Hello everybody
I'm new in Linux, and Rooms_tools.
I don't know how to modify the time index and simulation time in the roms_gui visualization. I also need to know where the out-put plots and data are saved.
Can anybody help me?
> I'm new in Linux, and Rooms_tools.
> I don't know how to modify the time index and simulation time in the
> roms_gui visualization. I also need to know where the out-put plots
> and data are saved.
Would you explain more concretely?; how do you want to modify the
time index and simulation time?
And I also have a question; do you want to save the output plots in
both figures and data (file)?
Thanks for the answer!!
Using Rooms_tools I ran a 1 year simulation. When I want to visualize the results using
roms_gui, only appears 10 figures (maximun time index is 10) for the first month simulated.
I want to know how to see the results for the full year (not just for 1 month). I also would like to be able
to modify the time index (I mean, I'd like to decide how many figures appear to represent the simulated year).
I suppose the figures shown in roms_gui window were stored somewhere (like the data files used to construct them)
but I don't know which is, not where is this "place".
Could you help me???
> Using Rooms_tools I ran a 1 year simulation. When I want to
> visualize the results using roms_gui, only appears 10 figures
> (maximun time index is 10) for the first month simulated.
What is the value of the the dimension: 'time' on your output (his or
avg) file? Is it set as 10? If so, the maximum time index of your
output file is correct.
> I want to know how to see the results for the full year (not just
> for 1 month). I also would like to be able to modify the time index
> (I mean, I'd like to decide how many figures appear to represent the
> simulated year).
Why not referring to the subsection "3.7 Long simulation" of
"ROMSTOOLS User's Guide"? Perhaps you can understand how to set the
maximun time index of your output file. You must modify the contents
of "roms_inter.in" then execute "run_roms_inter.csh" to reset the
maximun time index of each output file.
> I suppose the figures shown in roms_gui window were stored somewhere
> (like the data files used to construct them) but I don't know which
> is, not where is this "place".
How to save the figures appeared in roms_gui window:
1) Click "Print", then pop-up the figure window.
2) On the figure window, click "File" and select "Save As...", then
specify File Name and Files of Type, and click "Save".