', the output 'ssflux' should be divided by the surface salinity? Is that right?


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