Configuration of ROMS for Tropical Cyclone Simulation

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Configuration of ROMS for Tropical Cyclone Simulation

#1 Unread post by Trishneeta »

I want to run the ROMS model for a small domain and simulate the ocean state during a Tropical cyclone event. Considering the usual bulk parameterisation formulations used in ROMS, will this be possible? For example, parameterisations according to Liu et al., 1979 has wind speed limited to 12m/s. This does not replicate Tropical cyclone speeds. Is there any possibility of simulating cyclones even with the parameterisations prescribed by Liu et al? Or, is there any way to use any other formulation to simulate the cylones in ROMS?

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Re: Configuration of ROMS for Tropical Cyclone Simulation

#2 Unread post by Trishneeta »

Can someone please tell me which version of COARE algorithm is used for bulk flux calculation in ROMS 3.7?


Re: Configuration of ROMS for Tropical Cyclone Simulation

#3 Unread post by jbettencourt »

Have you checked bulk_flux.F in ROMS/Nonlinear? You'll probably find there the information you're looking for.

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Re: Configuration of ROMS for Tropical Cyclone Simulation

#4 Unread post by arango »

It is in our TODO list to update the COARE algorithm to newer version in bulk_flux.F to facilitate stronger wind regimes. However, we don't know when it will be available.

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Re: Configuration of ROMS for Tropical Cyclone Simulation

#5 Unread post by Trishneeta »

I checked the bulk_Flux.F file and found it indeed is COARE v3.0. After reading up on published papers, I figured the COARE 3.0 might not be the best option for flux calculations for high-speed conditions, but the margin of error is about 10% between different widely used algorithms used to compute the transfer coefficients.

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