Input files of Downwelling/Upwelling test case

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Input files of Downwelling/Upwelling test case

#1 Unread post by angelolemos »

Hi people,
My question is so simple.
I run the test case Downwelling/Upwelling, but I can't find the files and
Where is the input files which the ROMS uses to run this test case?
I would like find it because I want to replace with my input files.

Thanks anyone who can help me. :!:

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Re: Input files of Downwelling/Upwelling test case

#2 Unread post by dhtjtks »

Hi, Angelolemos,

I don't know which version of ROMS you are using, however, you don't need to have and in the upwelling case. Because 'grid' and 'initial condition' is defined 'analytically'. Let's see the 'upwelling.h'.

#define ANA_GRID
#define ANA_SMFLUX
#define ANA_STFLUX
#define ANA_SSFLUX
#define ANA_BTFLUX
#define ANA_BSFLUX

We have these terms in the 'upwelling.h'. So you don't need to have those files which you mentioned.

Good luck.

Jungwoo Lee

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Re: Input files of Downwelling/Upwelling test case

#3 Unread post by angelolemos »

Thanks Jungwoo Lee,

I asked this question because I want to put my own input files of grid, forcings, so on, following this test.
So, the test doesn't call any input file? Then, how the model make all the calculus? With which input data?
The first step to put my case is upload a "myfile.h", so, How can I to define my forcings and my grid in this situation?

Thanks a lot!

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Re: Input files of Downwelling/Upwelling test case

#4 Unread post by mariafattorini »

Hello Angelolemos,

model inputs (as forcing, grid, boundary conditions, initial conditions, ect) can be defined analytically or through external files (netCDF format).
I think that the easiest way is to define analytically them. To do this you have to define the appropriate CPP options in 'myfile.h' then modify the related files called 'ana_ **.h' (called as the defined 'ana'-CPP-options) with inserting analytical expressions of your case.
I suggest you look 'ana_ **.h' files defined in 'upwelling.h' sample file that are located in the 'trunk /ROMS/Functionals'directory.

The last thing: for realistic simulation I had to define some model inputs by esternal files, in particular bathymetry, grid and tidal forcing (look in WikiROMS).

Good work!

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Re: Input files of Downwelling/Upwelling test case

#5 Unread post by Lightness »

hello Mariafattorini,
after defining those files (forcing file, grid etc (netcdf files)) how do you link them to the model? do we put them to the data directory to be read by executable file?
any one can help please!!

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Re: Input files of Downwelling/Upwelling test case

#6 Unread post by kate »

If you look through the file (and any roms documentation you might find) you will see that you provide the paths to the input files.

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