USGS Woods Hole Technician V Coastal Modeler Support

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USGS Woods Hole Technician V Coastal Modeler Support

#1 Unread post by jcwarner »

Akima is hiring a Technician V position to support the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC), Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
The Technician V will assist the WHCMSC in developing, implementing, testing, and applying a coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport modeling system that will lead to an improved ability to model and predict geomorphic and oceanographic responses of coastal systems. This involves interacting with model code and software tools to develop and work with model input and output, test cases and applications, and documentation. Results will be useful for addressing scientific questions and societal issues in coastal oceans and estuaries.

The Technician V plays a supporting role in scientific advances by providing results, helping to understand the physical processes that occurred, helping to implement new algorithms and software, by applying the modeling system, and by interpreting model results in the context of meaningful problems. Timely delivery of software and model results, development of accurate, efficient, and well-written code, development of useful software tools; and clear, concise, and complete documentation of work are essential to the success of the research conducted by the Team.

For details please see: ... 2FNew_York

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