Now i use the same complier(GUN 4.3.4) for ROMS. MCT,mpich2 netcdf4, hdf5 work OK!
but ROMS fails again!!
/opt/roms/netcdf4/lib/libnetcdf.a(netcdf4.o): In function `nf90_inq_libvers':
/home/zszheng/software/netcdf-4.0.1/f90/netcdf_file.f90:5: undefined reference to `nf_inq_libvers_'
/opt/roms/netcdf4/lib/libnetcdf.a(netcdf4.o): In function `nf90_strerror':
/home/zszheng/software/netcdf-4.0.1/f90/netcdf_file.f90:12: undefined reference to `nf_strerror_'
I know that the error comes due to the different compiler version for F90
BUT i configure netcdf with FC=mpif90(or gfortran) CXX=mpicxx CC=mpicc CPPFLAGS="-Df2cFortran" ./configure --enable-netcdf-4 --prefix=/opt/roms/netcdf4 --with-hdf5=/opt/roms/hdf5 --disable-shared
and in roms the IFORT=gfortran
HOW do there errors come?????