OUTPUT - multi-file counter AVG(ng)%load = 3, is greater than Nfiles = 2 dimension 247058 in structure when c

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OUTPUT - multi-file counter AVG(ng)%load = 3, is greater than Nfiles = 2 dimension 247058 in structure when c

#1 Unread post by backkom »

Hi all,

I got an abnormal stop of my ROMS application, with error prompt:
247057 OUTPUT - multi-file counter AVG(ng)%load = 3, is greater than Nfiles = 2 dimension
247058 in structure when creating next file: /lustre/home/yaozhigang/Projects/BYS/Out/roms_avg_0003.nc
247059 Incorrect OutFiles logic in 'read_phypar'.
The log file is attached.

My guess is something goes wrong with the variable Nfiles for average file, which should be 3 for my case ( ntimes = 87120, ndefAVG =37200, nAVG=1860 ).

After checking the codes, it seems that variable Nfiles is determined in Utility/read_PhyPar.F.
3727 ! If multiple output files, edit derived type structure to store the
3728 ! information about all multi-files.
3729 !
3730 DO ng=1,Ngrids
3731 IF ((nHIS(ng).gt.0).and.(ndefHIS(ng).gt.0)) THEN
3732 OutFiles=ntimes(ng)/ndefHIS(ng)
3733 IF (nHIS(ng).eq.ndefHIS(ng)) OutFiles=Outfiles+1 ! because IC
3734 CALL edit_file_struct (ng, OutFiles, HIS)
3735 END IF
3736 IF ((nQCK(ng).gt.0).and.(ndefQCK(ng).gt.0)) THEN
3737 OutFiles=ntimes(ng)/ndefQCK(ng)
3738 IF (nQCK(ng).eq.ndefQCK(ng)) OutFiles=Outfiles+1 ! because IC
3739 CALL edit_file_struct (ng, OutFiles, QCK)
3740 END IF
3741 #ifdef ADJOINT
3742 IF ((nADJ(ng).gt.0).and.(ndefADJ(ng).gt.0)) THEN
3743 OutFiles=ntimes(ng)/ndefADJ(ng)
3744 IF (nADJ(ng).eq.ndefADJ(ng)) OutFiles=Outfiles+1 ! because IC
3745 CALL edit_file_struct (ng, OutFiles, ADM)
3746 END IF
3747 #endif
3748 #ifdef AVERAGES
3749 IF ((nAVG(ng).gt.0).and.(ndefAVG(ng).gt.0)) THEN
3750 OutFiles=ntimes(ng)/ndefAVG(ng)
3751 CALL edit_file_struct (ng, OutFiles, AVG)
3752 AVG(ng)%load=0 ! because delayed creation of NetCDF file
3753 END IF ! due to time-aveeraging
3754 #endif

So my question is why operation similar to history file ( IF (nHIS(ng).eq.ndefHIS(ng)) OutFiles=Outfiles+1 ! because IC ) is absent for average case. It seems that OutFiles still need plus one if IF (nAVG(ng).eq.ndefAVG(ng)). Could someone help me about this?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: OUTPUT - multi-file counter AVG(ng)%load = 3, is greater than Nfiles = 2 dimension 247058 in structure when c

#2 Unread post by zhang »

Hi, I am running into the same problem when I restart a simulation and ask the model to generate multiple average files. The problem occurs when it tries to create a new average file. The error message is:
OUTPUT - multi-file counter AVG(ng)%load = 2, is greater than Nfiles = 1 dimension
in structure when creating next file: out_a2N25_nam_tideunfnorth_K1af2.5_O1af2_M2S2N2p+30_uv3dCla_tsndg_visi1difi1_20210731_1dhis/stjohn_a2N25_avg_0004.nc
Incorrect OutFiles logic in 'read_phypar'.

The suggestion in the original post looks reasonable to me. Could someone please take a look? Thanks.

Gordon Zhang

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Re: OUTPUT - multi-file counter AVG(ng)%load = 3, is greater than Nfiles = 2 dimension 247058 in structure when c

#3 Unread post by arango »

Thanks Gordon. I looked in the debugger yesterday and I didn't see anything wrong with it. However, you provided essential information that the problem occurs during restart. That piece of information was not provided before. I didn't check that. Let me see if I can reproduce the problem so I can find a solution. The logic is delicate since I need the reallocate the I/O structure with the correct number of multi-files. There are many combinations of parameters during restart. So it depends on how the user sets the restart.

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Re: OUTPUT - multi-file counter AVG(ng)%load = 3, is greater than Nfiles = 2 dimension 247058 in structure when c

#4 Unread post by zhang »

Thanks, Hernan.

I am restarting a simulation from a perfect restart file and asking the model to output multiple history and average files. The problem occurs when the model tries to create a new average file during the middle of the simulation. But it has no problem with creating new history files or adding new records to existing average files.


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Re: OUTPUT - multi-file counter AVG(ng)%load = 3, is greater than Nfiles = 2 dimension 247058 in structure when c

#5 Unread post by LuishBordin »

Hey there,

When running more than 1 year in the same job submission, I'm getting a similar error (in my case related to history file instead of average), but only when the fennel model is defined. When running (fennel) only 1 year, or the first and second years separately, I mean, not in the same job as a loop, submitting the first, and then the second year, informing the restart file on the 2nd.in file, I got no error and the history file is recorded normally.

Code: Select all

OUTPUT - multi-file counter HIS(ng)%load = 2, is greater than Nfiles = 1 dimension
          in structure when creating next file: /ROMSx/GoMBio/bgc_test_2/outputs/gomOA_his_0002.nc
          Incorrect OutFiles logic in 'read_phypar'.
 Found Error: 04   Line: 123      Source: ROMS/Nonlinear/output.F
 Found Error: 04   Line: 519      Source: ROMS/Nonlinear/main3d.F
 Found Error: 04   Line: 301      Source: ROMS/Drivers/nl_ocean.h
Please, could you share which solution did you get to solve the issue?
My ROMS version is 3.9.

Thank you very much in advance!
Luis Bordin

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