Incorporating Latitude Dependency in Analytical Air Pressure Changes in ROMS

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Incorporating Latitude Dependency in Analytical Air Pressure Changes in ROMS

#1 Unread post by hyc006 »

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the ROMS community and currently attempting to implement analytical air pressure changes in space, specifically across latitudes. To achieve this, I attempted to incorporate the latitude variable into my pair functions. Here's what I've tried so far:

Code: Select all

CALL ana_pair_tile (ng, tile, model,                            &
     &                      LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                         &
     &                      IminS, ImaxS, JminS, JmaxS,                 &
     &                      GRID(ng) % latr,                            &
     &                      GRID(ng) % yr,                              &
     &                      FORCES(ng) % Pair)
In comparison, the original code is:

Code: Select all

CALL ana_pair_tile (ng, tile, model,                              &
     &                    LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                           &
     &                    IminS, ImaxS, JminS, JmaxS,                   &
     &                    FORCES(ng) % Pair)
However, upon attempting to build romsM, I encountered the following error:

Code: Select all

     &                      GRID(ng) % latr,                            &
Error: Symbol 'grid' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
make: *** [/home/hyc006/ROMS_OLD/runs/shallow_no_island/shallow_0416_ana/Build_romsM/analytical.o] Error 1
Could anyone provide insight into what might be wrong with my code? Any help would be greatly appreciated. The full edited ana_pair.h code I make is in the following:

Code: Select all

      SUBROUTINE ana_pair (ng, tile, model)
!! svn $Id: ana_pair.h 1054 2021-03-06 19:47:12Z arango $
!! Copyright (c) 2002-2021 The ROMS/TOMS Group                         !
!!   Licensed under a MIT/X style license                              !
!!   See License_ROMS.txt                                              !
!                                                                      !
!  This routine sets surface air pressure (mb) using an analytical     !
!  expression.                                                         !
!                                                                      !
      USE mod_param
      USE mod_forces
      USE mod_ncparam
! Imported variable declarations.
      integer, intent(in) :: ng, tile, model
! Local variable declarations.
      character (len=*), parameter :: MyFile =                          &
     &  __FILE__
#include "tile.h"
      CALL ana_pair_tile (ng, tile, model,                            &
     &                      LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                         &
     &                      IminS, ImaxS, JminS, JmaxS,                 &
     &                      GRID(ng) % latr,                            &
     &                      GRID(ng) % yr,                              &
     &                      FORCES(ng) % Pair)
!      CALL ana_pair_tile (ng, tile, model,                              &
!     &                    LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                           &
!     &                    IminS, ImaxS, JminS, JmaxS                    &
!     &                      GRID(ng) % latr,                            &
!     &                      GRID(ng) % yr,                              &
!     &                    FORCES(ng) % Pair)
! Set analytical header file name used.
      IF (Lanafile) THEN
      IF (Lanafile.and.(tile.eq.0)) THEN

      END IF
      END SUBROUTINE ana_pair
      SUBROUTINE ana_pair_tile (ng, tile, model,                        &
     &                          LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                     &
     &                          IminS, ImaxS, JminS, JmaxS,             &
     &                             latr,                                &
     &                             yr,                                  &
     &                          Pair)                       
      USE mod_param
      USE mod_scalars
      USE exchange_2d_mod, ONLY : exchange_r2d_tile
      USE mp_exchange_mod, ONLY : mp_exchange2d
!  Imported variable declarations.
      integer, intent(in) :: ng, tile, model
      integer, intent(in) :: LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj
      integer, intent(in) :: IminS, ImaxS, JminS, JmaxS
      real(r8), intent(out) :: Pair(LBi:,LBj:)
      real(r8), intent(out) :: Pair(LBi:UBi,LBj:UBj)
      real(r8), intent(in) :: latr(LBi:,LBj:)
# else
      real(r8), intent(in) :: yr(LBi:,LBj:)
# endif

!  Local variable declarations.
      integer :: i, j
      real(r8) :: Lat_all, Lat_move, Tilt

#include "set_bounds.h"
!  Set analytical surface air pressure (mb).
!  (1 mb = 100 Pa = 1 hPa,  1 bar = 1.0e+5 N/m2 = 1.0e+5 dynes/cm2).
#if defined BENCHMARK
      DO j=JstrT,JendT
        DO i=IstrT,IendT
        END DO
      END DO
#elif defined BL_TEST
      DO j=JstrT,JendT
        DO i=IstrT,IendT
        END DO
      END DO
#elif defined SHALLOW || SHALLOWNI
      Lat_all = latr(IendT,JendT) - latr(1,1)
      DO j=JstrT,JendT
        DO i=IstrT,IendT
	  Lat_move = latr(i,j)-latr(1,1)
	  Tilt = (Lat_move - (Lat_all/2))*0.0066 
          Pair(i,j)=1013.25_r8 + 9.81_r8 * rho0 *Tilt
        END DO
      END DO
      ana_pair.h: no values provided for Pair.
!  Exchange boundary data.
      IF (EWperiodic(ng).or.NSperiodic(ng)) THEN
        CALL exchange_r2d_tile (ng, tile,                               &
     &                          LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                     &
     &                          Pair)
      END IF

      CALL mp_exchange2d (ng, tile, model, 1,                           &
     &                    LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                           &
     &                    NghostPoints,                                 &
     &                    EWperiodic(ng), NSperiodic(ng),               &
     &                    Pair)
      END SUBROUTINE ana_pair_tile

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Re: Incorporating Latitude Dependency in Analytical Air Pressure Changes in ROMS

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

1) in ana_pair, near the top you have
USE mod_param
USE mod_forces
USE mod_ncparam

you need to add mod_grid, so make it look like:
USE mod_param
USE mod_forces
USE mod_grid
USE mod_ncparam

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Re: Incorporating Latitude Dependency in Analytical Air Pressure Changes in ROMS

#3 Unread post by arango »

Well, the compiler is telling what is wrong. To use the GRID(ng) structure, you need to include its module association in ana_pair.h:

Code: Select all

          USE mod_grid
Your application also needs to have spherical coordinates (lat, lat). Most idealized applications in ROMS use Cartesian coordinates.

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Re: Incorporating Latitude Dependency in Analytical Air Pressure Changes in ROMS

#4 Unread post by hyc006 »

This works! Thanks a lot for your help.

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