Problem in getting started with SWAN+ROMS

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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Problem in getting started with SWAN+ROMS

#1 Unread post by neelbasak08 »

Greetings !

I have been using ROMS for just over a month now. I wanted to use SWAN(only) model along with my ROMS model for my work. I tried to find as to what are the processes and how to inculcate SWAN into my ROMS model according to this but I am not sure what are the steps that need to be followed. I have the following questions regarding SWAN:
  • What should I be defining in my ROMS model header .h file for using SWAN ? Do I just need to define SWAN_COUPLING along with my other parameters defined in .h file ?
    Do I need to create a separate grid for SWAN or I can work with same grid which I prepared for ROMS ?
    Do I need to compile file again and what changes I need to make there ?
    I am using wind and tidal forcing in my ROMS model. Do I need to define it separately for SWAN ?
    What are the changes I need to make in my ROMS .in file and do I need some other .in file for using SWAN along with ROMS ?
I am extremely sorry for asking a lot many questions but I was unable to a find a complete documentation that described how to use SWAN along with ROMS.

Any help is deeply appreciated by me.

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Re: Problem in getting started with SWAN+ROMS

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

It seems like you could use our COAWST model, it has the same ROMS version and we have added many updates to SWAN Coupling and other capabilities. If you want to get that code here:
we have a user manual that describes how to setup some basic cases like inlet_test and others.

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