Problem with dimensions.

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Problem with dimensions.

#1 Unread post by felipe.jbarragan7 »

Hello, everyone.
I'm new in ROMS :oops:
I hope every thing is fine with your and somebody please can help me.

I've one problem with my case called "Santander":

This is my .in

" ! C-preprocessing Flag.


! Input variable information file name. This file needs to be processed
! first so all information arrays can be initialized properly.

VARNAME = /home/felipejbarragan11/roms_project/test/varinfo.yaml

! Number of nested grids.

Ngrids = 1

! Number of grid nesting layers. This parameter is used to allow refinement
! and composite grid combinations.

! NestLayers = 1

! Number of grids in each nesting layer [1:NestLayers].

! GridsInLayer = 1

! Grid dimension parameters. See notes below in the Glossary for how to set
! these parameters correctly.

Lm == 1366 ! Number of I-direction INTERIOR RHO-points
Mm == 220 ! Number of J-direction INTERIOR RHO-points
N == 10 ! Number of vertical levels

Nbed = 0 ! Number of sediment bed layers

NAT = 2 ! Number of active tracers (usually, 2)
NPT = 0 ! Number of inactive passive tracers
NCS = 0 ! Number of cohesive (mud) sediment tracers
NNS = 0 ! Number of non-cohesive (sand) sediment tracers

! Domain decomposition parameters for serial, distributed-memory or
! shared-memory configurations used to determine tile horizontal range
! indices (Istr,Iend) and (Jstr,Jend), [1:Ngrids].

NtileI == 1 ! I-direction partition
NtileJ == 1 ! J-direction partition

! Set horizontal and vertical advection schemes for active and inert
! tracers. A different advection scheme is allowed for each tracer.
! For example, a positive-definite (monotonic) algorithm can be activated
! for salinity and inert tracers, while a different one is set for
! temperature. [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids] values are expected.
! Keyword Advection Algorithm
! A4 4th-order Akima (horizontal/vertical)
! C2 2nd-order centered differences (horizontal/vertical)
! C4 4th-order centered differences (horizontal/vertical)
! HSIMT 3th-order HSIMT-TVD (horizontal/vertical)
! MPDATA recursive flux corrected MPDATA (horizontal/vertical)
! SPLINES parabolic splines (only vertical)
! SU3 split third-order upstream (horizontal/vertical)
! U3 3rd-order upstream-biased (only horizontal)
! The user has the option of specifying the full Keyword or the first
! two letters, regardless if using uppercase or lowercase. If nested
! grids, specify values for each grid (see glossary below).

! Hadvection == U3 \ ! temperature
! U3 ! salinity

! Vadvection == C4 \ ! temperature
! C4 ! salinity

! Adjoint-based algorithms can have different horizontal and schemes
! for active and inert tracers.

!ad_Hadvection == U3 \ ! temperature
! U3 ! salinity

!ad_Vadvection == C4 \ ! temperature
! C4 ! salinity

! Set lateral boundary conditions keyword. Notice that a value is expected
! for each boundary segment per nested grid for each state variable.
! Each tracer variable requires [1:4,1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids] values. Otherwise,
! [1:4,1:Ngrids] values are expected for other variables. The boundary
! order is: 1=west, 2=south, 3=east, and 4=north. That is, anticlockwise
! starting at the western boundary.
! The keyword is case insensitive and usually has three characters. However,
! it is possible to have compound keywords, if applicable. For example, the
! keyword "RadNud" implies radiation boundary condition with nudging. This
! combination is usually used in active/passive radiation conditions.
! Keyword Lateral Boundary Condition Type
! Cha Chapman_implicit (free-surface)
! Che Chapman_explicit (free-surface)
! Cla Clamped
! Clo Closed
! Fla Flather (2D momentum) _____N_____ j=Mm
! Gra Gradient | 4 |
! Nes Nested (refinement) | |
! Nud Nudging 1 W E 3
! Per Periodic | |
! Rad Radiation |_____S_____|
! Red Reduced Physics (2D momentum) 2 j=1
! Shc Shchepetkin (2D momentum) i=1 i=Lm
! W S E N
! e o a o
! s u s r
! t t t t
! h h
! 1 2 3 4

! LBC(isFsur) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! free-surface
! LBC(isUbar) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 2D U-momentum
! LBC(isVbar) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 2D V-momentum
! LBC(isUvel) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 3D U-momentum
! LBC(isVvel) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 3D V-momentum
! LBC(isMtke) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! mixing TKE

! LBC(isTvar) == Clo Clo Clo Clo \ ! temperature
! Clo Clo Clo Clo ! salinity

! Adjoint-based algorithms can have different lateral boundary
! conditions keywords.

!ad_LBC(isFsur) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! free-surface
!ad_LBC(isUbar) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 2D U-momentum
!ad_LBC(isVbar) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 2D U-momentum
!ad_LBC(isUvel) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 3D U-momentum
!ad_LBC(isVvel) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! 3D V-momentum
!ad_LBC(isMtke) == Clo Clo Clo Clo ! mixing TKE

!ad_LBC(isTvar) == Clo Clo Clo Clo \ ! temperature
! Clo Clo Clo Clo ! salinity

! Set lateral open boundary edge volume conservation switch for
! nonlinear model and adjoint-based algorithms. Usually activated
! with radiation boundary conditions to enforce global mass
! conservation, except if tidal forcing is enabled. [1:Ngrids].

! VolCons(west) == F ! western boundary
! VolCons(east) == F ! eastern boundary
! VolCons(south) == F ! southern boundary
! VolCons(north) == F ! northern boundary

!ad_VolCons(west) == F ! western boundary
!ad_VolCons(east) == F ! eastern boundary
!ad_VolCons(south) == F ! southern boundary
!ad_VolCons(north) == F ! northern boundary

! Time-Stepping parameters.

NTIMES == 691200 ! 5 años: 1985-1989
DT == 30 ! segundos

! Number of timesteps for computing observation impacts during the
! analysis-forecast cycle.

! NTIMES_ANA == 7200 ! analysis interval
! NTIMES_FCT == 7200 ! forecast interval

! Model iteration loops parameters.

ERstr = 1
ERend = 1
Nouter = 1
Ninner = 1
! Nsaddle = 1
Nintervals = 1

! Number of eigenvalues (NEV) and eigenvectors (NCV) to compute for the
! Lanczos/Arnoldi problem in the Generalized Stability Theory (GST)
! analysis. NCV must be greater than NEV (see documentation below).

NEV = 2 ! Number of eigenvalues
NCV = 10 ! Number of eigenvectors

! Input/Output parameters.

NRREC == 0
LcycleRST == T
NRST == 120 ! Cada Hora
NSTA == 120 ! Cada Hora
NFLT == 1
NINFO == 1

! Output history, quicksave, average, and diagnostic files parameters.

NHIS == 120
NDEFHIS == 86400 ! Cada 30 días
! NQCK == 0
! NDEFQCK == 0
NAVG == 72
NDIA == 40
NDEFDIA == 86400

! Output tangent linear and adjoint models parameters.

LcycleTLM == F
NTLM == 72
LcycleADJ == F
NADJ == 72
NSFF == 72
NOBC == 72

! GST output and check pointing restart parameters.

LmultiGST = F ! one eigenvector per file
LrstGST = F ! GST restart switch
MaxIterGST = 500 ! maximum number of iterations
NGST = 10 ! check pointing interval

! Relative accuracy of the Ritz values computed in the GST analysis.

Ritz_tol = 1.0d-15

! Harmonic/biharmonic horizontal diffusion of tracer for nonlinear model
! and adjoint-based algorithms: [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids].

TNU2 == 10.0d0 0.0d0 ! m2/s
TNU4 == 2.0d0 ! m4/s

ad_TNU2 == 0.0d0 0.0d0 ! m2/s
ad_TNU4 == 0.0d0 0.0d0 ! m4/s

! Harmonic/biharmonic, horizontal viscosity coefficient for nonlinear model
! and adjoint-based algorithms: [Ngrids].

VISC2 == 15.0d0 ! m2/s
VISC4 == 0.0d0 ! m4/s

ad_VISC2 == 0.0d0 ! m2/s
ad_VISC4 == 0.0d0 ! m4/s

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to increase/decrease horizontal viscosity
! and/or diffusivity in specific areas of the application domain (like
! sponge areas) for the desired application grid.

! LuvSponge == F ! horizontal momentum
!LtracerSponge == F F ! temperature, salinity, inert

! Vertical mixing coefficients for tracers in nonlinear model and
! basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms: [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids]

AKT_BAK == 1.0d-6 1.0d-6 ! m2/s

ad_AKT_fac == 1.0d0 1.0d0 ! nondimensional

! Vertical mixing coefficient for momentum for nonlinear model and
! basic state scale factor in adjoint-based algorithms: [Ngrids].

AKV_BAK == 2.0d-2 ! m2/s

ad_AKV_fac == 1.0d0 ! nondimensional

! Upper threshold values to limit vertical mixing coefficients computed
! from vertical mixing parameterizations. Although this is an engineering
! fix, the vertical mixing values inferred from ocean observations are
! rarely higher than this upper limit value.

! AKT_LIMIT == 1.0d-3 1.0d-3 ! m2/s

! AKV_LIMIT == 1.0d-3 ! m2/s

! Turbulent closure parameters.

AKK_BAK == 5.0d-6 ! m2/s
AKP_BAK == 5.0d-6 ! m2/s
TKENU2 == 0.0d0 ! m2/s
TKENU4 == 0.0d0 ! m4/s

! Generic length-scale turbulence closure parameters.

GLS_P == 3.0d0 ! K-epsilon
GLS_M == 1.5d0
GLS_N == -1.0d0
GLS_Kmin == 7.6d-6
GLS_Pmin == 1.0d-12

GLS_CMU0 == 0.5477d0
GLS_C1 == 1.44d0
GLS_C2 == 1.92d0
GLS_C3M == -0.4d0
GLS_C3P == 1.0d0
GLS_SIGK == 1.0d0
GLS_SIGP == 1.30d0

! Constants used in surface turbulent kinetic energy flux computation.

CHARNOK_ALPHA == 1400.0d0 ! Charnok surface roughness
ZOS_HSIG_ALPHA == 0.5d0 ! roughness from wave amplitude
SZ_ALPHA == 0.25d0 ! roughness from wave dissipation
CRGBAN_CW == 100.0d0 ! Craig and Banner wave breaking

! Constants used in momentum stress computation.

RDRG == 3.0d-04 ! m/s
RDRG2 == 1.5d-03 ! nondimensional
Zob == 0.02d0 ! m
Zos == 0.02d0 ! m

! Height (m) of atmospheric measurements for Bulk fluxes parameterization.

BLK_ZQ == 10.0d0 ! air humidity
BLK_ZT == 10.0d0 ! air temperature
BLK_ZW == 10.0d0 ! winds

! Minimum depth for wetting and drying.

DCRIT == 0.10d0 ! m

! Various parameters.

WTYPE == 1

! Set vertical, terrain-following coordinates transformation equation and
! stretching function (see below for details), [1:Ngrids].

Vtransform == 2 ! transformation equation
Vstretching == 4 ! stretching function

! Vertical S-coordinates parameters (see below for details), [1:Ngrids].

THETA_S == 0.0d0 ! surface stretching parameter
THETA_B == 0.0d0 ! bottom stretching parameter
TCLINE == 5.0d0 ! critical depth (m)

! Mean Density and Brunt-Vaisala frequency.

RHO0 = 1025.0d0 ! kg/m3
BVF_BAK = 1.0d-5 ! 1/s2

! If tide generating forces, set switch (T/F) to apply a 18.6-year lunar
! nodal correction to equilibrium tide constituents.

! Lnodal = T

! Time-stamp assigned for model initialization, reference time
! origin for tidal forcing, and model reference time for output
! NetCDF units attribute.

DSTART = 730319.0d0 ! 1 ene 1985
TIDE_START = 0.0d0 ! days
TIME_REF = -00010101.0d0 ! yyyymmdd.dd

! Nudging/relaxation time scales, inverse scales will be computed
! internally, [1:Ngrids].

TNUDG == 2*0.0d0 ! days
ZNUDG == 0.0d0 ! days
M2NUDG == 0.0d0 ! days
M3NUDG == 0.0d0 ! days

! Factor between passive (outflow) and active (inflow) open boundary
! conditions, [1:Ngrids]. If OBCFAC > 1, nudging on inflow is stronger
! than on outflow (recommended).

OBCFAC == 0.0d0 ! nondimensional

! Linear equation of State parameters:

R0 == 1027.0d0 ! kg/m3
T0 == 14.0d0 ! Celsius
S0 == 35.0d0 ! nondimensional
TCOEF == 1.7d-4 ! 1/Celsius
SCOEF == 0.0d0 ! nondimensional

! Slipperiness parameter: 1.0 (free slip) or -1.0 (no slip)

GAMMA2 == 1.0d0

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate horizontal momentum transport
! point Sources/Sinks (like river runoff transport) and mass point
! Sources/Sinks (like volume vertical influx), [1:Ngrids].

! LuvSrc == F ! horizontal momentum transport
! LwSrc == F ! volume vertical influx

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate tracers point Sources/Sinks
! (like river runoff) and to specify which tracer variables to consider:
! [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids]. See glossary below for details.

LtracerSrc == T T ! temperature, salinity, inert

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to read and process climatology fields.
! See glossary below for details.

! LsshCLM == F ! sea-surface height
! Lm2CLM == F ! 2D momentum
! Lm3CLM == F ! 3D momentum

LtracerCLM == F F ! temperature, salinity, inert

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to nudge the desired climatology field(s).
! If not analytical climatology fields, users need to turn ON the logical
! switches above to process the fields from the climatology NetCDF file
! that are needed for nudging. See glossary below for details.

! LnudgeM2CLM == F ! 2D momentum
! LnudgeM3CLM == F ! 3D momentum

! LnudgeTCLM == F F ! temperature, salinity, inert

! Starting (DstrS) and ending (DendS) day for adjoint sensitivity forcing.
! DstrS must be less or equal to DendS. If both values are zero, their
! values are reset internally to the full range of the adjoint integration.

DstrS == 0.0d0 ! starting day
DendS == 0.0d0 ! ending day

! Starting and ending vertical levels of the 3D adjoint state variables
! whose sensitivity is required.

KstrS == 1 ! starting level
KendS == 1 ! ending level

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to specify the adjoint state variables
! whose sensitivity is required.

Lstate(isFsur) == F ! free-surface
Lstate(isUbar) == F ! 2D U-momentum
Lstate(isVbar) == F ! 2D V-momentum
Lstate(isUvel) == F ! 3D U-momentum
Lstate(isVvel) == F ! 3D V-momentum
Lstate(isWvel) == F ! 3D W-momentum

Lstate(isTvar) == F F ! NT tracers

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to specify the state variables for
! which Forcing Singular Vectors or Stochastic Optimals is required.

Fstate(isFsur) == F ! free-surface
Fstate(isUbar) == F ! 2D U-momentum
Fstate(isVbar) == F ! 2D V-momentum
Fstate(isUvel) == F ! 3D U-momentum
Fstate(isVvel) == F ! 3D V-momentum
Fstate(isTvar) == F F ! NT tracers

Fstate(isUstr) == T ! surface U-stress
Fstate(isVstr) == T ! surface V-stress
Fstate(isTsur) == F F ! NT surface tracers flux

! Stochastic Optimals time decorrelation scale (days) assumed for
! red noise processes.

SO_decay == 2.0d0 ! days

! Stochastic Optimals surface forcing standard deviation for
! dimensionalization.

SO_sdev(isFsur) == 1.0d0 ! free-surface
SO_sdev(isUbar) == 1.0d0 ! 2D U-momentum
SO_sdev(isVbar) == 1.0d0 ! 2D V-momentum
SO_sdev(isUvel) == 1.0d0 ! 3D U-momentum
SO_sdev(isVvel) == 1.0d0 ! 3D V-momentum
SO_sdev(isTvar) == 1.0d0 1.0d0 ! NT tracers

SO_sdev(isUstr) == 1.0d0 ! surface U-stress
SO_sdev(isVstr) == 1.0d0 ! surface V-stress
SO_sdev(isTsur) == 1.0d0 1.0d0 ! NT surface tracers flux

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of fields into
! HISTORY output file.

Hout(idUvel) == T ! u 3D U-velocity
Hout(idVvel) == T ! v 3D V-velocity
Hout(idu3dE) == F ! u_eastward 3D U-eastward at RHO-points
Hout(idv3dN) == F ! v_northward 3D V-northward at RHO-points
Hout(idWvel) == T ! w 3D W-velocity
Hout(idOvel) == F ! omega omega vertical velocity
Hout(idUbar) == T ! ubar 2D U-velocity
Hout(idVbar) == T ! vbar 2D V-velocity
Hout(idu2dE) == F ! ubar_eastward 2D U-eastward at RHO-points
Hout(idv2dN) == F ! vbar_northward 2D V-northward at RHO-points
Hout(idFsur) == T ! zeta free-surface
Hout(idBath) == F ! bath time-dependent bathymetry

Hout(idTvar) == T F ! temp, salt temperature and salinity

Hout(idpthR) == F ! z_rho time-varying depths of RHO-points
Hout(idpthU) == F ! z_u time-varying depths of U-points
Hout(idpthV) == F ! z_v time-varying depths of V-points
Hout(idpthW) == F ! z_w time-varying depths of W-points

Hout(idUsms) == F ! sustr surface U-stress
Hout(idVsms) == F ! svstr surface V-stress
Hout(idUbms) == F ! bustr bottom U-stress
Hout(idVbms) == F ! bvstr bottom V-stress

Hout(idUbrs) == F ! bustrc bottom U-current stress
Hout(idVbrs) == F ! bvstrc bottom V-current stress
Hout(idUbws) == F ! bustrw bottom U-wave stress
Hout(idVbws) == F ! bvstrw bottom V-wave stress
Hout(idUbcs) == F ! bustrcwmax bottom max wave-current U-stress
Hout(idVbcs) == F ! bvstrcwmax bottom max wave-current V-stress

Hout(idUbot) == F ! Ubot bed wave orbital U-velocity
Hout(idVbot) == F ! Vbot bed wave orbital V-velocity
Hout(idUbur) == F ! Ur bottom U-velocity above bed
Hout(idVbvr) == F ! Vr bottom V-velocity above bed

Hout(idW2xx) == F ! Sxx_bar 2D radiation stress, Sxx component
Hout(idW2xy) == F ! Sxy_bar 2D radiation stress, Sxy component
Hout(idW2yy) == F ! Syy_bar 2D radiation stress, Syy component
Hout(idU2rs) == F ! Ubar_Rstress 2D radiation U-stress
Hout(idV2rs) == F ! Vbar_Rstress 2D radiation V-stress
Hout(idU2Sd) == F ! ubar_stokes 2D U-Stokes velocity
Hout(idV2Sd) == F ! vbar_stokes 2D V-Stokes velocity

Hout(idW3xx) == F ! Sxx 3D radiation stress, Sxx component
Hout(idW3xy) == F ! Sxy 3D radiation stress, Sxy component
Hout(idW3yy) == F ! Syy 3D radiation stress, Syy component
Hout(idW3zx) == F ! Szx 3D radiation stress, Szx component
Hout(idW3zy) == F ! Szy 3D radiation stress, Szy component
Hout(idU3rs) == F ! u_Rstress 3D U-radiation stress
Hout(idV3rs) == F ! v_Rstress 3D V-radiation stress
Hout(idU3Sd) == F ! u_stokes 3D U-Stokes velocity
Hout(idV3Sd) == F ! v_stokes 3D V-Stokes velocity

Hout(idWamp) == F ! Hwave wave height
Hout(idWlen) == F ! Lwave wave length
Hout(idWdir) == F ! Dwave wave direction
Hout(idWptp) == F ! Pwave_top wave surface period
Hout(idWpbt) == F ! Pwave_bot wave bottom period
Hout(idWorb) == F ! Ub_swan wave bottom orbital velocity
Hout(idWdis) == F ! Wave_dissip wave dissipation

Hout(idPair) == F ! Pair surface air pressure
Hout(idTair) == F ! Tair surface air temperature
Hout(idUair) == F ! Uair surface U-wind component
Hout(idVair) == F ! Vair surface V-wind component

Hout(idTsur) == F F ! shflux, ssflux surface net heat and salt flux
Hout(idLhea) == F ! latent latent heat flux
Hout(idShea) == F ! sensible sensible heat flux
Hout(idLrad) == F ! lwrad longwave radiation flux
Hout(idSrad) == F ! swrad shortwave radiation flux
Hout(idEmPf) == F ! EminusP E-P flux
Hout(idevap) == F ! evaporation evaporation rate
Hout(idrain) == F ! rain precipitation rate

Hout(idDano) == F ! rho density anomaly
Hout(idVvis) == F ! AKv vertical viscosity
Hout(idTdif) == F ! AKt vertical T-diffusion
Hout(idSdif) == F ! AKs vertical Salinity diffusion
Hout(idHsbl) == F ! Hsbl depth of surface boundary layer
Hout(idHbbl) == F ! Hbbl depth of bottom boundary layer
Hout(idMtke) == F ! tke turbulent kinetic energy
Hout(idMtls) == F ! gls turbulent length scale

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of extra inert passive
! tracers other than biological and sediment tracers into the HISTORY
! output file. An inert passive tracer is one that it is only advected and
! diffused. Other processes are ignored. These tracers include, for example,
! dyes, pollutants, oil spills, etc. NPT values are expected. However, these
! switches can be activated using compact parameter specification.

Hout(inert) == T ! dye_01, ... inert passive tracers
!Hout(idBott) == F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of fields into
! QUICKSAVE output file.

!Qout(idUvel) == F ! u 3D U-velocity
!Qout(idVvel) == F ! v 3D V-velocity
!Qout(idu3dE) == F ! u_eastward 3D U-eastward at RHO-points
!Qout(idv3dN) == F ! v_northward 3D V-northward at RHO-points
!Qout(idWvel) == F ! w 3D W-velocity
!Qout(idOvel) == F ! omega omega vertical velocity
!Qout(idUbar) == T ! ubar 2D U-velocity
!Qout(idVbar) == T ! vbar 2D V-velocity
!Qout(idu2dE) == T ! ubar_eastward 2D U-eastward at RHO-points
!Qout(idv2dN) == T ! vbar_northward 2D V-northward at RHO-points
!Qout(idFsur) == T ! zeta free-surface
!Qout(idBath) == T ! bath time-dependent bathymetry

!Qout(idTvar) == F F ! temp, salt temperature and salinity

!Qout(idUsur) == T ! u_sur surface U-velocity
!Qout(idVsur) == T ! v_sur surface V-velocity
!Qout(idUsuE) == T ! u_sur_eastward surface U-eastward velocity
!Qout(idVsuN) == T ! v_sur_northward surface V-northward velocity

!Qout(idsurT) == T T ! temp_sur, salt_sur surface temperature and salinity

!Qout(idpthR) == F ! z_rho time-varying depths of RHO-points
!Qout(idpthU) == F ! z_u time-varying depths of U-points
!Qout(idpthV) == F ! z_v time-varying depths of V-points
!Qout(idpthW) == F ! z_w time-varying depths of W-points

!Qout(idUsms) == F ! sustr surface U-stress
!Qout(idVsms) == F ! svstr surface V-stress
!Qout(idUbms) == F ! bustr bottom U-stress
!Qout(idVbms) == F ! bvstr bottom V-stress

!Qout(idUbrs) == F ! bustrc bottom U-current stress
!Qout(idVbrs) == F ! bvstrc bottom V-current stress
!Qout(idUbws) == F ! bustrw bottom U-wave stress
!Qout(idVbws) == F ! bvstrw bottom V-wave stress
!Qout(idUbcs) == F ! bustrcwmax bottom max wave-current U-stress
!Qout(idVbcs) == F ! bvstrcwmax bottom max wave-current V-stress

!Qout(idUbot) == F ! Ubot bed wave orbital U-velocity
!Qout(idVbot) == F ! Vbot bed wave orbital V-velocity
!Qout(idUbur) == F ! Ur bottom U-velocity above bed
!Qout(idVbvr) == F ! Vr bottom V-velocity above bed

!Qout(idW2xx) == F ! Sxx_bar 2D radiation stress, Sxx component
!Qout(idW2xy) == F ! Sxy_bar 2D radiation stress, Sxy component
!Qout(idW2yy) == F ! Syy_bar 2D radiation stress, Syy component
!Qout(idU2rs) == F ! Ubar_Rstress 2D radiation U-stress
!Qout(idV2rs) == F ! Vbar_Rstress 2D radiation V-stress
!Qout(idU2Sd) == F ! ubar_stokes 2D U-Stokes velocity
!Qout(idV2Sd) == F ! vbar_stokes 2D V-Stokes velocity

!Qout(idW3xx) == F ! Sxx 3D radiation stress, Sxx component
!Qout(idW3xy) == F ! Sxy 3D radiation stress, Sxy component
!Qout(idW3yy) == F ! Syy 3D radiation stress, Syy component
!Qout(idW3zx) == F ! Szx 3D radiation stress, Szx component
!Qout(idW3zy) == F ! Szy 3D radiation stress, Szy component
!Qout(idU3rs) == F ! u_Rstress 3D U-radiation stress
!Qout(idV3rs) == F ! v_Rstress 3D V-radiation stress
!Qout(idU3Sd) == F ! u_stokes 3D U-Stokes velocity
!Qout(idV3Sd) == F ! v_stokes 3D V-Stokes velocity

!Qout(idWamp) == F ! Hwave wave height
!Qout(idWlen) == F ! Lwave wave length
!Qout(idWdir) == F ! Dwave wave direction
!Qout(idWptp) == F ! Pwave_top wave surface period
!Qout(idWpbt) == F ! Pwave_bot wave bottom period
!Qout(idWorb) == F ! Ub_swan wave bottom orbital velocity
!Qout(idWdis) == F ! Wave_dissip wave dissipation

!Qout(idPair) == F ! Pair surface air pressure
!Qout(idTair) == F ! Tair surface air temperature
!Qout(idUair) == F ! Uair surface U-wind component
!Qout(idVair) == F ! Vair surface V-wind component

!Qout(idTsur) == F F ! shflux, ssflux surface net heat and salt flux
!Qout(idLhea) == F ! latent latent heat flux
!Qout(idShea) == F ! sensible sensible heat flux
!Qout(idLrad) == F ! lwrad longwave radiation flux
!Qout(idSrad) == F ! swrad shortwave radiation flux
!Qout(idEmPf) == F ! EminusP E-P flux
!Qout(idevap) == F ! evaporation evaporation rate
!Qout(idrain) == F ! rain precipitation rate

!Qout(idDano) == F ! rho density anomaly
!Qout(idVvis) == F ! AKv vertical viscosity
!Qout(idTdif) == F ! AKt vertical T-diffusion
!Qout(idSdif) == F ! AKs vertical Salinity diffusion
!Qout(idHsbl) == F ! Hsbl depth of surface boundary layer
!Qout(idHbbl) == F ! Hbbl depth of bottom boundary layer
!Qout(idMtke) == F ! tke turbulent kinetic energy
!Qout(idMtls) == F ! gls turbulent length scale

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of extra inert passive
! tracers other than biological and sediment tracers into the QUICKSAVE
! output file. An inert passive tracer is one that it is only advected and
! diffused. Other processes are ignored. These tracers include, for example,
! dyes, pollutants, oil spills, etc. NPT values are expected. However, these
! switches can be activated using compact parameter specification.

! Qout(inert) == F ! dye_01, ... inert passive tracers
! Qout(Snert) == F ! dye_01_sur, ... surface inert passive tracers

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of time-averaged
! fields into AVERAGE output file.

Aout(idUvel) == F ! u 3D U-velocity
Aout(idVvel) == F ! v 3D V-velocity
Aout(idu3dE) == F ! u_eastward 3D U-eastward at RHO-points
Aout(idv3dN) == F ! v_northward 3D V-northward at RHO-points
Aout(idWvel) == F ! w 3D W-velocity
Aout(idOvel) == F ! omega omega vertical velocity
Aout(idUbar) == T ! ubar 2D U-velocity
Aout(idVbar) == T ! vbar 2D V-velocity
Aout(idu2dE) == F ! ubar_eastward 2D U-eastward at RHO-points
Aout(idv2dN) == F ! vbar_northward 2D V-northward at RHO-points
Aout(idFsur) == T ! zeta free-surface

Aout(idTvar) == F F ! temp, salt temperature and salinity

Aout(idUsms) == F ! sustr surface U-stress
Aout(idVsms) == F ! svstr surface V-stress
Aout(idUbms) == F ! bustr bottom U-stress
Aout(idVbms) == F ! bvstr bottom V-stress

Aout(idW2xx) == F ! Sxx_bar 2D radiation stress, Sxx component
Aout(idW2xy) == F ! Sxy_bar 2D radiation stress, Sxy component
Aout(idW2yy) == F ! Syy_bar 2D radiation stress, Syy component
Aout(idU2rs) == F ! Ubar_Rstress 2D radiation U-stress
Aout(idV2rs) == F ! Vbar_Rstress 2D radiation V-stress
Aout(idU2Sd) == F ! ubar_stokes 2D U-Stokes velocity
Aout(idV2Sd) == F ! vbar_stokes 2D V-Stokes velocity

Aout(idW3xx) == F ! Sxx 3D radiation stress, Sxx component
Aout(idW3xy) == F ! Sxy 3D radiation stress, Sxy component
Aout(idW3yy) == F ! Syy 3D radiation stress, Syy component
Aout(idW3zx) == F ! Szx 3D radiation stress, Szx component
Aout(idW3zy) == F ! Szy 3D radiation stress, Szy component
Aout(idU3rs) == F ! u_Rstress 3D U-radiation stress
Aout(idV3rs) == F ! v_Rstress 3D V-radiation stress
Aout(idU3Sd) == F ! u_stokes 3D U-Stokes velocity
Aout(idV3Sd) == F ! v_stokes 3D V-Stokes velocity

Aout(idPair) == F ! Pair surface air pressure
Aout(idTair) == F ! Tair surface air temperature
Aout(idUair) == F ! Uair surface U-wind component
Aout(idVair) == F ! Vair surface V-wind component

Aout(idTsur) == F F ! shflux, ssflux surface net heat and salt flux
Aout(idLhea) == F ! latent latent heat flux
Aout(idShea) == F ! sensible sensible heat flux
Aout(idLrad) == F ! lwrad longwave radiation flux
Aout(idSrad) == F ! swrad shortwave radiation flux
Aout(idevap) == F ! evaporation evaporation rate
Aout(idrain) == F ! rain precipitation rate

Aout(idDano) == F ! rho density anomaly
Aout(idVvis) == F ! AKv vertical viscosity
Aout(idTdif) == F ! AKt vertical T-diffusion
Aout(idSdif) == F ! AKs vertical Salinity diffusion
Aout(idHsbl) == F ! Hsbl depth of surface boundary layer
Aout(idHbbl) == F ! Hbbl depth of bottom boundary layer

Aout(id2dRV) == F ! pvorticity_bar 2D relative vorticity
Aout(id3dRV) == F ! pvorticity 3D relative vorticity
Aout(id2dPV) == F ! rvorticity_bar 2D potential vorticity
Aout(id3dPV) == F ! rvorticity 3D potential vorticity

Aout(idu3dD) == F ! u_detided detided 3D U-velocity
Aout(idv3dD) == F ! v_detided detided 3D V-velocity
Aout(idu2dD) == F ! ubar_detided detided 2D U-velocity
Aout(idv2dD) == F ! vbar_detided detided 2D V-velocity
Aout(idFsuD) == F ! zeta_detided detided free-surface

Aout(idTrcD) == F F ! temp_detided, ... detided temperature and salinity

Aout(idHUav) == F ! Huon u-volume flux, Huon
Aout(idHVav) == F ! Hvom v-volume flux, Hvom
Aout(idUUav) == F ! uu quadratic <u*u> term
Aout(idUVav) == F ! uv quadratic <u*v> term
Aout(idVVav) == F ! vv quadratic <v*v> term
Aout(idU2av) == F ! ubar2 quadratic <ubar*ubar> term
Aout(idV2av) == F ! vbar2 quadratic <vbar*vbar> term
Aout(idZZav) == F ! zeta2 quadratic <zeta*zeta> term

Aout(idTTav) == F F ! temp_2, ... quadratic <t*t> tracer terms
Aout(idUTav) == F F ! u_temp, ... quadratic <u*t> tracer terms
Aout(idVTav) == F F ! v_temp, ... quadratic <v*t> tracer terms
Aout(iHUTav) == F F ! Huon_temp, ... tracer volume flux, <Huon*t>
Aout(iHVTav) == F F ! Hvom_temp, ... tracer volume flux, <Hvom*t>

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of extra inert passive
! tracers other than biological and sediment tracers into the AVERAGE file.

Aout(inert) == T ! dye_01, ... inert passive tracers

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of time-averaged,
! 2D momentum (ubar,vbar) diagnostic terms into DIAGNOSTIC output file.

Dout(M2rate) == T ! ubar_accel, ... acceleration
Dout(M2pgrd) == T ! ubar_prsgrd, ... pressure gradient
Dout(M2fcor) == T ! ubar_cor, ... Coriolis force
Dout(M2hadv) == T ! ubar_hadv, ... horizontal total advection
Dout(M2xadv) == T ! ubar_xadv, ... horizontal XI-advection
Dout(M2yadv) == T ! ubar_yadv, ... horizontal ETA-advection
Dout(M2hrad) == T ! ubar_hrad, ... horizontal total radiation stress
Dout(M2hvis) == T ! ubar_hvisc, ... horizontal total viscosity
Dout(M2xvis) == T ! ubar_xvisc, ... horizontal XI-viscosity
Dout(M2yvis) == T ! ubar_yvisc, ... horizontal ETA-viscosity
Dout(M2sstr) == T ! ubar_sstr, ... surface stress
Dout(M2bstr) == T ! ubar_bstr, ... bottom stress

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of time-averaged,
! 3D momentum (u,v) diagnostic terms into DIAGNOSTIC output file.

Dout(M3rate) == T ! u_accel, ... acceleration
Dout(M3pgrd) == T ! u_prsgrd, ... pressure gradient
Dout(M3fcor) == T ! u_cor, ... Coriolis force
Dout(M3hadv) == T ! u_hadv, ... horizontal total advection
Dout(M3xadv) == T ! u_xadv, ... horizontal XI-advection
Dout(M3yadv) == T ! u_yadv, ... horizontal ETA-advection
Dout(M3vadv) == T ! u_vadv, ... vertical advection
Dout(M3hrad) == T ! u_hrad, ... horizontal total radiation stress
Dout(M3vrad) == T ! u_vrad, ... vertical radiation stress
Dout(M3hvis) == T ! u_hvisc, ... horizontal total viscosity
Dout(M3xvis) == T ! u_xvisc, ... horizontal XI-viscosity
Dout(M3yvis) == T ! u_yvisc, ... horizontal ETA-viscosity
Dout(M3vvis) == T ! u_vvisc, ... vertical viscosity

! Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to activate writing of time-averaged,
! active (temperature and salinity) and passive (inert) tracer diagnostic
! terms into DIAGNOSTIC output file: [1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids].

Dout(iTrate) == T T ! temp_rate, ... time rate of change
Dout(iThadv) == T T ! temp_hadv, ... horizontal total advection
Dout(iTxadv) == T T ! temp_xadv, ... horizontal XI-advection
Dout(iTyadv) == T T ! temp_yadv, ... horizontal ETA-advection
Dout(iTvadv) == T T ! temp_vadv, ... vertical advection
Dout(iThdif) == T T ! temp_hdiff, ... horizontal total diffusion
Dout(iTxdif) == T T ! temp_xdiff, ... horizontal XI-diffusion
Dout(iTydif) == T T ! temp_ydiff, ... horizontal ETA-diffusion
Dout(iTsdif) == T T ! temp_sdiff, ... horizontal S-diffusion
Dout(iTvdif) == T T ! temp_vdiff, ... vertical diffusion

! Generic User parameters, [1:NUSER].

USER = 0.d0

! Input and Output files processing library to use:
! [1] Standard NetCDF-3 or NetCDF-4 library
! [2] Serial or Parallel I/O with Parallel-IO (PIO) library (MPI only)

! INP_LIB = 1
! OUT_LIB = 1

! PIO library methods for reading/writing NetCDF files:
! [0] parallel read and write of PnetCDF (CDF-5, not recommended)
! [1] parallel read and write of NetCDF3 (64-bit offset)
! [2] serial read and write of NetCDF3 (64-bit offset)
! [3] parallel read and serial write of NetCDF4/HDF5
! [4] parallel read and write of NETCDF4/HDF5


! PIO library MPI processes set-up:

! PIO_IOTASKS = 1 ! number of I/O tasks to define
! PIO_STRIDE = 1 ! stride in the MPI-ran between I/O tasks
! PIO_BASE = 0 ! offset for the first I/O task
! PIO_AGGREG = 1 ! number of MPI-aggregators to use

! PIO library rearranger methods for moving data between computational and I/O
! processes:
! [1] Box rearrangement
! [2] Subset rearrangement


! PIO library rearranger flag for MPI communications between computational
! and I/O processes:
! [0] Point-to-Point (low-level communications)
! [1] Collective (high-level grouped communications)


! PIO library rearranger flow control direction flag for MPI communications
! between computational and I/O processes:
! [0] Enable computational to I/O processes, and vice versa
! [2] Enable computational to I/O processes only
! [3] Enable I/O to computational processes only
! [4] Disable flow control


! PIO rearranger options for computational to I/O processes (C2I):

! PIO_C2I_HS = T ! Enable C2I handshake (T/F)
!PIO_C2I_Send = T ! Enable C2I Isends (T/F)
!PIO_C2I_Preq = 64 ! Maximum pending C2I requests

! PIO rearranger options for I/O to computational processes (I2C):

! PIO_I2C_HS = T ! Enable I2C handshake (T/F)
!PIO_I2C_Send = T ! Enable I2C Isends (T/F)
!PIO_I2C_Preq = 65 ! Maximum pending I2C requests

! If OUT_LIB=1, NetCDF-4/HDF5 compression parameters for output files.

NC_SHUFFLE = 1 ! if non-zero, turn on shuffle filter
NC_DEFLATE = 1 ! if non-zero, turn on deflate filter
NC_DLEVEL = 1 ! deflate level [0-9]

! Input NetCDF file names, [1:Ngrids].

GRDNAME == ./Inputs/
ININAME == ./Inputs/

! Input adjoint forcing NetCDF filenames for computing observations
! impacts during the analysis-forecast cycle. If the forecast error
! metric is defined in state-space, then FOInameA and FOInameB should
! be regular adjoint forcing files just like ADSname. If the forecast
! error metric is defined in observation space (OBS_SPACE is activated)
! then the forecast is initialized OIFnameA and OIFnameB (specified in
! input script) will have the structure of a 4D-Var observation
! file.

! FOInameA ==
! FOInameB ==

! Input NetCDF filenames for the forecasts initialized from the analysis
! of the current 4D-Var cycle (FCTnameA) and initialized from the analysis
! of the previous 4D-Var cycle (FCTnameB).

! FCTnameA ==
! FCTnameB ==

! Nesting grids connectivity data: contact points information. This
! NetCDF file is special and complex. It is currently generated using
! the script "matlab/grid/contact.m" from the Matlab repository.


! Input lateral boundary conditions file names. The USER has the option
! to separate the required lateral boundary variables into individual
! NetCDF files (NBCFILES > 1), as in the input surface forcing. Also,
! the USER may split input data time records into several NetCDF files
! (monthly, seasonal, or annual). See prologue instructions above. Use
! a single line per entry with a continuation (\) or a vertical bar (|)
! symbol after each entry, except the last one.

NBCFILES == 1 ! number of boundary files

BRYNAME == ./Inputs/

! Input climatology file names. The USER has the option to separate the
! climatology variables into individual NetCDF files (NCLMFILES > 1),
! as in the input surface forcing. Also, the USER may split input data
! time records into several NetCDF files (monthly, seasonal, or annual).
! See prologue instructions above. Use a single line per entry with a
! continuation (\) or a vertical bar (|) symbol after each entry, except
! the last one.

NCLMFILES == 1 ! number of climatology files


! Input climatology nudging coefficients file name.


! Input Sources/Sinks forcing (like river runoff) file name.


! Input tidal forcing file name.


! Input forcing NetCDF file name(s).
! The USER has the option to enter several sets of file names for each
! nested grid. For example, the USER may have different data for the
! wind products, heat fluxes, etc. Alternatively, if the all the forcing
! files are the same for nesting and the data is in its native resolution,
! we could enter only one set of files names and ROMS will replicate those
! files internally to the remaining grids using the plural KEYWORD protocol.
! The model will scan the files and will read the needed data from the first
! file in the list containing the forcing field. Therefore, the order of the
! filenames is critical. If using multiple forcing files per grid, first
! enter all the file names for grid one followed by two, and so on. It is
! also possible to split input data time records into several NetCDF files
! (see Prolog instructions above). Use a single line per entry with a
! continuation (\) or a vertical bar (|) symbol after each entry, except
! the last one.

NFFILES == 3 ! number of unique forcing files

FRCNAME == ./Inputs/ \ ! forcing file 1, grid 1
./Inputs/ \

! Output NetCDF file names, [1:Ngrids].

RSTNAME == ./Output/
HISNAME == ./Output/

! Input ASCII parameter filenames.

SPOSNAM = ./Inputs/
USRNAME = MyFile.dat "

The problem is with the dimensions
This is the error running with romsG
At line 771 of file read_phypar.f90
Fortran runtime error: Index '21858' of dimension 1 of array 'hout' above upper bound of 1400

And with romsS

Process Information:

Thread # 0 (pid= 37290) is active.

INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
GET_GRID - Illegal input file type, io_type = 0
Check KeyWord 'INP_LIB' in ''.
Found Error: 02 Line: 91 Source: ROMS/Utility/get_grid.F
Found Error: 02 Line: 85 Source: ROMS/Utility/set_grid.F
ANA_INITIAL - vertically integrated u-momentum component: ubar
(Grid = 01, Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
ANA_INITIAL - vertically integrated v-momentum component: vbar
(Grid = 01, Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
ANA_INITIAL - free-surface: zeta
(Grid = 01, Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
ANA_INITIAL - u-momentum component: u
(Grid = 01, Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
ANA_INITIAL - v-momentum component: v
(Grid = 01, Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
ANA_INITIAL - potential temperature: temp
(Grid = 01, Min = 1.40000000E+01 Max = 1.40000000E+01)
(Grid = 01, Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
Found Error: 02 Line: 629 Source: ROMS/Utility/check_multifile.F, check_file

CHECK_FILE - unable to open grid NetCDF file: ./Inputs/
Found Error: 02 Line: 432 Source: ROMS/Utility/check_multifile.F, multifile_info_s2d
Found Error: 02 Line: 188 Source: ROMS/Utility/check_multifile.F
Found Error: 02 Line: 656 Source: ROMS/Nonlinear/initial.F
Found Error: 02 Line: 197 Source: ROMS/Drivers/nl_roms.h, ROMS_initialize

Elapsed wall CPU time for each process (seconds):

Thread # 0 CPU: 1.265
Total: 1.265

Nonlinear model elapsed CPU time profile, Grid: 01

Allocation and array initialization .............. 1.193 (94.2916 %)
2D/3D coupling, vertical metrics ................. 0.029 ( 2.2979 %)
Omega vertical velocity .......................... 0.008 ( 0.6513 %)
Equation of state for seawater ................... 0.014 ( 1.1420 %)
Total: 1.245 98.3828 %

Unique kernel(s) regions profiled ................ 1.245 98.3828 %
Residual, non-profiled code ...................... 0.020 1.6172 %

All percentages are with respect to total time = 1.265


Dynamic and Automatic memory (MB) usage for Grid 01: 1366x220x10 tiling: 1x1

tile Dynamic Automatic USAGE

0 -21362.87 191.49 -21171.39

TOTAL -21362.87 191.49 -21171.39

Found Error: 02 Line: 85 Source: ROMS/Utility/close_io.F, close_file_nf90
Found Error: 02 Line: 85 Source: ROMS/Utility/close_io.F, close_file_nf90
Found Error: 02 Line: 85 Source: ROMS/Utility/close_io.F, close_file_nf90
Found Error: 02 Line: 85 Source: ROMS/Utility/close_io.F, close_file_nf90
Found Error: 02 Line: 85 Source: ROMS/Utility/close_io.F, close_file_nf90
Found Error: 02 Line: 85 Source: ROMS/Utility/close_io.F, close_file_nf90

ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01:

Analytical header files used:

Found Error: 02 Line: 413 Source: ROMS/Utility/close_io.F, close_out

ROMS/TOMS - Input error ............. exit_flag: 2

ERROR: Abnormal termination: NetCDF INPUT.
REASON: No error
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_INVALID_FLAG IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO

I know that the code is trying to access an element at position 21983 of an array named 'hout', in its dimension 1. However, the upper bound of dimension 1 of the 'hout' array is set to 1400 elements.

¿How could find some solution for it?
Thanks and excuse me for the questions that can be a bit simple.

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Re: Problem with dimensions.

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

not sure, but it looks like you put ! in front of a lot of lines. Even if you are not using that info, the inp script looks for that data.

for example

! NestLayers = 1 < this line needs to be read

! Number of grids in each nesting layer [1:NestLayers].
! GridsInLayer = 1 < this line needs to be read

! SSFNAME == < this line needs to be read

! Input tidal forcing file name.
! TIDENAME == < this line needs to be read

suggest you remove the leading ! for the input data lines.

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Re: Problem with dimensions.

#3 Unread post by arango »

Please read the preamble and glossary instructions in ROMS standard input file. If you check ROMS/Utility/read_phypar.F, ROMS will only read and process the parameters that it needs and ignore the rest. Several test cases in the ROMS test repository for beginners users show how ROMS is configured and compiled.

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Re: Problem with dimensions.

#4 Unread post by felipe.jbarragan7 »

Good Morning!

Thanks jcwarner for the suggest, I understood something important.
Thanks Arango, I'll work about it.

Thank you so much for the help. Great day.

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Re: Problem with dimensions.

#5 Unread post by zhy202303 »


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