bottom boundary layer height calculation (Hbbl)

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bottom boundary layer height calculation (Hbbl)

#1 Unread post by tongbo »

Hi all,

I wondered how the bottom boundary layer height is calculated in ROMS. I noticed there is an Hbbl variable that can be directly written in the history files, but does anyone know how that was calculated in the code, and is there any way that I can calculate it using other model output results (e.g., horizontal velocity, or maybe vertical turbulent flux)? Thanks a lot.


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Re: bottom boundary layer height calculation (Hbbl)

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

i did a
grep -nir hbbl ROMS/*
and got a lot of results, but i think the most relevant is in
ROMS/Nonlinear/lmd_bkpp.F and it says

"This routine determines the depth of bottom oceanic boundary !
! layer, hbbl, as the deepest depth where the bulk Richardson !
! number is equal to the critical value, Ric. "

suggest you look in that section of code.

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Re: bottom boundary layer height calculation (Hbbl)

#3 Unread post by tongbo »

Thank you so much! I'll take a look at that section.

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