why model blows up when using Bulk forcings....

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why model blows up when using Bulk forcings....

#1 Unread post by mashinde »

Dear Friends,

After successful completion of climatological run(without bulk forcing), now I am trying to run the model with Bulk forcing. Initially, I am using monthly climatological Bulk forcing from COADS. The model blows up at timestep=19889 and at 47th day.
here I am attaching cppdefs.h and .log file for more details.

any suggestions/comments ?

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Re: why model blows up when using Bulk forcings....

#2 Unread post by kate »

Perhaps you should looks at the model fields to see what's going bad. Does something look funky in terms of the surface forcings or are you just getting a more energetic response? You might have introduced a need for a shorter timestep.

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