I just use ROMS for my own application, But it blows up when just runs several steps. When I check the history file and restart file, I find the value of zeta as fllows(only a part of zeta values):
zeta =
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, 0, 0.256860918381414, 0.254291715215559,
0.248481492553035, 0.241916377206696, 0.238508802068345,
0.240013291092903, 0.242697349779395, 0.245499704716296,
0.246197729040227, 0.244363392702145, 0.242089363878746,
0.243065977320007, 0.245866070522518, 0.253267301360104,
0.264162375925189, 0.273990961133747, 0.281946084452367,
0.288118486580631, 0.29082553475344, 0.293726281300007, 0.29471074459092,
0.308970820580904, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, 0.510823608001006,
It's obveous that some value of zeta are unwrriten into the file. I mean they are maybe uncaculate, But the "_," will be treated as 9.969210E+36 for the value of zeta in the caculation. So I think that's the problem of "blow up". But I don't known how to fix the problem. Wish someone can help me or give me some suggetion. Any information useful is OK. Thank you in advance!
More information:
Resolution, Grid 01: 0128x0188x020, Parallel Nodes: 16, Tiling: 004x004
Physical Parameters, Grid: 01
86400 ntimes Number of timesteps for 3-D equations.
3600.000 dt Timestep size (s) for 3-D equations.
50 ndtfast Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between
each 3D timestep.
1 ERstr Starting ensemble/perturbation run number.
1 ERend Ending ensemble/perturbation run number.
0 nrrec Number of restart records to read from disk.
T LcycleRST Switch to recycle time-records in restart file.
600 nRST Number of timesteps between the writing of data
into restart fields.
1 ninfo Number of timesteps between print of information
to standard output.
T ldefout Switch to create a new output NetCDF file(s).
360 nHIS Number of timesteps between the writing fields
into history file.
1 ntsAVG Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged data.
720 nAVG Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into averages file.
8640 ndefAVG Number of timesteps between creation of new
time-averaged file.
2.0000E+01 tnu2(01) Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
2.0000E+01 tnu2(02) Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
4.0000E+01 visc2 Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(01) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(02) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
1.0000E-05 Akv_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
3.0000E-04 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/s).
3.0000E-03 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient.
2.0000E-02 Zob Bottom roughness (m).
1 lmd_Jwt Jerlov water type.
1 Vtransform S-coordinate transformation equation.
1 Vstretching S-coordinate stretching function.
5.0000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter.
4.0000E-01 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter.
3.000 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (m) used
in vertical coordinate stretching.
1025.000 rho0 Mean density (kg/m3) for Boussinesq approximation.
0.000 dstart Time-stamp assigned to model initialization (days).
-1.00 time_ref Reference time for units attribute (yyyymmdd.dd)
3.0000E+01 Tnudg(01) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 01: temp
3.0000E+01 Tnudg(02) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 02: salt
3.0000E+01 Znudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for free-surface.
3.0000E+01 M2nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 2D momentum.
3.0000E+01 M3nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 3D momentum.
1.0000E+01 obcfac Factor between passive and active
open boundary conditions.
10.000 T0 Background potential temperature (C) constant.
35.000 S0 Background salinity (PSU) constant.
1.000 gamma2 Slipperiness variable: free-slip (1.0) or
no-slip (-1.0).
T Hout(idFsur) Write out free-surface.
T Hout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idUvel) Write out 3D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVvel) Write out 3D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idWvel) Write out W-momentum component.
T Hout(idOvel) Write out omega vertical velocity.
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 01: temp
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 02: salt
T Hout(idTsur) Write out surface net heat flux.
T Hout(idTsur) Write out surface net salt flux.
T Hout(idVvis) Write out vertical viscosity coefficient.
T Hout(idTdif) Write out vertical T-diffusion coefficient.
T Hout(idHsbl) Write out depth of surface boundary layer.
Output/Input Files:
Output Restart File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_rst.nc
Output History File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_his.nc
Prefix for Averages Files: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_avg
Input Grid File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-grid.nc
Input Nonlinear Initial File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-init.nc
Input Forcing File 01: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-forc.nc
Input Climatology File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-clim.nc
Input Boundary File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-bry.nc
Tile partition information for Grid 01: 0128x0188x0020 tiling: 004x004
tile Istr Iend Jstr Jend Npts
0 1 32 1 47 30080
1 33 64 1 47 30080
2 65 96 1 47 30080
3 97 128 1 47 30080
4 1 32 48 94 30080
5 33 64 48 94 30080
6 65 96 48 94 30080
7 97 128 48 94 30080
8 1 32 95 141 30080
9 33 64 95 141 30080
10 65 96 95 141 30080
11 97 128 95 141 30080
12 1 32 142 188 30080
13 33 64 142 188 30080
14 65 96 142 188 30080
15 97 128 142 188 30080
Tile minimum and maximum fractional grid coordinates:
(interior points only)
tile Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax grid
0 0.50 32.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
1 32.50 64.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
2 64.50 96.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
3 96.50 128.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
4 0.50 32.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
5 32.50 64.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
6 64.50 96.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
7 96.50 128.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
8 0.50 32.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
9 32.50 64.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
10 64.50 96.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
11 96.50 128.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
12 0.50 32.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
13 32.50 64.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
14 64.50 96.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
15 96.50 128.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
0 1.00 32.50 0.50 47.50 U-points
1 32.50 64.50 0.50 47.50 U-points
2 64.50 96.50 0.50 47.50 U-points
3 96.50 128.00 0.50 47.50 U-points
4 1.00 32.50 47.50 94.50 U-points
5 32.50 64.50 47.50 94.50 U-points
6 64.50 96.50 47.50 94.50 U-points
7 96.50 128.00 47.50 94.50 U-points
8 1.00 32.50 94.50 141.50 U-points
9 32.50 64.50 94.50 141.50 U-points
10 64.50 96.50 94.50 141.50 U-points
11 96.50 128.00 94.50 141.50 U-points
12 1.00 32.50 141.50 188.50 U-points
13 32.50 64.50 141.50 188.50 U-points
14 64.50 96.50 141.50 188.50 U-points
15 96.50 128.00 141.50 188.50 U-points
0 0.50 32.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
1 32.50 64.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
2 64.50 96.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
3 96.50 128.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
4 0.50 32.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
5 32.50 64.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
6 64.50 96.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
7 96.50 128.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
8 0.50 32.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
9 32.50 64.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
10 64.50 96.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
11 96.50 128.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
12 0.50 32.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
13 32.50 64.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
14 64.50 96.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
15 96.50 128.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
Maximum halo size in XI and ETA directions:
HaloSizeI(1) = 88
HaloSizeJ(1) = 118
TileSide(1) = 53
TileSize(1) = 2014
Activated C-preprocessing Options:
ECS East China Sea
ANA_BSFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux.
ANA_BTFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux.
ASSUMED_SHAPE Using assumed-shape arrays.
AVERAGES Writing out time-averaged fields.
AVERAGES_FLUXES Writing out time-averaged surface fluxes.
CURVGRID Orthogonal curvilinear grid.
DIURNAL_SRFLUX Modulate shortwave radiation by the local diurnal cycle.
DJ_GRADPS Parabolic Splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2002).
DOUBLE_PRECISION Double precision arithmetic.
EAST_FSGRADIENT Eastern edge, free-surface, gradient condition.
EAST_M2NUDGING Eastern edge, 2D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
EAST_M2RADIATION Eastern edge, 2D momentum, radiation condition.
EAST_M3NUDGING Eastern edge, 3D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
EAST_M3RADIATION Eastern edge, 3D momentum, radiation condition.
EAST_TNUDGING Eastern edge, tracers, passive/active outflow/inflow.
EAST_TRADIATION Eastern edge, tracers, radiation condition.
EAST_VOLCONS Eastern edge, enforce mass conservation.
LMD_CONVEC LMD convective mixing due to shear instability.
LMD_MIXING Large/McWilliams/Doney interior mixing.
LMD_NONLOCAL LMD convective nonlocal transport.
LMD_RIMIX LMD diffusivity due to shear instability.
LMD_SKPP KPP surface boundary layer mixing.
MASKING Land/Sea masking.
MIX_S_TS Mixing of tracers along constant S-surfaces.
MIX_S_UV Mixing of momentum along constant S-surfaces.
MPI MPI distributed-memory configuration.
NONLINEAR Nonlinear Model.
NONLIN_EOS Nonlinear Equation of State for seawater.
NORTH_VOLCONS Northern edge, enforce mass conservation.
NORTH_FSGRADIENT Northern edge, free-surface, gradient condition.
NORTH_M2NUDGING Northern edge, 2D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
NORTH_M2RADIATION Northern edge, 2D momentum, radiation condition.
NORTH_M3NUDGING Northern edge, 3D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
NORTH_M3RADIATION Northern edge, 3D momentum, radiation condition.
NORTH_TNUDGING Northern edge, tracers, passive/active outflow/inflow.
NORTH_TRADIATION Northern edge, tracers, radiation condition.
POWER_LAW Power-law shape time-averaging barotropic filter.
PROFILE Time profiling activated .
QCORRECTION Surface net heat flux correction.
!RST_SINGLE Double precision fields in restart NetCDF file.
SALINITY Using salinity.
SCORRECTION Surface salinity flux correction.
SRELAXATION Surface salinity relaxation as surface flux.
SOLAR_SOURCE Solar Radiation Source Term.
SOLVE3D Solving 3D Primitive Equations.
SOUTH_FSGRADIENT Southern edge, free-surface, gradient condition.
SOUTH_M2NUDGING Southern edge, 2D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
SOUTH_M2RADIATION Southern edge, 2D momentum, radiation condition.
SOUTH_M3NUDGING Southern edge, 3D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
SOUTH_M3RADIATION Southern edge, 3D momentum, radiation condition.
SOUTH_TNUDGING Southern edge, tracers, passive/active outflow/inflow.
SOUTH_TRADIATION Southern edge, tracers, radiation condition.
SOUTH_VOLCONS Southern edge, enforce mass conservation.
SPLINES Conservative parabolic spline reconstruction.
SPONGE Enhanced horizontal mixing in the sponge areas.
TCLIMATOLOGY Processing tracer climatology data.
TS_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of tracers.
TS_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of tracers.
TS_DIF2 Harmonic mixing of tracers.
UV_ADV Advection of momentum.
UV_COR Coriolis term.
UV_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of 3D momentum.
UV_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of momentum.
UV_QDRAG Quadratic bottom stress.
UV_VIS2 Harmonic mixing of momentum.
VAR_RHO_2D Variable density barotropic mode.
WESTERN_WALL Wall boundary at Western edge.
INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
Vertical S-coordinate System:
level S-coord Cs-curve at_hmin over_slope at_hmax
20 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 -0.0500000 -0.0037835 -0.150 -13.143 -26.136
18 -0.1000000 -0.0087922 -0.300 -30.493 -60.686
17 -0.1500000 -0.0158197 -0.450 -54.776 -109.103
16 -0.2000000 -0.0260168 -0.600 -89.945 -179.289
15 -0.2500000 -0.0409944 -0.750 -141.529 -282.309
14 -0.3000000 -0.0628318 -0.900 -216.671 -432.442
13 -0.3500000 -0.0938098 -1.050 -323.203 -645.355
12 -0.4000000 -0.1356491 -1.200 -467.033 -932.866
11 -0.4500000 -0.1882840 -1.350 -647.937 -1294.524
10 -0.5000000 -0.2489214 -1.500 -856.322 -1711.145
9 -0.5500000 -0.3126323 -1.650 -1075.262 -2148.874
8 -0.6000000 -0.3746809 -1.800 -1288.494 -2575.188
7 -0.6500000 -0.4328656 -1.950 -1488.456 -2974.962
6 -0.7000000 -0.4881475 -2.100 -1678.450 -3354.800
5 -0.7500000 -0.5437741 -2.250 -1869.628 -3737.005
4 -0.8000000 -0.6041494 -2.400 -2077.113 -4151.825
3 -0.8500000 -0.6742046 -2.550 -2317.840 -4633.130
2 -0.9000000 -0.7593114 -2.700 -2610.255 -5217.811
1 -0.9500000 -0.8655258 -2.850 -2975.157 -5947.464
0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 -3.000 -3437.106 -6871.211
Time Splitting Weights: ndtfast = 50 nfast = 69
Primary Secondary Accumulated to Current Step
1-0.0004563262418391 0.0200000000000000-0.0004563262418391 0.0200000000000000
2-0.0008555246732536 0.0200091265248368-0.0013118509150927 0.0400091265248368
3-0.0011975957891734 0.0200262370183019-0.0025094467042661 0.0600353635431387
4-0.0014825415143255 0.0200501889340853-0.0039919882185915 0.0800855524772240
5-0.0017103668530001 0.0200798397643718-0.0057023550715916 0.1001653922415958
6-0.0018810821987231 0.0201140471014318-0.0075834372703147 0.1202794393430276
7-0.0019947063038349 0.0201516687454063-0.0095781435741496 0.1404311080884340
8-0.0020512699089757 0.0201915628714830-0.0116294134831253 0.1606226709599169
9-0.0020508200324769 0.0202325882696625-0.0136802335156022 0.1808552592295795
10-0.0019934249196594 0.0202736046703121-0.0156736584352616 0.2011288638998915
11-0.0018791796520380 0.0203134731687052-0.0175528380872996 0.2214423370685968
12-0.0017082124164322 0.0203510567617460-0.0192610505037318 0.2417933938303428
13-0.0014806914339834 0.0203852210100746-0.0207417419377152 0.2621786148404174
14-0.0011968325490789 0.0204148348387543-0.0219385744867941 0.2825934496791717
15-0.0008569074781817 0.0204387714897359-0.0227954819649758 0.3030322211689075
16-0.0004612527185669 0.0204559096392995-0.0232567346835427 0.3234881308082070
17-0.0000102791169649 0.0204651346936709-0.0232670138005077 0.3439532655018779
18 0.0004955179018893 0.0204653402760102-0.0227714958986183 0.3644186057778880
19 0.0010555474468010 0.0204554299179724-0.0217159484518173 0.3848740356958604
20 0.0016691116117526 0.0204343189690364-0.0200468368400647 0.4053083546648968
21 0.0023353932676362 0.0204009367368013-0.0177114435724285 0.4257092914016981
22 0.0030534431940779 0.0203542288714486-0.0146580003783505 0.4460635202731467
23 0.0038221665513568 0.0202931600075670-0.0108358338269937 0.4663566802807137
24 0.0046403086924171 0.0202167166765399-0.0061955251345765 0.4865733969572536
25 0.0055064403149742 0.0201239105026915-0.0006890848196024 0.5066973074599451
26 0.0064189419537136 0.0200137816963921 0.0057298571341112 0.5267110891563371
27 0.0073759878125848 0.0198854028573178 0.0131058449466960 0.5465964920136549
28 0.0083755289371871 0.0197378831010661 0.0214813738838831 0.5663343751147210
29 0.0094152757272501 0.0195703725223223 0.0308966496111332 0.5859047476370433
30 0.0104926797892080 0.0193820670077773 0.0413893294003412 0.6052868146448206
31 0.0116049151288660 0.0191722134119932 0.0529942445292072 0.6244590280568137
32 0.0127488586841624 0.0189401151094159 0.0657431032133696 0.6433991431662296
33 0.0139210701980223 0.0186851379357326 0.0796641734113919 0.6620842811019622
34 0.0151177714313064 0.0184067165317722 0.0947819448426983 0.6804909976337343
35 0.0163348247158524 0.0181043611031460 0.1111167695585507 0.6985953587368804
36 0.0175677108476106 0.0177776646088290 0.1286844804061612 0.7163730233457094
37 0.0188115063198728 0.0174263103918768 0.1474959867260340 0.7337993337375862
38 0.0200608598965948 0.0170500802654793 0.1675568466226288 0.7508494140030655
39 0.0213099685258127 0.0166488630675474 0.1888668151484416 0.7674982770706129
40 0.0225525525931525 0.0162226636970312 0.2114193677415941 0.7837209407676441
41 0.0237818305154335 0.0157716126451681 0.2352011982570276 0.7994925534128122
42 0.0249904926743652 0.0152959760348595 0.2601916909313928 0.8147885294476717
43 0.0261706746903379 0.0147961661813722 0.2863623656217307 0.8295846956290438
44 0.0273139300363068 0.0142727526875654 0.3136762956580375 0.8438574483166091
45 0.0284112019917697 0.0137264740868393 0.3420874976498072 0.8575839224034484
46 0.0294527949368383 0.0131582500470039 0.3715402925866456 0.8707421724504523
47 0.0304283449864031 0.0125691941482671 0.4019686375730487 0.8833113665987193
48 0.0313267899643920 0.0119606272485390 0.4332954275374407 0.8952719938472583
49 0.0321363387181221 0.0113340914492512 0.4654317662555627 0.9066060852965095
50 0.0328444397727456 0.0106913646748887 0.4982762060283084 0.9172974499713983
51 0.0334377493257894 0.0100344758794338 0.5317139553540977 0.9273319258508321
52 0.0339020985817871 0.0093657208929180 0.5656160539358848 0.9366976467437502
53 0.0342224604270064 0.0086876789212823 0.5998385143628912 0.9453853256650325
54 0.0343829154442684 0.0080032297127422 0.6342214298071596 0.9533885553777747
55 0.0343666172678620 0.0073155714038568 0.6685880470750215 0.9607041267816315
56 0.0341557572785502 0.0066282390584996 0.7027438043535718 0.9673323658401310
57 0.0337315286386720 0.0059451239129286 0.7364753329922438 0.9732774897530596
58 0.0330740896673358 0.0052704933401551 0.7695494226595796 0.9785479830932148
59 0.0321625265557082 0.0046090115468084 0.8017119492152878 0.9831569946400232
60 0.0309748154223953 0.0039657610156942 0.8326867646376830 0.9871227556557174
61 0.0294877837089178 0.0033462647072463 0.8621745483466008 0.9904690203629637
62 0.0276770709152801 0.0027565090330680 0.8898516192618808 0.9932255293960317
63 0.0255170886756324 0.0022029676147624 0.9153687079375131 0.9954284970107941
64 0.0229809801740268 0.0016926258412497 0.9383496881115398 0.9971211228520438
65 0.0200405789002670 0.0012330062377692 0.9583902670118067 0.9983541290898130
66 0.0166663667458513 0.0008321946597639 0.9750566337576579 0.9991863237495768
67 0.0128274314400094 0.0004988673248468 0.9878840651976674 0.9996851910744237
68 0.0084914233258330 0.0002423186960466 0.9963754885235003 0.9999275097704703
69 0.0036245114764992 0.0000724902295300 0.9999999999999996 1.0000000000000000
ndtfast, nfast = 50 69 nfast/ndtfast = 1.38000
Centers of gravity and integrals (values must be 1, 1, approx 1/2, 1, 1):
1.000000000000 1.033396903681 0.516698451840 1.000000000000 1.000000000000
Power filter parameters, Fgamma, gamma = 0.28400 0.22720
Minimum X-grid spacing, DXmin = 9.04304958E+00 km
Maximum X-grid spacing, DXmax = 1.09354054E+01 km
Minimum Y-grid spacing, DYmin = 8.96827502E+00 km
Maximum Y-grid spacing, DYmax = 1.08449847E+01 km
Minimum Z-grid spacing, DZmin = 1.50000000E-01 m
Maximum Z-grid spacing, DZmax = 9.23747438E+02 m
Minimum barotropic Courant Number = 5.39466551E-02
Maximum barotropic Courant Number = 2.43502746E+00
Maximum Coriolis Courant Number = 3.44073451E-01
NLM: GET_STATE - Read state initial conditions, t = 15 00:00:00
(File: ecs-init.nc, Rec=0001, Index=1)
- free-surface
(Min = -1.03900039E+00 Max = 4.24623102E-01)
- vertically integrated u-momentum component
(Min = -2.48144001E-01 Max = 2.25646660E-01)
- vertically integrated v-momentum component
(Min = -3.05982500E-01 Max = 1.76929355E-01)
- u-momentum component
(Min = -5.14225662E-01 Max = 4.19940740E-01)
- v-momentum component
(Min = -5.95250189E-01 Max = 4.60865140E-01)
- potential temperature
(Min = 1.21935844E-01 Max = 2.43009834E+01)
- salinity
(Min = 2.88827286E+01 Max = 3.49072151E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface u-momentum stress, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -9.55872877E-05 Max = 8.67718256E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface v-momentum stress, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.70217654E-04 Max = -5.20200284E-05)
GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.67830187E-05 Max = 4.39091744E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.10588018E-04 Max = -2.01264782E-05)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface temperature climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.61116224E+00 Max = 2.43009842E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux sensitivity to SST, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.83709200E-05 Max = -8.45130399E-06)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface salinity climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.89088797E+01 Max = 3.48982156E+01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -6.78813930E-02 Max = 1.39036095E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.16295470E-01 Max = 3.75634752E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.48136400E-01 Max = 1.00757690E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.13953312E-01 Max = 1.04379732E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.86243012E-02 Max = 1.30605154E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -3.58262522E-02 Max = 3.89263887E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.57907076E-01 Max = 2.27884399E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.03974092E-01 Max = 8.60740532E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -5.14225647E-01 Max = 2.14896525E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.41885832E-01 Max = 3.04669367E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.07267814E-02 Max = 6.54127802E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -7.03160290E-02 Max = 7.79320904E-02)
GET_NGFLD - temperature eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.25825964E-01 Max = 2.31046022E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.39027342E+01 Max = 3.49070811E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.56173820E+00 Max = 2.43009842E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.41662610E+01 Max = 3.49068738E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.21935847E-01 Max = 5.86545917E+00)
GET_NGFLD - salinity northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.88827286E+01 Max = 3.41449572E+01)
GET_3DFLD - potential temperature climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.21935847E-01 Max = 2.43009842E+01)
GET_3DFLD - salinity climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.88827286E+01 Max = 3.49072150E+01)
Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 3.073662E-01 (Beckmann and Haidvogel)
rx1 = 5.872313E+00 (Haney)
Initial basin volumes: TotVolume = 1.01955771531188E+15 m3
MinVolume = 1.22765758381738E+07 m3
MaxVolume = 1.08882424887833E+11 m3
Max/Min = 8.86912004805646E+03
NL ROMS/TOMS: started time-stepping: (Grid: 01 TimeSteps: 00000361 - 00086400)
GET_2DFLD - surface u-momentum stress, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -8.64987824E-05 Max = 5.54186921E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface v-momentum stress, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.45845268E-04 Max = -3.81793509E-05)
GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.56265866E-05 Max = 4.83486652E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -8.51424856E-05 Max = -2.51220934E-06)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface temperature climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.45024127E+00 Max = 2.41342802E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux sensitivity to SST, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.73132747E-05 Max = -6.22469509E-06)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface salinity climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.82958405E+01 Max = 3.48577115E+01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -7.14497877E-02 Max = 1.78052583E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.31554173E-01 Max = 3.55817396E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.39730665E-01 Max = 8.98597266E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.15809507E-01 Max = 1.78383946E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.26529823E-02 Max = 8.77640229E-03)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -3.11442407E-02 Max = 3.68661431E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.73840437E-01 Max = 2.74281391E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.18833608E-01 Max = 8.41800091E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.75964421E-01 Max = 1.85201868E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.42814101E-01 Max = 3.76349827E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -3.33055608E-02 Max = 4.07769424E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -6.59982058E-02 Max = 6.71205084E-02)
GET_NGFLD - temperature eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.27428484E-01 Max = 2.25594570E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.39312326E+01 Max = 3.48577115E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.56141550E+00 Max = 2.41342802E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.41727622E+01 Max = 3.48815883E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.09079484E-01 Max = 4.94595786E+00)
GET_NGFLD - salinity northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.82569830E+01 Max = 3.41322895E+01)
GET_3DFLD - potential temperature climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.09079484E-01 Max = 2.41342802E+01)
GET_3DFLD - salinity climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.82569830E+01 Max = 3.48815883E+01)
360 15 00:00:00 2.712312E-03 1.604108E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
DEF_HIS - creating history file: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_his.nc
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
361 15 01:00:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN
Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=2,2) into time record = 0000001
Elapsed CPU time (seconds):
Node # 0 CPU: 3.366 Node # 1 CPU: 3.391 Node # 2 CPU: 3.391 Node # 7 CPU: 3.391 Node # 6 CPU: 3.391 Node # 4 CPU: 3.391 Node # 9 CPU: 3.391
Node # 3 CPU: 3.391 Node # 8 CPU: 3.391
Node # 10 CPU: 3.391 Node # 14 CPU: 3.391 Node # 5 CPU: 3.391 Node # 15 CPU: 3.391
Node # 11 CPU: 3.391
Node # 13 CPU: 3.391 Node # 12 CPU: 3.391
Total: 54.232
Nonlinear model elapsed time profile:
Initialization ................................... 21.751 (40.1080 %)
Reading of input data ............................ 17.701 (32.6398 %)
Processing of input data ......................... 0.171 ( 0.3150 %)
Processing of output time averaged data .......... 0.070 ( 0.1284 %)
Computation of vertical boundary conditions ...... 0.011 ( 0.0208 %)
Computation of global information integrals ...... 0.083 ( 0.1534 %)
Writing of output data ........................... 9.588 (17.6791 %)
Model 2D kernel .................................. 2.041 ( 3.7636 %)
2D/3D coupling, vertical metrics ................. 0.095 ( 0.1758 %)
Omega vertical velocity .......................... 0.073 ( 0.1348 %)
Equation of state for seawater ................... 0.382 ( 0.7049 %)
KPP vertical mixing parameterization ............. 0.329 ( 0.6066 %)
3D equations right-side terms .................... 0.108 ( 0.1999 %)
3D equations predictor step ...................... 0.276 ( 0.5088 %)
Pressure gradient ................................ 0.102 ( 0.1878 %)
Harmonic mixing of tracers, S-surfaces ........... 0.040 ( 0.0743 %)
Harmonic stress tensor, S-surfaces ............... 0.074 ( 0.1357 %)
Corrector time-step for 3D momentum .............. 0.177 ( 0.3267 %)
Corrector time-step for tracers .................. 0.169 ( 0.3124 %)
Total: 53.242 98.1756
Nonlinear model message Passage profile:
Message Passage: 2D halo exchanges ............... 0.676 ( 1.2459 %)
Message Passage: 3D halo exchanges ............... 0.224 ( 0.4127 %)
Message Passage: 4D halo exchanges ............... 0.057 ( 0.1043 %)
Message Passage: data broadcast .................. 28.565 (52.6719 %)
Message Passage: data reduction .................. 0.102 ( 0.1884 %)
Message Passage: data gathering .................. 3.128 ( 5.7680 %)
Message Passage: data scattering.................. 5.075 ( 9.3582 %)
Total: 37.826 69.7494
All percentages are with respect to total time = 54.232
ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01:
number of time records written in HISTORY file = 00000001
number of time records written in RESTART file = 00000001
Analytical header files used:
ROMS/TOMS: DONE... Sunday - April 19, 2009 - 9:39:00 PM
how does roms caculate the value of zeta?
Re: how does roms caculate the value of zeta?
Hi Leon;
Your problem is probable related with your time step since your
Maximum barotropic Courant Number = 2.43502746E+00.
Try to reduce it to get Maximum barotropic Courant Number < 0 and satisfy the CFL criteria.
Have a look in arangos comments at viewtopic.php?f=1&t=850&hilit=cfl and m.hadfield's comments at viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1097&hilit=Maximum ... ant+Number
Your problem is probable related with your time step since your
Maximum barotropic Courant Number = 2.43502746E+00.
Try to reduce it to get Maximum barotropic Courant Number < 0 and satisfy the CFL criteria.
Have a look in arangos comments at viewtopic.php?f=1&t=850&hilit=cfl and m.hadfield's comments at viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1097&hilit=Maximum ... ant+Number
- m.hadfield
- Posts: 521
- Joined: Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:12 am
- Location: NIWA
Re: how does roms caculate the value of zeta?
Achieving a maximum barotropic Courant number < 0 is maybe a little ambitious. You'll have better luck if you aim for a value < 1.ocecept wrote:Try to reduce it to get Maximum barotropic Courant Number < 0 and satisfy the CFL criteria.

Re: how does roms caculate the value of zeta?
Thanks all of you. I really appreciate it.And I want to known that whether the CFL condition for ROMS is dt<sqrt(((min(min(dx))^2)+(min(min(dy))^2)) / (9.8 * (min(min(h))^2))) or not.
Re: how does roms caculate the value of zeta?
I change the dt value, but it still bolws up. This is my first application, I hope someone can help me. Thank you in advance.
Physical Parameters, Grid: 01
86400 ntimes Number of timesteps for 3-D equations.
36.000 dt Timestep size (s) for 3-D equations.
50 ndtfast Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between
each 3D timestep.
1 ERstr Starting ensemble/perturbation run number.
1 ERend Ending ensemble/perturbation run number.
0 nrrec Number of restart records to read from disk.
T LcycleRST Switch to recycle time-records in restart file.
600 nRST Number of timesteps between the writing of data
into restart fields.
1 ninfo Number of timesteps between print of information
to standard output.
T ldefout Switch to create a new output NetCDF file(s).
360 nHIS Number of timesteps between the writing fields
into history file.
1 ntsAVG Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged data.
720 nAVG Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into averages file.
8640 ndefAVG Number of timesteps between creation of new
time-averaged file.
2.0000E+01 tnu2(01) Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
2.0000E+01 tnu2(02) Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
4.0000E+01 visc2 Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(01) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(02) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
1.0000E-05 Akv_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
3.0000E-04 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/s).
3.0000E-03 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient.
2.0000E-02 Zob Bottom roughness (m).
1 lmd_Jwt Jerlov water type.
1 Vtransform S-coordinate transformation equation.
1 Vstretching S-coordinate stretching function.
5.0000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter.
4.0000E-01 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter.
3.000 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (m) used
in vertical coordinate stretching.
1025.000 rho0 Mean density (kg/m3) for Boussinesq approximation.
0.000 dstart Time-stamp assigned to model initialization (days).
-1.00 time_ref Reference time for units attribute (yyyymmdd.dd)
3.0000E+01 Tnudg(01) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 01: temp
3.0000E+01 Tnudg(02) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 02: salt
3.0000E+01 Znudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for free-surface.
3.0000E+01 M2nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 2D momentum.
3.0000E+01 M3nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 3D momentum.
1.0000E+01 obcfac Factor between passive and active
open boundary conditions.
10.000 T0 Background potential temperature (C) constant.
35.000 S0 Background salinity (PSU) constant.
1.000 gamma2 Slipperiness variable: free-slip (1.0) or
no-slip (-1.0).
T Hout(idFsur) Write out free-surface.
T Hout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idUvel) Write out 3D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVvel) Write out 3D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idWvel) Write out W-momentum component.
T Hout(idOvel) Write out omega vertical velocity.
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 01: temp
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 02: salt
T Hout(idTsur) Write out surface net heat flux.
T Hout(idTsur) Write out surface net salt flux.
T Hout(idVvis) Write out vertical viscosity coefficient.
T Hout(idTdif) Write out vertical T-diffusion coefficient.
T Hout(idHsbl) Write out depth of surface boundary layer.
Output/Input Files:
Output Restart File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_rst.nc
Output History File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_his.nc
Prefix for Averages Files: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_avg
Input Grid File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-grid.nc
Input Nonlinear Initial File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-init.nc
Input Forcing File 01: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-forc.nc
Input Climatology File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-clim.nc
Input Boundary File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-bry.nc
Tile partition information for Grid 01: 0128x0188x0020 tiling: 004x004
tile Istr Iend Jstr Jend Npts
0 1 32 1 47 30080
1 33 64 1 47 30080
2 65 96 1 47 30080
3 97 128 1 47 30080
4 1 32 48 94 30080
5 33 64 48 94 30080
6 65 96 48 94 30080
7 97 128 48 94 30080
8 1 32 95 141 30080
9 33 64 95 141 30080
10 65 96 95 141 30080
11 97 128 95 141 30080
12 1 32 142 188 30080
13 33 64 142 188 30080
14 65 96 142 188 30080
15 97 128 142 188 30080
Tile minimum and maximum fractional grid coordinates:
(interior points only)
tile Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax grid
0 0.50 32.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
1 32.50 64.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
2 64.50 96.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
3 96.50 128.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
4 0.50 32.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
5 32.50 64.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
6 64.50 96.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
7 96.50 128.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
8 0.50 32.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
9 32.50 64.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
10 64.50 96.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
11 96.50 128.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
12 0.50 32.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
13 32.50 64.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
14 64.50 96.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
15 96.50 128.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
0 1.00 32.50 0.50 47.50 U-points
1 32.50 64.50 0.50 47.50 U-points
2 64.50 96.50 0.50 47.50 U-points
3 96.50 128.00 0.50 47.50 U-points
4 1.00 32.50 47.50 94.50 U-points
5 32.50 64.50 47.50 94.50 U-points
6 64.50 96.50 47.50 94.50 U-points
7 96.50 128.00 47.50 94.50 U-points
8 1.00 32.50 94.50 141.50 U-points
9 32.50 64.50 94.50 141.50 U-points
10 64.50 96.50 94.50 141.50 U-points
11 96.50 128.00 94.50 141.50 U-points
12 1.00 32.50 141.50 188.50 U-points
13 32.50 64.50 141.50 188.50 U-points
14 64.50 96.50 141.50 188.50 U-points
15 96.50 128.00 141.50 188.50 U-points
0 0.50 32.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
1 32.50 64.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
2 64.50 96.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
3 96.50 128.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
4 0.50 32.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
5 32.50 64.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
6 64.50 96.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
7 96.50 128.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
8 0.50 32.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
9 32.50 64.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
10 64.50 96.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
11 96.50 128.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
12 0.50 32.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
13 32.50 64.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
14 64.50 96.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
15 96.50 128.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
Maximum halo size in XI and ETA directions:
HaloSizeI(1) = 88
HaloSizeJ(1) = 118
TileSide(1) = 53
TileSize(1) = 2014
Activated C-preprocessing Options:
ECS East China Sea
ANA_BSFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux.
ANA_BTFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux.
ASSUMED_SHAPE Using assumed-shape arrays.
AVERAGES Writing out time-averaged fields.
AVERAGES_FLUXES Writing out time-averaged surface fluxes.
CURVGRID Orthogonal curvilinear grid.
DIURNAL_SRFLUX Modulate shortwave radiation by the local diurnal cycle.
DJ_GRADPS Parabolic Splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2002).
DOUBLE_PRECISION Double precision arithmetic.
EAST_FSGRADIENT Eastern edge, free-surface, gradient condition.
EAST_M2NUDGING Eastern edge, 2D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
EAST_M2RADIATION Eastern edge, 2D momentum, radiation condition.
EAST_M3NUDGING Eastern edge, 3D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
EAST_M3RADIATION Eastern edge, 3D momentum, radiation condition.
EAST_TNUDGING Eastern edge, tracers, passive/active outflow/inflow.
EAST_TRADIATION Eastern edge, tracers, radiation condition.
EAST_VOLCONS Eastern edge, enforce mass conservation.
LMD_CONVEC LMD convective mixing due to shear instability.
LMD_MIXING Large/McWilliams/Doney interior mixing.
LMD_NONLOCAL LMD convective nonlocal transport.
LMD_RIMIX LMD diffusivity due to shear instability.
LMD_SKPP KPP surface boundary layer mixing.
MASKING Land/Sea masking.
MIX_S_TS Mixing of tracers along constant S-surfaces.
MIX_S_UV Mixing of momentum along constant S-surfaces.
MPI MPI distributed-memory configuration.
NONLINEAR Nonlinear Model.
NONLIN_EOS Nonlinear Equation of State for seawater.
NORTH_VOLCONS Northern edge, enforce mass conservation.
NORTH_FSGRADIENT Northern edge, free-surface, gradient condition.
NORTH_M2NUDGING Northern edge, 2D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
NORTH_M2RADIATION Northern edge, 2D momentum, radiation condition.
NORTH_M3NUDGING Northern edge, 3D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
NORTH_M3RADIATION Northern edge, 3D momentum, radiation condition.
NORTH_TNUDGING Northern edge, tracers, passive/active outflow/inflow.
NORTH_TRADIATION Northern edge, tracers, radiation condition.
POWER_LAW Power-law shape time-averaging barotropic filter.
PROFILE Time profiling activated .
QCORRECTION Surface net heat flux correction.
!RST_SINGLE Double precision fields in restart NetCDF file.
SALINITY Using salinity.
SCORRECTION Surface salinity flux correction.
SRELAXATION Surface salinity relaxation as surface flux.
SOLAR_SOURCE Solar Radiation Source Term.
SOLVE3D Solving 3D Primitive Equations.
SOUTH_FSGRADIENT Southern edge, free-surface, gradient condition.
SOUTH_M2NUDGING Southern edge, 2D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
SOUTH_M2RADIATION Southern edge, 2D momentum, radiation condition.
SOUTH_M3NUDGING Southern edge, 3D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
SOUTH_M3RADIATION Southern edge, 3D momentum, radiation condition.
SOUTH_TNUDGING Southern edge, tracers, passive/active outflow/inflow.
SOUTH_TRADIATION Southern edge, tracers, radiation condition.
SOUTH_VOLCONS Southern edge, enforce mass conservation.
SPLINES Conservative parabolic spline reconstruction.
SPONGE Enhanced horizontal mixing in the sponge areas.
TCLIMATOLOGY Processing tracer climatology data.
TS_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of tracers.
TS_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of tracers.
TS_DIF2 Harmonic mixing of tracers.
UV_ADV Advection of momentum.
UV_COR Coriolis term.
UV_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of 3D momentum.
UV_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of momentum.
UV_QDRAG Quadratic bottom stress.
UV_VIS2 Harmonic mixing of momentum.
VAR_RHO_2D Variable density barotropic mode.
WESTERN_WALL Wall boundary at Western edge.
INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
Vertical S-coordinate System:
level S-coord Cs-curve at_hmin over_slope at_hmax
20 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 -0.0500000 -0.0037835 -0.150 -13.143 -26.136
18 -0.1000000 -0.0087922 -0.300 -30.493 -60.686
17 -0.1500000 -0.0158197 -0.450 -54.776 -109.103
16 -0.2000000 -0.0260168 -0.600 -89.945 -179.289
15 -0.2500000 -0.0409944 -0.750 -141.529 -282.309
14 -0.3000000 -0.0628318 -0.900 -216.671 -432.442
13 -0.3500000 -0.0938098 -1.050 -323.203 -645.355
12 -0.4000000 -0.1356491 -1.200 -467.033 -932.866
11 -0.4500000 -0.1882840 -1.350 -647.937 -1294.524
10 -0.5000000 -0.2489214 -1.500 -856.322 -1711.145
9 -0.5500000 -0.3126323 -1.650 -1075.262 -2148.874
8 -0.6000000 -0.3746809 -1.800 -1288.494 -2575.188
7 -0.6500000 -0.4328656 -1.950 -1488.456 -2974.962
6 -0.7000000 -0.4881475 -2.100 -1678.450 -3354.800
5 -0.7500000 -0.5437741 -2.250 -1869.628 -3737.005
4 -0.8000000 -0.6041494 -2.400 -2077.113 -4151.825
3 -0.8500000 -0.6742046 -2.550 -2317.840 -4633.130
2 -0.9000000 -0.7593114 -2.700 -2610.255 -5217.811
1 -0.9500000 -0.8655258 -2.850 -2975.157 -5947.464
0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 -3.000 -3437.106 -6871.211
Time Splitting Weights: ndtfast = 50 nfast = 69
Primary Secondary Accumulated to Current Step
1-0.0004563262418391 0.0200000000000000-0.0004563262418391 0.0200000000000000
2-0.0008555246732536 0.0200091265248368-0.0013118509150927 0.0400091265248368
3-0.0011975957891734 0.0200262370183019-0.0025094467042661 0.0600353635431387
4-0.0014825415143255 0.0200501889340853-0.0039919882185915 0.0800855524772240
5-0.0017103668530001 0.0200798397643718-0.0057023550715916 0.1001653922415958
6-0.0018810821987231 0.0201140471014318-0.0075834372703147 0.1202794393430276
7-0.0019947063038349 0.0201516687454063-0.0095781435741496 0.1404311080884340
8-0.0020512699089757 0.0201915628714830-0.0116294134831253 0.1606226709599169
9-0.0020508200324769 0.0202325882696625-0.0136802335156022 0.1808552592295795
10-0.0019934249196594 0.0202736046703121-0.0156736584352616 0.2011288638998915
11-0.0018791796520380 0.0203134731687052-0.0175528380872996 0.2214423370685968
12-0.0017082124164322 0.0203510567617460-0.0192610505037318 0.2417933938303428
13-0.0014806914339834 0.0203852210100746-0.0207417419377152 0.2621786148404174
14-0.0011968325490789 0.0204148348387543-0.0219385744867941 0.2825934496791717
15-0.0008569074781817 0.0204387714897359-0.0227954819649758 0.3030322211689075
16-0.0004612527185669 0.0204559096392995-0.0232567346835427 0.3234881308082070
17-0.0000102791169649 0.0204651346936709-0.0232670138005077 0.3439532655018779
18 0.0004955179018893 0.0204653402760102-0.0227714958986183 0.3644186057778880
19 0.0010555474468010 0.0204554299179724-0.0217159484518173 0.3848740356958604
20 0.0016691116117526 0.0204343189690364-0.0200468368400647 0.4053083546648968
21 0.0023353932676362 0.0204009367368013-0.0177114435724285 0.4257092914016981
22 0.0030534431940779 0.0203542288714486-0.0146580003783505 0.4460635202731467
23 0.0038221665513568 0.0202931600075670-0.0108358338269937 0.4663566802807137
24 0.0046403086924171 0.0202167166765399-0.0061955251345765 0.4865733969572536
25 0.0055064403149742 0.0201239105026915-0.0006890848196024 0.5066973074599451
26 0.0064189419537136 0.0200137816963921 0.0057298571341112 0.5267110891563371
27 0.0073759878125848 0.0198854028573178 0.0131058449466960 0.5465964920136549
28 0.0083755289371871 0.0197378831010661 0.0214813738838831 0.5663343751147210
29 0.0094152757272501 0.0195703725223223 0.0308966496111332 0.5859047476370433
30 0.0104926797892080 0.0193820670077773 0.0413893294003412 0.6052868146448206
31 0.0116049151288660 0.0191722134119932 0.0529942445292072 0.6244590280568137
32 0.0127488586841624 0.0189401151094159 0.0657431032133696 0.6433991431662296
33 0.0139210701980223 0.0186851379357326 0.0796641734113919 0.6620842811019622
34 0.0151177714313064 0.0184067165317722 0.0947819448426983 0.6804909976337343
35 0.0163348247158524 0.0181043611031460 0.1111167695585507 0.6985953587368804
36 0.0175677108476106 0.0177776646088290 0.1286844804061612 0.7163730233457094
37 0.0188115063198728 0.0174263103918768 0.1474959867260340 0.7337993337375862
38 0.0200608598965948 0.0170500802654793 0.1675568466226288 0.7508494140030655
39 0.0213099685258127 0.0166488630675474 0.1888668151484416 0.7674982770706129
40 0.0225525525931525 0.0162226636970312 0.2114193677415941 0.7837209407676441
41 0.0237818305154335 0.0157716126451681 0.2352011982570276 0.7994925534128122
42 0.0249904926743652 0.0152959760348595 0.2601916909313928 0.8147885294476717
43 0.0261706746903379 0.0147961661813722 0.2863623656217307 0.8295846956290438
44 0.0273139300363068 0.0142727526875654 0.3136762956580375 0.8438574483166091
45 0.0284112019917697 0.0137264740868393 0.3420874976498072 0.8575839224034484
46 0.0294527949368383 0.0131582500470039 0.3715402925866456 0.8707421724504523
47 0.0304283449864031 0.0125691941482671 0.4019686375730487 0.8833113665987193
48 0.0313267899643920 0.0119606272485390 0.4332954275374407 0.8952719938472583
49 0.0321363387181221 0.0113340914492512 0.4654317662555627 0.9066060852965095
50 0.0328444397727456 0.0106913646748887 0.4982762060283084 0.9172974499713983
51 0.0334377493257894 0.0100344758794338 0.5317139553540977 0.9273319258508321
52 0.0339020985817871 0.0093657208929180 0.5656160539358848 0.9366976467437502
53 0.0342224604270064 0.0086876789212823 0.5998385143628912 0.9453853256650325
54 0.0343829154442684 0.0080032297127422 0.6342214298071596 0.9533885553777747
55 0.0343666172678620 0.0073155714038568 0.6685880470750215 0.9607041267816315
56 0.0341557572785502 0.0066282390584996 0.7027438043535718 0.9673323658401310
57 0.0337315286386720 0.0059451239129286 0.7364753329922438 0.9732774897530596
58 0.0330740896673358 0.0052704933401551 0.7695494226595796 0.9785479830932148
59 0.0321625265557082 0.0046090115468084 0.8017119492152878 0.9831569946400232
60 0.0309748154223953 0.0039657610156942 0.8326867646376830 0.9871227556557174
61 0.0294877837089178 0.0033462647072463 0.8621745483466008 0.9904690203629637
62 0.0276770709152801 0.0027565090330680 0.8898516192618808 0.9932255293960317
63 0.0255170886756324 0.0022029676147624 0.9153687079375131 0.9954284970107941
64 0.0229809801740268 0.0016926258412497 0.9383496881115398 0.9971211228520438
65 0.0200405789002670 0.0012330062377692 0.9583902670118067 0.9983541290898130
66 0.0166663667458513 0.0008321946597639 0.9750566337576579 0.9991863237495768
67 0.0128274314400094 0.0004988673248468 0.9878840651976674 0.9996851910744237
68 0.0084914233258330 0.0002423186960466 0.9963754885235003 0.9999275097704703
69 0.0036245114764992 0.0000724902295300 0.9999999999999996 1.0000000000000000
ndtfast, nfast = 50 69 nfast/ndtfast = 1.38000
Centers of gravity and integrals (values must be 1, 1, approx 1/2, 1, 1):
1.000000000000 1.033396903681 0.516698451840 1.000000000000 1.000000000000
Power filter parameters, Fgamma, gamma = 0.28400 0.22720
Minimum X-grid spacing, DXmin = 9.04304958E+00 km
Maximum X-grid spacing, DXmax = 1.09354054E+01 km
Minimum Y-grid spacing, DYmin = 8.96827502E+00 km
Maximum Y-grid spacing, DYmax = 1.08449847E+01 km
Minimum Z-grid spacing, DZmin = 1.50000000E-01 m
Maximum Z-grid spacing, DZmax = 9.23747438E+02 m
Minimum barotropic Courant Number = 5.39466551E-04
Maximum barotropic Courant Number = 2.43502746E-02
Maximum Coriolis Courant Number = 3.44073451E-03
NLM: GET_STATE - Read state initial conditions, t = 15 00:00:00
(File: ecs-init.nc, Rec=0001, Index=1)
- free-surface
(Min = -1.03900039E+00 Max = 4.24623102E-01)
- vertically integrated u-momentum component
(Min = -2.48144001E-01 Max = 2.25646660E-01)
- vertically integrated v-momentum component
(Min = -3.05982500E-01 Max = 1.76929355E-01)
- u-momentum component
(Min = -5.14225662E-01 Max = 4.19940740E-01)
- v-momentum component
(Min = -5.95250189E-01 Max = 4.60865140E-01)
- potential temperature
(Min = 1.21935844E-01 Max = 2.43009834E+01)
- salinity
(Min = 2.88827286E+01 Max = 3.49072151E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface u-momentum stress, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -9.55872877E-05 Max = 8.67718256E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface v-momentum stress, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.70217654E-04 Max = -5.20200284E-05)
GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.67830187E-05 Max = 4.39091744E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.10588018E-04 Max = -2.01264782E-05)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface temperature climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.61116224E+00 Max = 2.43009842E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux sensitivity to SST, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.83709200E-05 Max = -8.45130399E-06)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface salinity climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.89088797E+01 Max = 3.48982156E+01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -6.78813930E-02 Max = 1.39036095E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.16295470E-01 Max = 3.75634752E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.48136400E-01 Max = 1.00757690E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.13953312E-01 Max = 1.04379732E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.86243012E-02 Max = 1.30605154E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -3.58262522E-02 Max = 3.89263887E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.57907076E-01 Max = 2.27884399E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.03974092E-01 Max = 8.60740532E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -5.14225647E-01 Max = 2.14896525E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.41885832E-01 Max = 3.04669367E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.07267814E-02 Max = 6.54127802E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -7.03160290E-02 Max = 7.79320904E-02)
GET_NGFLD - temperature eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.25825964E-01 Max = 2.31046022E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.39027342E+01 Max = 3.49070811E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.56173820E+00 Max = 2.43009842E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.41662610E+01 Max = 3.49068738E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.21935847E-01 Max = 5.86545917E+00)
GET_NGFLD - salinity northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.88827286E+01 Max = 3.41449572E+01)
GET_3DFLD - potential temperature climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.21935847E-01 Max = 2.43009842E+01)
GET_3DFLD - salinity climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.88827286E+01 Max = 3.49072150E+01)
Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 3.073662E-01 (Beckmann and Haidvogel)
rx1 = 5.872313E+00 (Haney)
Initial basin volumes: TotVolume = 1.01955771531188E+15 m3
MinVolume = 1.22765758381738E+07 m3
MaxVolume = 1.08882424887833E+11 m3
Max/Min = 8.86912004805646E+03
NL ROMS/TOMS: started time-stepping: (Grid: 01 TimeSteps: 00036001 - 00086400)
GET_2DFLD - surface u-momentum stress, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -8.64987824E-05 Max = 5.54186921E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface v-momentum stress, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.45845268E-04 Max = -3.81793509E-05)
GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.56265866E-05 Max = 4.83486652E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -8.51424856E-05 Max = -2.51220934E-06)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface temperature climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.45024127E+00 Max = 2.41342802E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux sensitivity to SST, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.73132747E-05 Max = -6.22469509E-06)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface salinity climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.82958405E+01 Max = 3.48577115E+01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -7.14497877E-02 Max = 1.78052583E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.31554173E-01 Max = 3.55817396E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.39730665E-01 Max = 8.98597266E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.15809507E-01 Max = 1.78383946E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.26529823E-02 Max = 8.77640229E-03)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -3.11442407E-02 Max = 3.68661431E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.73840437E-01 Max = 2.74281391E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.18833608E-01 Max = 8.41800091E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.75964421E-01 Max = 1.85201868E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.42814101E-01 Max = 3.76349827E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -3.33055608E-02 Max = 4.07769424E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -6.59982058E-02 Max = 6.71205084E-02)
GET_NGFLD - temperature eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.27428484E-01 Max = 2.25594570E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.39312326E+01 Max = 3.48577115E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.56141550E+00 Max = 2.41342802E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.41727622E+01 Max = 3.48815883E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.09079484E-01 Max = 4.94595786E+00)
GET_NGFLD - salinity northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.82569830E+01 Max = 3.41322895E+01)
GET_3DFLD - potential temperature climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.09079484E-01 Max = 2.41342802E+01)
GET_3DFLD - salinity climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.82569830E+01 Max = 3.48815883E+01)
36000 15 00:00:00 2.712312E-03 1.604108E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
DEF_HIS - creating history file: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_his.nc
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
36001 15 00:00:36 2.690301E-03 1.604107E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
36002 15 00:01:12 2.654853E-03 1.604107E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
36003 15 00:01:48 2.631875E-03 1.604107E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
36004 15 00:02:24 2.620680E-03 1.604108E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
36005 15 00:03:00 2.614121E-03 1.604108E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
36006 15 00:03:36 2.608847E-03 1.604109E+04 1.604109E+04 1.024024E+15
36007 15 00:04:12 2.605913E-03 1.604109E+04 1.604109E+04 1.024024E+15
36008 15 00:04:48 2.604339E-03 1.604113E+04 1.604113E+04 1.024024E+15
36009 15 00:05:24 2.597043E-03 1.604338E+04 1.604338E+04 1.024024E+15
Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=2,2) into time record = 0000001
Elapsed CPU time (seconds):
Node # 0 CPU: 5.308 Node # 2 CPU: 5.356 Node # 8 CPU: 5.356
Node # 5 CPU: 5.356 Node # 1 CPU: 5.356 Node # 6 CPU: 5.356 Node # 3 CPU: 5.356 Node # 7 CPU: 5.356 Node # 9 CPU: 5.356 Node # 4 CPU: 5.356 Node # 14 CPU: 5.356 Node # 10 CPU: 5.356 Node # 13 CPU: 5.356
Node # 11 CPU: 5.356 Node # 15 CPU: 5.356
Node # 12 CPU: 5.356
Total: 85.651
Nonlinear model elapsed time profile:
Initialization ................................... 19.800 (23.1176 %)
Reading of input data ............................ 16.385 (19.1296 %)
Processing of input data ......................... 0.635 ( 0.7411 %)
Processing of output time averaged data .......... 0.617 ( 0.7199 %)
Computation of vertical boundary conditions ...... 0.052 ( 0.0610 %)
Computation of global information integrals ...... 0.361 ( 0.4214 %)
Writing of output data ........................... 9.925 (11.5883 %)
Model 2D kernel .................................. 18.240 (21.2961 %)
2D/3D coupling, vertical metrics ................. 0.353 ( 0.4117 %)
Omega vertical velocity .......................... 0.466 ( 0.5442 %)
Equation of state for seawater ................... 1.371 ( 1.6012 %)
KPP vertical mixing parameterization ............. 3.182 ( 3.7156 %)
3D equations right-side terms .................... 0.946 ( 1.1046 %)
3D equations predictor step ...................... 2.512 ( 2.9323 %)
Pressure gradient ................................ 0.919 ( 1.0732 %)
Harmonic mixing of tracers, S-surfaces ........... 0.347 ( 0.4047 %)
Harmonic stress tensor, S-surfaces ............... 0.647 ( 0.7556 %)
Corrector time-step for 3D momentum .............. 1.484 ( 1.7327 %)
Corrector time-step for tracers .................. 1.474 ( 1.7213 %)
Total: 79.717 93.0721
Nonlinear model message Passage profile:
Message Passage: 2D halo exchanges ............... 3.730 ( 4.3546 %)
Message Passage: 3D halo exchanges ............... 0.981 ( 1.1456 %)
Message Passage: 4D halo exchanges ............... 0.325 ( 0.3789 %)
Message Passage: data broadcast .................. 27.790 (32.4453 %)
Message Passage: data reduction .................. 0.895 ( 1.0447 %)
Message Passage: data gathering .................. 3.093 ( 3.6115 %)
Message Passage: data scattering.................. 5.069 ( 5.9187 %)
Total: 41.883 48.8992
All percentages are with respect to total time = 85.651
ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01:
number of time records written in HISTORY file = 00000001
number of time records written in RESTART file = 00000001
Analytical header files used:
ROMS/TOMS: DONE... Monday - April 20, 2009 - 12:14:17 PM
Physical Parameters, Grid: 01
86400 ntimes Number of timesteps for 3-D equations.
36.000 dt Timestep size (s) for 3-D equations.
50 ndtfast Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between
each 3D timestep.
1 ERstr Starting ensemble/perturbation run number.
1 ERend Ending ensemble/perturbation run number.
0 nrrec Number of restart records to read from disk.
T LcycleRST Switch to recycle time-records in restart file.
600 nRST Number of timesteps between the writing of data
into restart fields.
1 ninfo Number of timesteps between print of information
to standard output.
T ldefout Switch to create a new output NetCDF file(s).
360 nHIS Number of timesteps between the writing fields
into history file.
1 ntsAVG Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged data.
720 nAVG Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into averages file.
8640 ndefAVG Number of timesteps between creation of new
time-averaged file.
2.0000E+01 tnu2(01) Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
2.0000E+01 tnu2(02) Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
4.0000E+01 visc2 Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(01) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(02) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
1.0000E-05 Akv_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
3.0000E-04 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/s).
3.0000E-03 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient.
2.0000E-02 Zob Bottom roughness (m).
1 lmd_Jwt Jerlov water type.
1 Vtransform S-coordinate transformation equation.
1 Vstretching S-coordinate stretching function.
5.0000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter.
4.0000E-01 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter.
3.000 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (m) used
in vertical coordinate stretching.
1025.000 rho0 Mean density (kg/m3) for Boussinesq approximation.
0.000 dstart Time-stamp assigned to model initialization (days).
-1.00 time_ref Reference time for units attribute (yyyymmdd.dd)
3.0000E+01 Tnudg(01) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 01: temp
3.0000E+01 Tnudg(02) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 02: salt
3.0000E+01 Znudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for free-surface.
3.0000E+01 M2nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 2D momentum.
3.0000E+01 M3nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 3D momentum.
1.0000E+01 obcfac Factor between passive and active
open boundary conditions.
10.000 T0 Background potential temperature (C) constant.
35.000 S0 Background salinity (PSU) constant.
1.000 gamma2 Slipperiness variable: free-slip (1.0) or
no-slip (-1.0).
T Hout(idFsur) Write out free-surface.
T Hout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idUvel) Write out 3D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVvel) Write out 3D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idWvel) Write out W-momentum component.
T Hout(idOvel) Write out omega vertical velocity.
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 01: temp
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 02: salt
T Hout(idTsur) Write out surface net heat flux.
T Hout(idTsur) Write out surface net salt flux.
T Hout(idVvis) Write out vertical viscosity coefficient.
T Hout(idTdif) Write out vertical T-diffusion coefficient.
T Hout(idHsbl) Write out depth of surface boundary layer.
Output/Input Files:
Output Restart File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_rst.nc
Output History File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_his.nc
Prefix for Averages Files: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_avg
Input Grid File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-grid.nc
Input Nonlinear Initial File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-init.nc
Input Forcing File 01: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-forc.nc
Input Climatology File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-clim.nc
Input Boundary File: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/input/ecs-bry.nc
Tile partition information for Grid 01: 0128x0188x0020 tiling: 004x004
tile Istr Iend Jstr Jend Npts
0 1 32 1 47 30080
1 33 64 1 47 30080
2 65 96 1 47 30080
3 97 128 1 47 30080
4 1 32 48 94 30080
5 33 64 48 94 30080
6 65 96 48 94 30080
7 97 128 48 94 30080
8 1 32 95 141 30080
9 33 64 95 141 30080
10 65 96 95 141 30080
11 97 128 95 141 30080
12 1 32 142 188 30080
13 33 64 142 188 30080
14 65 96 142 188 30080
15 97 128 142 188 30080
Tile minimum and maximum fractional grid coordinates:
(interior points only)
tile Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax grid
0 0.50 32.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
1 32.50 64.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
2 64.50 96.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
3 96.50 128.50 0.50 47.50 RHO-points
4 0.50 32.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
5 32.50 64.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
6 64.50 96.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
7 96.50 128.50 47.50 94.50 RHO-points
8 0.50 32.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
9 32.50 64.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
10 64.50 96.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
11 96.50 128.50 94.50 141.50 RHO-points
12 0.50 32.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
13 32.50 64.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
14 64.50 96.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
15 96.50 128.50 141.50 188.50 RHO-points
0 1.00 32.50 0.50 47.50 U-points
1 32.50 64.50 0.50 47.50 U-points
2 64.50 96.50 0.50 47.50 U-points
3 96.50 128.00 0.50 47.50 U-points
4 1.00 32.50 47.50 94.50 U-points
5 32.50 64.50 47.50 94.50 U-points
6 64.50 96.50 47.50 94.50 U-points
7 96.50 128.00 47.50 94.50 U-points
8 1.00 32.50 94.50 141.50 U-points
9 32.50 64.50 94.50 141.50 U-points
10 64.50 96.50 94.50 141.50 U-points
11 96.50 128.00 94.50 141.50 U-points
12 1.00 32.50 141.50 188.50 U-points
13 32.50 64.50 141.50 188.50 U-points
14 64.50 96.50 141.50 188.50 U-points
15 96.50 128.00 141.50 188.50 U-points
0 0.50 32.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
1 32.50 64.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
2 64.50 96.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
3 96.50 128.50 1.00 47.50 V-points
4 0.50 32.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
5 32.50 64.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
6 64.50 96.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
7 96.50 128.50 47.50 94.50 V-points
8 0.50 32.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
9 32.50 64.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
10 64.50 96.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
11 96.50 128.50 94.50 141.50 V-points
12 0.50 32.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
13 32.50 64.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
14 64.50 96.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
15 96.50 128.50 141.50 188.00 V-points
Maximum halo size in XI and ETA directions:
HaloSizeI(1) = 88
HaloSizeJ(1) = 118
TileSide(1) = 53
TileSize(1) = 2014
Activated C-preprocessing Options:
ECS East China Sea
ANA_BSFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux.
ANA_BTFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux.
ASSUMED_SHAPE Using assumed-shape arrays.
AVERAGES Writing out time-averaged fields.
AVERAGES_FLUXES Writing out time-averaged surface fluxes.
CURVGRID Orthogonal curvilinear grid.
DIURNAL_SRFLUX Modulate shortwave radiation by the local diurnal cycle.
DJ_GRADPS Parabolic Splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2002).
DOUBLE_PRECISION Double precision arithmetic.
EAST_FSGRADIENT Eastern edge, free-surface, gradient condition.
EAST_M2NUDGING Eastern edge, 2D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
EAST_M2RADIATION Eastern edge, 2D momentum, radiation condition.
EAST_M3NUDGING Eastern edge, 3D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
EAST_M3RADIATION Eastern edge, 3D momentum, radiation condition.
EAST_TNUDGING Eastern edge, tracers, passive/active outflow/inflow.
EAST_TRADIATION Eastern edge, tracers, radiation condition.
EAST_VOLCONS Eastern edge, enforce mass conservation.
LMD_CONVEC LMD convective mixing due to shear instability.
LMD_MIXING Large/McWilliams/Doney interior mixing.
LMD_NONLOCAL LMD convective nonlocal transport.
LMD_RIMIX LMD diffusivity due to shear instability.
LMD_SKPP KPP surface boundary layer mixing.
MASKING Land/Sea masking.
MIX_S_TS Mixing of tracers along constant S-surfaces.
MIX_S_UV Mixing of momentum along constant S-surfaces.
MPI MPI distributed-memory configuration.
NONLINEAR Nonlinear Model.
NONLIN_EOS Nonlinear Equation of State for seawater.
NORTH_VOLCONS Northern edge, enforce mass conservation.
NORTH_FSGRADIENT Northern edge, free-surface, gradient condition.
NORTH_M2NUDGING Northern edge, 2D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
NORTH_M2RADIATION Northern edge, 2D momentum, radiation condition.
NORTH_M3NUDGING Northern edge, 3D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
NORTH_M3RADIATION Northern edge, 3D momentum, radiation condition.
NORTH_TNUDGING Northern edge, tracers, passive/active outflow/inflow.
NORTH_TRADIATION Northern edge, tracers, radiation condition.
POWER_LAW Power-law shape time-averaging barotropic filter.
PROFILE Time profiling activated .
QCORRECTION Surface net heat flux correction.
!RST_SINGLE Double precision fields in restart NetCDF file.
SALINITY Using salinity.
SCORRECTION Surface salinity flux correction.
SRELAXATION Surface salinity relaxation as surface flux.
SOLAR_SOURCE Solar Radiation Source Term.
SOLVE3D Solving 3D Primitive Equations.
SOUTH_FSGRADIENT Southern edge, free-surface, gradient condition.
SOUTH_M2NUDGING Southern edge, 2D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
SOUTH_M2RADIATION Southern edge, 2D momentum, radiation condition.
SOUTH_M3NUDGING Southern edge, 3D momentum, passive/active outflow/inflow.
SOUTH_M3RADIATION Southern edge, 3D momentum, radiation condition.
SOUTH_TNUDGING Southern edge, tracers, passive/active outflow/inflow.
SOUTH_TRADIATION Southern edge, tracers, radiation condition.
SOUTH_VOLCONS Southern edge, enforce mass conservation.
SPLINES Conservative parabolic spline reconstruction.
SPONGE Enhanced horizontal mixing in the sponge areas.
TCLIMATOLOGY Processing tracer climatology data.
TS_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of tracers.
TS_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of tracers.
TS_DIF2 Harmonic mixing of tracers.
UV_ADV Advection of momentum.
UV_COR Coriolis term.
UV_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of 3D momentum.
UV_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of momentum.
UV_QDRAG Quadratic bottom stress.
UV_VIS2 Harmonic mixing of momentum.
VAR_RHO_2D Variable density barotropic mode.
WESTERN_WALL Wall boundary at Western edge.
INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
Vertical S-coordinate System:
level S-coord Cs-curve at_hmin over_slope at_hmax
20 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 -0.0500000 -0.0037835 -0.150 -13.143 -26.136
18 -0.1000000 -0.0087922 -0.300 -30.493 -60.686
17 -0.1500000 -0.0158197 -0.450 -54.776 -109.103
16 -0.2000000 -0.0260168 -0.600 -89.945 -179.289
15 -0.2500000 -0.0409944 -0.750 -141.529 -282.309
14 -0.3000000 -0.0628318 -0.900 -216.671 -432.442
13 -0.3500000 -0.0938098 -1.050 -323.203 -645.355
12 -0.4000000 -0.1356491 -1.200 -467.033 -932.866
11 -0.4500000 -0.1882840 -1.350 -647.937 -1294.524
10 -0.5000000 -0.2489214 -1.500 -856.322 -1711.145
9 -0.5500000 -0.3126323 -1.650 -1075.262 -2148.874
8 -0.6000000 -0.3746809 -1.800 -1288.494 -2575.188
7 -0.6500000 -0.4328656 -1.950 -1488.456 -2974.962
6 -0.7000000 -0.4881475 -2.100 -1678.450 -3354.800
5 -0.7500000 -0.5437741 -2.250 -1869.628 -3737.005
4 -0.8000000 -0.6041494 -2.400 -2077.113 -4151.825
3 -0.8500000 -0.6742046 -2.550 -2317.840 -4633.130
2 -0.9000000 -0.7593114 -2.700 -2610.255 -5217.811
1 -0.9500000 -0.8655258 -2.850 -2975.157 -5947.464
0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 -3.000 -3437.106 -6871.211
Time Splitting Weights: ndtfast = 50 nfast = 69
Primary Secondary Accumulated to Current Step
1-0.0004563262418391 0.0200000000000000-0.0004563262418391 0.0200000000000000
2-0.0008555246732536 0.0200091265248368-0.0013118509150927 0.0400091265248368
3-0.0011975957891734 0.0200262370183019-0.0025094467042661 0.0600353635431387
4-0.0014825415143255 0.0200501889340853-0.0039919882185915 0.0800855524772240
5-0.0017103668530001 0.0200798397643718-0.0057023550715916 0.1001653922415958
6-0.0018810821987231 0.0201140471014318-0.0075834372703147 0.1202794393430276
7-0.0019947063038349 0.0201516687454063-0.0095781435741496 0.1404311080884340
8-0.0020512699089757 0.0201915628714830-0.0116294134831253 0.1606226709599169
9-0.0020508200324769 0.0202325882696625-0.0136802335156022 0.1808552592295795
10-0.0019934249196594 0.0202736046703121-0.0156736584352616 0.2011288638998915
11-0.0018791796520380 0.0203134731687052-0.0175528380872996 0.2214423370685968
12-0.0017082124164322 0.0203510567617460-0.0192610505037318 0.2417933938303428
13-0.0014806914339834 0.0203852210100746-0.0207417419377152 0.2621786148404174
14-0.0011968325490789 0.0204148348387543-0.0219385744867941 0.2825934496791717
15-0.0008569074781817 0.0204387714897359-0.0227954819649758 0.3030322211689075
16-0.0004612527185669 0.0204559096392995-0.0232567346835427 0.3234881308082070
17-0.0000102791169649 0.0204651346936709-0.0232670138005077 0.3439532655018779
18 0.0004955179018893 0.0204653402760102-0.0227714958986183 0.3644186057778880
19 0.0010555474468010 0.0204554299179724-0.0217159484518173 0.3848740356958604
20 0.0016691116117526 0.0204343189690364-0.0200468368400647 0.4053083546648968
21 0.0023353932676362 0.0204009367368013-0.0177114435724285 0.4257092914016981
22 0.0030534431940779 0.0203542288714486-0.0146580003783505 0.4460635202731467
23 0.0038221665513568 0.0202931600075670-0.0108358338269937 0.4663566802807137
24 0.0046403086924171 0.0202167166765399-0.0061955251345765 0.4865733969572536
25 0.0055064403149742 0.0201239105026915-0.0006890848196024 0.5066973074599451
26 0.0064189419537136 0.0200137816963921 0.0057298571341112 0.5267110891563371
27 0.0073759878125848 0.0198854028573178 0.0131058449466960 0.5465964920136549
28 0.0083755289371871 0.0197378831010661 0.0214813738838831 0.5663343751147210
29 0.0094152757272501 0.0195703725223223 0.0308966496111332 0.5859047476370433
30 0.0104926797892080 0.0193820670077773 0.0413893294003412 0.6052868146448206
31 0.0116049151288660 0.0191722134119932 0.0529942445292072 0.6244590280568137
32 0.0127488586841624 0.0189401151094159 0.0657431032133696 0.6433991431662296
33 0.0139210701980223 0.0186851379357326 0.0796641734113919 0.6620842811019622
34 0.0151177714313064 0.0184067165317722 0.0947819448426983 0.6804909976337343
35 0.0163348247158524 0.0181043611031460 0.1111167695585507 0.6985953587368804
36 0.0175677108476106 0.0177776646088290 0.1286844804061612 0.7163730233457094
37 0.0188115063198728 0.0174263103918768 0.1474959867260340 0.7337993337375862
38 0.0200608598965948 0.0170500802654793 0.1675568466226288 0.7508494140030655
39 0.0213099685258127 0.0166488630675474 0.1888668151484416 0.7674982770706129
40 0.0225525525931525 0.0162226636970312 0.2114193677415941 0.7837209407676441
41 0.0237818305154335 0.0157716126451681 0.2352011982570276 0.7994925534128122
42 0.0249904926743652 0.0152959760348595 0.2601916909313928 0.8147885294476717
43 0.0261706746903379 0.0147961661813722 0.2863623656217307 0.8295846956290438
44 0.0273139300363068 0.0142727526875654 0.3136762956580375 0.8438574483166091
45 0.0284112019917697 0.0137264740868393 0.3420874976498072 0.8575839224034484
46 0.0294527949368383 0.0131582500470039 0.3715402925866456 0.8707421724504523
47 0.0304283449864031 0.0125691941482671 0.4019686375730487 0.8833113665987193
48 0.0313267899643920 0.0119606272485390 0.4332954275374407 0.8952719938472583
49 0.0321363387181221 0.0113340914492512 0.4654317662555627 0.9066060852965095
50 0.0328444397727456 0.0106913646748887 0.4982762060283084 0.9172974499713983
51 0.0334377493257894 0.0100344758794338 0.5317139553540977 0.9273319258508321
52 0.0339020985817871 0.0093657208929180 0.5656160539358848 0.9366976467437502
53 0.0342224604270064 0.0086876789212823 0.5998385143628912 0.9453853256650325
54 0.0343829154442684 0.0080032297127422 0.6342214298071596 0.9533885553777747
55 0.0343666172678620 0.0073155714038568 0.6685880470750215 0.9607041267816315
56 0.0341557572785502 0.0066282390584996 0.7027438043535718 0.9673323658401310
57 0.0337315286386720 0.0059451239129286 0.7364753329922438 0.9732774897530596
58 0.0330740896673358 0.0052704933401551 0.7695494226595796 0.9785479830932148
59 0.0321625265557082 0.0046090115468084 0.8017119492152878 0.9831569946400232
60 0.0309748154223953 0.0039657610156942 0.8326867646376830 0.9871227556557174
61 0.0294877837089178 0.0033462647072463 0.8621745483466008 0.9904690203629637
62 0.0276770709152801 0.0027565090330680 0.8898516192618808 0.9932255293960317
63 0.0255170886756324 0.0022029676147624 0.9153687079375131 0.9954284970107941
64 0.0229809801740268 0.0016926258412497 0.9383496881115398 0.9971211228520438
65 0.0200405789002670 0.0012330062377692 0.9583902670118067 0.9983541290898130
66 0.0166663667458513 0.0008321946597639 0.9750566337576579 0.9991863237495768
67 0.0128274314400094 0.0004988673248468 0.9878840651976674 0.9996851910744237
68 0.0084914233258330 0.0002423186960466 0.9963754885235003 0.9999275097704703
69 0.0036245114764992 0.0000724902295300 0.9999999999999996 1.0000000000000000
ndtfast, nfast = 50 69 nfast/ndtfast = 1.38000
Centers of gravity and integrals (values must be 1, 1, approx 1/2, 1, 1):
1.000000000000 1.033396903681 0.516698451840 1.000000000000 1.000000000000
Power filter parameters, Fgamma, gamma = 0.28400 0.22720
Minimum X-grid spacing, DXmin = 9.04304958E+00 km
Maximum X-grid spacing, DXmax = 1.09354054E+01 km
Minimum Y-grid spacing, DYmin = 8.96827502E+00 km
Maximum Y-grid spacing, DYmax = 1.08449847E+01 km
Minimum Z-grid spacing, DZmin = 1.50000000E-01 m
Maximum Z-grid spacing, DZmax = 9.23747438E+02 m
Minimum barotropic Courant Number = 5.39466551E-04
Maximum barotropic Courant Number = 2.43502746E-02
Maximum Coriolis Courant Number = 3.44073451E-03
NLM: GET_STATE - Read state initial conditions, t = 15 00:00:00
(File: ecs-init.nc, Rec=0001, Index=1)
- free-surface
(Min = -1.03900039E+00 Max = 4.24623102E-01)
- vertically integrated u-momentum component
(Min = -2.48144001E-01 Max = 2.25646660E-01)
- vertically integrated v-momentum component
(Min = -3.05982500E-01 Max = 1.76929355E-01)
- u-momentum component
(Min = -5.14225662E-01 Max = 4.19940740E-01)
- v-momentum component
(Min = -5.95250189E-01 Max = 4.60865140E-01)
- potential temperature
(Min = 1.21935844E-01 Max = 2.43009834E+01)
- salinity
(Min = 2.88827286E+01 Max = 3.49072151E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface u-momentum stress, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -9.55872877E-05 Max = 8.67718256E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface v-momentum stress, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.70217654E-04 Max = -5.20200284E-05)
GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.67830187E-05 Max = 4.39091744E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.10588018E-04 Max = -2.01264782E-05)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface temperature climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.61116224E+00 Max = 2.43009842E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux sensitivity to SST, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.83709200E-05 Max = -8.45130399E-06)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface salinity climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.89088797E+01 Max = 3.48982156E+01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -6.78813930E-02 Max = 1.39036095E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.16295470E-01 Max = 3.75634752E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.48136400E-01 Max = 1.00757690E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.13953312E-01 Max = 1.04379732E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.86243012E-02 Max = 1.30605154E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -3.58262522E-02 Max = 3.89263887E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.57907076E-01 Max = 2.27884399E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.03974092E-01 Max = 8.60740532E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -5.14225647E-01 Max = 2.14896525E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.41885832E-01 Max = 3.04669367E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.07267814E-02 Max = 6.54127802E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -7.03160290E-02 Max = 7.79320904E-02)
GET_NGFLD - temperature eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.25825964E-01 Max = 2.31046022E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity eastern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.39027342E+01 Max = 3.49070811E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.56173820E+00 Max = 2.43009842E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity southern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.41662610E+01 Max = 3.49068738E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.21935847E-01 Max = 5.86545917E+00)
GET_NGFLD - salinity northern boundary condition, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=2, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.88827286E+01 Max = 3.41449572E+01)
GET_3DFLD - potential temperature climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.21935847E-01 Max = 2.43009842E+01)
GET_3DFLD - salinity climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0001, Index=1, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.88827286E+01 Max = 3.49072150E+01)
Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 3.073662E-01 (Beckmann and Haidvogel)
rx1 = 5.872313E+00 (Haney)
Initial basin volumes: TotVolume = 1.01955771531188E+15 m3
MinVolume = 1.22765758381738E+07 m3
MaxVolume = 1.08882424887833E+11 m3
Max/Min = 8.86912004805646E+03
NL ROMS/TOMS: started time-stepping: (Grid: 01 TimeSteps: 00036001 - 00086400)
GET_2DFLD - surface u-momentum stress, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -8.64987824E-05 Max = 5.54186921E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface v-momentum stress, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.45845268E-04 Max = -3.81793509E-05)
GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.56265866E-05 Max = 4.83486652E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -8.51424856E-05 Max = -2.51220934E-06)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface temperature climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.45024127E+00 Max = 2.41342802E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux sensitivity to SST, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.73132747E-05 Max = -6.22469509E-06)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface salinity climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-forc.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.82958405E+01 Max = 3.48577115E+01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -7.14497877E-02 Max = 1.78052583E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.31554173E-01 Max = 3.55817396E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.39730665E-01 Max = 8.98597266E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.15809507E-01 Max = 1.78383946E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 2D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.26529823E-02 Max = 8.77640229E-03)
GET_NGFLD - 2D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -3.11442407E-02 Max = 3.68661431E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.73840437E-01 Max = 2.74281391E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -2.18833608E-01 Max = 8.41800091E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.75964421E-01 Max = 1.85201868E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -4.42814101E-01 Max = 3.76349827E-01)
GET_NGFLD - 3D u-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -3.33055608E-02 Max = 4.07769424E-02)
GET_NGFLD - 3D v-momentum northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -6.59982058E-02 Max = 6.71205084E-02)
GET_NGFLD - temperature eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.27428484E-01 Max = 2.25594570E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity eastern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.39312326E+01 Max = 3.48577115E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.56141550E+00 Max = 2.41342802E+01)
GET_NGFLD - salinity southern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 3.41727622E+01 Max = 3.48815883E+01)
GET_NGFLD - temperature northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.09079484E-01 Max = 4.94595786E+00)
GET_NGFLD - salinity northern boundary condition, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=1, File: ecs-bry.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.82569830E+01 Max = 3.41322895E+01)
GET_3DFLD - potential temperature climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.09079484E-01 Max = 2.41342802E+01)
GET_3DFLD - salinity climatology, t = 45 00:00:00
(Rec=0002, Index=2, File: ecs-clim.nc)
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.82569830E+01 Max = 3.48815883E+01)
36000 15 00:00:00 2.712312E-03 1.604108E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
DEF_HIS - creating history file: /dcfs2/users/leon/Documents/roms_examples/ecs/output/ecs_his.nc
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
36001 15 00:00:36 2.690301E-03 1.604107E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
36002 15 00:01:12 2.654853E-03 1.604107E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
36003 15 00:01:48 2.631875E-03 1.604107E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
36004 15 00:02:24 2.620680E-03 1.604108E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
36005 15 00:03:00 2.614121E-03 1.604108E+04 1.604108E+04 1.024024E+15
36006 15 00:03:36 2.608847E-03 1.604109E+04 1.604109E+04 1.024024E+15
36007 15 00:04:12 2.605913E-03 1.604109E+04 1.604109E+04 1.024024E+15
36008 15 00:04:48 2.604339E-03 1.604113E+04 1.604113E+04 1.024024E+15
36009 15 00:05:24 2.597043E-03 1.604338E+04 1.604338E+04 1.024024E+15
Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=2,2) into time record = 0000001
Elapsed CPU time (seconds):
Node # 0 CPU: 5.308 Node # 2 CPU: 5.356 Node # 8 CPU: 5.356
Node # 5 CPU: 5.356 Node # 1 CPU: 5.356 Node # 6 CPU: 5.356 Node # 3 CPU: 5.356 Node # 7 CPU: 5.356 Node # 9 CPU: 5.356 Node # 4 CPU: 5.356 Node # 14 CPU: 5.356 Node # 10 CPU: 5.356 Node # 13 CPU: 5.356
Node # 11 CPU: 5.356 Node # 15 CPU: 5.356
Node # 12 CPU: 5.356
Total: 85.651
Nonlinear model elapsed time profile:
Initialization ................................... 19.800 (23.1176 %)
Reading of input data ............................ 16.385 (19.1296 %)
Processing of input data ......................... 0.635 ( 0.7411 %)
Processing of output time averaged data .......... 0.617 ( 0.7199 %)
Computation of vertical boundary conditions ...... 0.052 ( 0.0610 %)
Computation of global information integrals ...... 0.361 ( 0.4214 %)
Writing of output data ........................... 9.925 (11.5883 %)
Model 2D kernel .................................. 18.240 (21.2961 %)
2D/3D coupling, vertical metrics ................. 0.353 ( 0.4117 %)
Omega vertical velocity .......................... 0.466 ( 0.5442 %)
Equation of state for seawater ................... 1.371 ( 1.6012 %)
KPP vertical mixing parameterization ............. 3.182 ( 3.7156 %)
3D equations right-side terms .................... 0.946 ( 1.1046 %)
3D equations predictor step ...................... 2.512 ( 2.9323 %)
Pressure gradient ................................ 0.919 ( 1.0732 %)
Harmonic mixing of tracers, S-surfaces ........... 0.347 ( 0.4047 %)
Harmonic stress tensor, S-surfaces ............... 0.647 ( 0.7556 %)
Corrector time-step for 3D momentum .............. 1.484 ( 1.7327 %)
Corrector time-step for tracers .................. 1.474 ( 1.7213 %)
Total: 79.717 93.0721
Nonlinear model message Passage profile:
Message Passage: 2D halo exchanges ............... 3.730 ( 4.3546 %)
Message Passage: 3D halo exchanges ............... 0.981 ( 1.1456 %)
Message Passage: 4D halo exchanges ............... 0.325 ( 0.3789 %)
Message Passage: data broadcast .................. 27.790 (32.4453 %)
Message Passage: data reduction .................. 0.895 ( 1.0447 %)
Message Passage: data gathering .................. 3.093 ( 3.6115 %)
Message Passage: data scattering.................. 5.069 ( 5.9187 %)
Total: 41.883 48.8992
All percentages are with respect to total time = 85.651
ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01:
number of time records written in HISTORY file = 00000001
number of time records written in RESTART file = 00000001
Analytical header files used:
ROMS/TOMS: DONE... Monday - April 20, 2009 - 12:14:17 PM
- m.hadfield
- Posts: 521
- Joined: Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:12 am
- Location: NIWA
Re: how does roms caculate the value of zeta?
I can't see any obvious problems with your input.
You should examine the data saved in the restart file when the model blew up to see where the blow-up is initiated. This will often gives you a clue about the cause of the blow-up.
You should examine the data saved in the restart file when the model blew up to see where the blow-up is initiated. This will often gives you a clue about the cause of the blow-up.