Am I doing the time conversion for observations with the wrong numerical precision, or is there a minor bug in the binning of observations to baroclinic time steps caused by truncation errors?
For an observation made at 2021-01-03 22:11:40, the POSIX timestamp (units seconds since 1970/1/1 00:00) is
to = 1609708300.0
Saving it to the obs file (units of days), it becomes
to/(24*3600) = 18630.88310185185
In output.F at the following lines
Code: Select all
IF (((time(ng)-0.5_r8*dt(ng)).le.ObsTime(ng)).and. &
& (ObsTime(ng).lt.(time(ng)+0.5_r8*dt(ng)))) THEN
CALL obs_read (ng, iNLM, .FALSE.)
18630.88310185185 * (24*3600) = 1609708299.9999998
Because of this, for dt=200 the lines in output.F call obs_read() when
time(ng)-0.5_r8*dt(ng) = 1609708100.0000000 (2021-01-03 22:08:20)
time(ng)+0.5_r8*dt(ng) = 1609708300.0000000 (2021-01-03 22:11:40)
but then, obs_write() calculates the window bounds in units of days resulting in
TimeLB 18630.880787037036
TimeUB 18630.883101851850
Tobs(iobs) 18630.883101851850
and the observations get rejected because they are not in the interval
In summary, in output.F the following line evaluates to True:
time(ng)-0.5_r8*dt(ng) <= ObsTime(ng)) < time(ng)+0.5_r8*dt(ng)
but in extract_obs2d() (called from obs_write() the following line evaluates to False:
TimeLB <= Tobs(iobs) < TimeUB
I.e. the observations lying exactly *on* the right boundary of the right-open interval get rejected.
Now that I know the problem I can easily fix it by properly centering the observations in the window when I do the binning to superobservations, which is actually what I had intended to do because I read in
Tutorial 10: Building Your Observation Files
time - 0.5*dt < ObsTime < time + 0.5*dt
However, I thought that 'time(ng)' is staggered such that it coincides with DSTART.
Which ROMS version did I use? I forked from git commit 58bb0f88fbec7548a3d, a.k.a. 'svn: src