diffusion terms in diagnostic file

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diffusion terms in diagnostic file

#1 Unread post by mafeluna »

Hi all,

my diagnostic file does not have the horizontal components of the diffusion terms for tracers (_hdiff, _xdiff, _ydiff) even though the rest of the terms are there. I used the version 406 for this run and updated my varinfo.dat file. As a test I downloaded the last version but again these components of diffusion were not there. what is the reason for this fields not to be written?. Am I supposed to define a cpp flag for this to happen (in addition to DIAGNOSTICS_TS)?


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Re: diffusion terms in diagnostic file

#2 Unread post by arango »

It is very likely that you don't have activated diffusion of tracer: TS_DIF2 or TS_DIF4. The same applies for viscosity: UV_VIS2 or UV_VIS4.

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