Additional shear stress

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Additional shear stress

#1 Unread post by thomas.roc »

Hi everybody,

I am a new user of ROMS and I bring with me whole bunch of questions.

To get started, I am trying to build up a simple case composed of a simple channel where an additional shear stress is imposed on a particular area in order to simulate a power extraction. This additional shear stress is supposed to influence the downstream velocities.

Here are my questions:
What is the best way to impose this shear stress ?
Compute analytically the velocities in this particular region of added shear through analytical.F ?
Create a new variable for this additional shear stress in varinfo.dat ?
And finally, could it set problem with the momentum conservation ?

I am sure there are other solutions I just can't see yet.
Hoping my questions are too basic.

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Additional shear stress

#2 Unread post by kate »


Well, we have ways to do surface stress, bottom stress, and an internal body force. You should probably search on BODYFORCE to see if that code will help you out. I assume you want something mid-depth as opposed to bottom or surface.

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Re: Additional shear stress

#3 Unread post by nacholibre »

What does it really mean?
You should probably search on BODYFORCE to see if that code will help you out
I am also trying to do a similar thing, but it is not really clear how to use BODYFORCE. Do we need to modify rhs3d.F? I guess that is the dirty way to do it, but I cannot see any other way at the moment. Any related references would be greatly appreciated...

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Re: Additional shear stress

#4 Unread post by kate »

What exactly are you trying to do? If the existing code doesn't do it, you will have to do some hacking.

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