After reading the paper by Marchesiello et al., 2001 "Open boundary conditions for long-term integration of regional ocean models" and several other ROMS-related articles, as well as almost all related topics here on the Forum, I still don't have a complete understanding of the RadNud boundary condition option implemented in ROMS. I hope that experienced ROMS-users can easily help me with my question.
As follows from Marchesiello et al. 2001, the condition is based on the 2D radiation scheme (oblique radiation) proposed by Raymond & Kuo (1984)+weak nudging, with the addition of strong nudging to the external data in case of inward wave direction.
My question concerns the fact that the RadNud condition, as it follows from the very idea of this condition and the paper by Marchesiello et al. 2001, must deal only with wave-like motions (external mode, fast gravitational waves - tides, storm surges, etc) because we compute the phase velocity and use it to radiate out the internal information (ssh, ubar, vbar). The complete equation is as follows, where Cx, Cy are phase speed components:

But in practice this condition is also used for 3D variables (uvel, vvel, temp, salt, tracers).
How can radiation condition RadNud which utilizes the long-wave speed be used for, say, advection of tracers through the boundary (outward direction) when the external fast waves are absent or already dealt with by this or another BC (e.g. Flather+Chapman)? I mean, in this case we should use advection velocity (uvel, vvel) and not the phase speed (Cx, Cy). When the direction of the flow is inward (information coming into domain) the strong nudging deals with the boundary condition easily and there is no phase speed to consider (C=0). Nevertheless, even in this case to bring some information into the domain, we should use the value of incoming field (say, S) at the boundary and advection velocity.
But when the flow is outward, I really have some difficulties in understanding how to advect out tracers (or uvel, vvel) using long-wave phase speed... Maybe I miss something and in this case the actual speed that is used in this BC is not a phase speed but rather the advection speed (using upwind scheme or something)?
Kind regards,