ROMS 2.0 Released

ROMS Code Release Announcements

Moderators: arango, robertson

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ROMS 2.0 Released

#1 Unread post by arango »

Dear ROMS users,

As many of you already know, we have been working on a new version of ROMS for more than a year. This is a complete upgrade to ROMS. The new version, also know as TOMS (Terrain-following Ocean Modeling System), has been developed under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Ocean Modeling and Prediction Program. Their interest and funding of this project to Rutgers, Princeton, UCLA and others is greatly appreciated.

This is the official release of ROMS 2.0 to the entire ROMS community. Beta versions of this new code were released to the beta testers on January 16th. Many thanks to all who reported bugs and fixes. Special thanks to Mark Hadfield, Kate Hedstrom, John Warner and others for helping us to test and improve this version.

There are still some issues in the code that need to be resolved and improved. For more details see technical release information at: ... model=roms

Extensive work has been done for the tangent linear and adjoint version of ROMS. However, those models will be released at later date. We are quite satisfied with our development and testing of the adjoint codes. We are now working on the variational assimilation (4DVAR, representers) and ensemble forecasting. We submitted a paper to Ocean Modelling describing ROMS adjoint development and applications.

You must login to the ROMS site: ... model=roms

in order to access this new code. If you have not logged into the ROMS website in the last few months you will be asked to choose a new username. We suggest that you do not user your email address for this new username as you will not be allowed to change your username once you choose one. If you email has changed you can update it once you login. Choosing a username also gives you access to the forum where further discussions, bug notices, etc. will be posted.

** WARNING: If we find that you have provided bogus information in order to gain access to the code you will be removed from the user database and thus lose access to the ROMS code and other ROMS resources. **

Good Luck and Happy Computing ... H

P.S. For those planning to attend the 2003 users workshop, see you in Seattle

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