how to output the mask_* variables to

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how to output the mask_* variables to

#1 Unread post by duckweed »

My has no mask_* variables . My grid file has the mask_* variables, i want to write the mask_* variables to the .How to set in the ocean_*.in?
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Re: how to output the mask_* variables to

#2 Unread post by wrh »

maybe you should #define masking in your *.h file
good luck!

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Re: how to output the mask_* variables to

#3 Unread post by arango »

Yes, it is that simple :!: You need to define the MASKING C-preprocessing option. I noticed that you have posted several messages about this in this forum. This is something that you may have solved right away with a little more curiosity and by checking the code :!:

I highly recommend you to not use ROMS a black box or GUI. As a matter of fact, every user needs to check the processed *.f90 files that are actually compiled in the Build directory to make sure that the desired code was selected during C-preprocessing. ROMS code is well documented internally. These files are much cleaner and easy to follow and study. It is also wise to send the extensive information of ROMS standard output to a file and check such file carefully. So many of the message in this forum could be avoided if users actually read and understand the information that it is printed.

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