ROMS Upwelling Idealisation / Test Case Failure

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ROMS Upwelling Idealisation / Test Case Failure

#1 Unread post by dpath2o »


After much time compiling OpenMPI, HDF, NETCDF, with a dark alley in there with Intel compliers only to find that my root does not have enough space ... Anyhow after a good week of attempts I was finally "successful" in compiling ROMS via the attached "" and predominantly using the package manager of CentOS 8 to get all of the prerequisites installed. I think with the only exception of szip library that was required for the source code of HDF5 and appeared not to install in the yum package version of HDF5 and HDF5-devel, so I just installed it and attempt to give that library to yum HDF5. It appeared to work and so after giving some export commands via BASH to give '" some knowledge of the HDF5 and NETCDF libraries without complaining.

However!, after running

Code: Select all

mpirun -np 16 ./romsG > my_upwelling.log
the amount of vomit on my screen was intolerable, ultimately, resulting in this:
Direct leak of 40 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
#0 0x7f9acb016db0 in calloc (/usr/lib64/
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [[61333,1],15]
Exit code: 1
Prior to that barf there were hundreds of lines of this regurgitation:
#0 0x7f91ef724171 in ???
#1 0x7f91ef724d19 in ???
#2 0x7f91ef725e8e in ???
#3 0x40a953 in myroms
at /home/ec2-user/ROMS/projects/upwelling/Build_romsG/master.f90:125
#4 0x40aa00 in main
at /home/ec2-user/ROMS/projects/upwelling/Build_romsG/master.f90:51
Looking at the "master.f90" line 51 it has a rather innocuous looking

Code: Select all

use mod_param
on that line. In fact it's the first line of that F90.

If it's not obvious already, I'm just starting out here on this journey of using ROMS coupled to CICE. I'm feeling a bit dismayed at the amount difficulty I've encountered already, but I suppose I'm learning something. Though over the past week I feel more like a blind person just randomly feeling around in different directions to get the model working then a methodical journey to a known destination.
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Re: ROMS Upwelling Idealisation / Test Case Failure

#2 Unread post by dpath2o »

Just to update this post, if other's are interested. I recompiled

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with mpich2, instead of openmpi. The shell environment was nearly identical as openmpi, with the following:

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export NETCDF_INCDIR=/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules/mpich/
export PATH=/usr/lib64/mpich/bin:$PATH

Code: Select all

mpirun -np 16 ./romsG > my_upwelling.log
Results in:

Error termination. Backtrace:

Error termination. Backtrace:


#0 0x7f95ebc94171 in ???
#1 0x7f95ebc94d19 in ???
#2 0x7f95ebc95e8e in ???
#3 0x40a7e3 in myroms
at /home/ec2-user/ROMS/projects/upwelling/Build_romsG/master.f90:125
#3 0x40a7e3 in myroms
at /home/ec2-user/ROMS/projects/upwelling/Build_romsG/master.f90:125
#4 0x40a890 in main
at /home/ec2-user/ROMS/projects/upwelling/Build_romsG/master.f90:51
Possibly I need to compile with flags or possibly this needs to be done when installing openmpi and mpich2? I've not read about how to do this using the package manager yum, and thought it could only be done when building from source?

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Re: ROMS Upwelling Idealisation / Test Case Failure

#3 Unread post by sissalVE »

I recognize some of these errors:
#0 0x7f95ebc94171 in ???
#1 0x7f95ebc94d19 in ???
#2 0x7f95ebc95e8e in ???

I think they are from either netcdf (or other) being compiled with a different compiler, than the ROMS code itself, or if HDF5, szlib or netcdf does not come out with a perfect make check when you build from source. My experience is that you need a stronger compiler than gfortran, I currently use nvfortran.

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Re: ROMS Upwelling Idealisation / Test Case Failure

#4 Unread post by sissalVE »

I just checked out the attachments centos_setup.tar, as well, and from the my_upwelling.log file there seems to be an error in the file, where the path for ROMS/External/varinfo.dat is wrong.

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Re: ROMS Upwelling Idealisation / Test Case Failure

#5 Unread post by dpath2o »

Hey mate, thank you for your feedback. I really do appreciate your words and consideration. Your second reply struck me as something to immediately remediate, but, alas, nothing meaningful came of that rectification. I spent the past day attempting to pursue your first comment and nix 'gfortran' and ensure that HDF5 and NETCDF, and hence ROMS, were compiled with the same comelier -- intel mpiifort . Unfortunately, HDF5 is not having a bar of my coaxing it to play in these reindeer games and I've gone to my ICT desk at the Uni. They've replied with a Spack bread crumb ( ... .html#roms ) that I'm now following. Thanks again sissaIVE!

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Re: ROMS Upwelling Idealisation / Test Case Failure

#6 Unread post by arango »

Okay, it seems that you are struggling to install the required libraries. The upwelling test case only requires the NetCDF library. You can either use the NetCDF-3 or NetCDF-4 library. The NetCDF-4 library has a lot of options to install. The HDF5 library is only needed for parallel I/O. One of the first things that you need to decide is to pick up the compiler. Then, the MPI library (mpiifort, MPICH, MPICH2, MVAPICH2, or OpenMPI). Installing MPI is complicated and you may need technical support. If using OpenMPI, it needs to be built with the same version of the compiler. Finally, compile ROMS required third-party libraries. We added a page to :arrow: WikiROMS to guide you on how to compile such libraries, which will help you to play these reindeer games, as you call it 8)

To compile ROMS use or (CMake). There are plenty of information in :arrow: WikiROMS. Also, check out the test repository, which has all the tests for beginners and advanced users.

Good luck

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Re: ROMS Upwelling Idealisation / Test Case Failure

#7 Unread post by dpath2o »

Thank you Arango. My apologies for the delayed response, but I eventually got there/here or at least I can now say, I have compiled and run the idealised / test case without errors.

For those who may stumble upon this post and benefit I include the build description here.

Platform: ARDC NECTAR virtual computing environment
Instance: 32 VCPU with 128GB RAM
OS: CentOS 8

1.) Install Intel OneAPI: Base-kit, HPC-kit and IoT-kit
2.) Install GNU Utilities and PERL from package manager
2.) Source-Compile and install libaec (configure options: [PREFIX], ‘with-pic’)
3.) Source-Compile and install zlib (configure options: [PREFIX] )
4.) Source-Compile and install HDF5 (configure options: [PREFIX], ‘enable-shared’ , ‘enable-parallel’ , ‘enable fortran’ , ‘with-pic’ , ‘host=x86_64-pc-none’)
5.) Source-Compile and install NETCDF-C (configure options: [PREFIX] , ‘enable-shared’ , ‘enable-parallel’)
6.) Source-Compile and install NETCDF-FORTRAN (configure options: [PREFIX] , ‘enable-shared’ , ‘enable-parallel’)
7.) Download, build and run ROMS and test case with edits to, and

Important shell environment definitions and notes:

Code: Select all

. /opt/intel/oneapi/
export CC=mpiicc
export FC=mpiifort
export FF=$FC
export CFLAGS=‘ O3 -ip -no-prec-div -fp-model fast=2 -qopenmp -g -mp1 -fno-strict-aliasing -fpic’
# this definition grows with the addition of each source-compiled software, but this is what it looked like at the ROM build stage
export CPPFLAGS=‘-DNDEBUG -DpgiFortran -I/opt/intel/hdf5/include -I/opt/intel/zlib/include -I/opt/intel/netcdf-c/include -I/opt/intel/netcd-fortran/include’
# this definition grows with the addition of each source-compiled software, but this is what it looked like at the ROM build stage
export LDFLAGS=‘-L/opt/intel/hdf5/lib -L/opt/intel/zlib/lib -L/opt/intel/netcdf-c/lib -L/opt/intel/netcdf-fortran/lib’
# PATH already should contain the standard paths and the Intel OneAPI paths, this extended definition grows with the addition of each source-compiled software, but this is what it looked like at the ROM build stage
export PATH=/opt/intel/hdf5/bin:/opt/intel/netcdf-c/bin:/opt/intel/netcdf-fortran/bin:$PATH
WIth that setup (installed code and environment variables), then

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./ -j 16
gave no errors and not very many warnings. Then

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mpirun -np 16 ./romsM > my_upwelling.log
bombed because the number of tiles was not consistent with the number of processors. So running

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mpirun -np 1 ./romsM > my_upwelling.log
worked fine and appeared to use all the processors when I viewed it with the shell environment tool “htop”.

The results match those provided in MyROMS tutorial.

Now on to building my own ROMS. Thanks for your help so far, I’m sure I’ll be back to ask more questions later.


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Re: ROMS Upwelling Idealisation / Test Case Failure

#8 Unread post by arango »

Yes, your learning process just started. To run over a particular number of processes you need to modify parameters NtileI and NtileJ in The number of process to use is determined by the product of those two parameters.

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