installation problem with pgi

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installation problem with pgi

#1 Unread post by subbareddy »

thank you sir,
i solved the previous problem with your suggestion. Thank you very much

now i have a new problem. it is
cd Build; /opt/pgi/linux86-64/7.2/bin/pgf90 -c -O3 -tp core2-64 -Mfree mod_boundary.f90
cd Build; /opt/pgi/linux86-64/7.2/bin/pgf90 -c -O3 -tp core2-64 -Mfree set_depth.f90
PGF90-F-0004-Unable to open MODULE file mod_grid.mod (set_depth.f90: 30)
PGF90/x86-64 Linux 7.2-3: compilation aborted
make: *** [Build/set_depth.o] Error 2
but actually compilation path is /opt/pgi/linux86-64/7.2/bin.
but it is going to /PGF90/x86-64 Linux 7.2-3 path and showing compilation aborted.
i couldn't understand where is the mistake
plz help sir

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Re: installation problem with pgi

#2 Unread post by robertson »

PGF90/x86-64 Linux 7.2-3: compilation aborted
The above is not a path it's just the name of the compiler.
but actually compilation path is /opt/pgi/linux86-64/7.2/bin.
/opt/pgi/linux86-64/7.2/bin is a symbolic link to /opt/pgi/linux86-64/7.2-3/bin

You problem doesn't have anything to do with compiler paths. The make process is looking for mod_grid.mod:
PGF90-F-0004-Unable to open MODULE file mod_grid.mod
If you're compiling in parallel (-j option) try it in serial (no -j). However, unless you're trying to compile one of the supplied test cases, it more likely that you don't have your CPP options in your .h file quite right.

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Re: installation problem with pgi

#3 Unread post by kate »

Or as Mark suggested, there's some missing dependencies in the makefile.

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