I've successfully run the BENCHMARK1 test case on a Linux cluster (Rocks 3.3.0) with the Absoft compiler and MPI, but I'm getting a segfault when I try to run this case on my OS X system (1.8G5 DP, either serial or with OpenMP, IBM xlf 8.1). I've run the damee_4 and upwelling examples successfully on the Mac, so this should be possible.
Stepping through with gdb, the crash appears to occur at CALL lmd_vmix_tile (lmd_vmix.f90, line 70 or so). I'm more familiar with C, so any suggestions on how to debug this would be helpful! This is after time step 0 is written to stdout, BTW.
segfault running BENCHMARK1 on Mac OS X with xlf
I'm not specifying that in the link options, so I'll give it a shot and post the results here. I have 1 GB of RAM, and the ppc/xlf/OpenMP smoked the x86/Absoft/MPI combinations that I've tried; I'm curious to see how it compares with the benchmarks that Rich Signell posted here.kate wrote:I'm more familiar with xlf on IBM. However, you could be running into memory troubles. Are you linking with -bmaxdata:0x70000000? The default is 256 MB which isn't big enough for BENCHMARK1. How much memory do you have, anyway?
Well, I feel dumb; I'm hitting the stack limit, and the answer was here:
Increasing the number of tiles works for now. Interestingly, -bmaxdata doesn't appear in the xlf user's guide, so perhaps it's specific to the IBM machines?
Increasing the number of tiles works for now. Interestingly, -bmaxdata doesn't appear in the xlf user's guide, so perhaps it's specific to the IBM machines?