model restart problem.....

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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model restart problem.....

#1 Unread post by mashinde »

Dear ROMS frds,

I have a very serious problem about how to restart the model ....i need urgent and helpful solution....

for details..please see the link....



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Re: model restart problem.....

#2 Unread post by kate »

Please don't start new panic threads when you don't get all the answers you are looking for here. This forum is for exchanging tips, tricks, knowledge gleaned from experience. There's no guarantee that all questions will be promptly answered (though perhaps I should start charging for answers, considering the DoD is withdrawing support for my services).

Ultimately, each new domain can be rife with new challenges and you are going to have to find solutions. I suggest code inspection and the addition of print statements. What is the time that ROMS thinks you have on restart? Is it the time at the end of the prior run? You can see from the GET_STATE statements.

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Re: model restart problem.....

#3 Unread post by arango »

I totally agree with Kate :!: You need to start solving your own problems and stop issuing panic messages in this forum for every error that ROMS give you. Your messages provide very little information for us to know what is going on. You have posted several messages about this and Kate had kindly offered advice on how to proceed. Numerical modeling requires a lot of curiosity and users need to put time trying to solve their own problems. Mostly all user of ROMS have done restart in past successfully. I do it all the time.

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