About the recent parallel bug

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About the recent parallel bug

#1 Unread post by longmtm »

Dear all,

About the recent bug fix https://www.myroms.org/blog/?p=113

I couldn't find the corresponding codes in the 2.2 version. For example, I only have mp_gather in stead of mp_gather_state in distribute.F

I also coudn't find pdnaupd.f in the 2.2 version.

Are these bugs solely related to version 3.0?



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#2 Unread post by arango »

Yes, this bug is only related to version 3.0 which is only distributed to selected beta-testers. We are holding version 3.0 until we get sort out the open source license and finish the testing and documentation of few remaining adjoint-based drivers.

ROMS version 3.0 is quite complex so we want to be sure that everything is fully tested to avoid problems in the future. We realize that we have not released a new version for awhile but we think that the wait is worth it. We have not found any fatal bugs in the released 2.2 version. We are planning to realease version 2.3 in few days and it will contain the latest version of the nonlinear model. It will include several updates to the biology and sediment models, GLS, parallel agreggation, IO, and reorganization of few routines.

Please be patient with us. We test ROMS versions very carefuly and spend countless hours/days in the debbuger to make sure that released codes are bug free and correct.

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#3 Unread post by kate »

Hernan - don't release just yet - I'm tracking down a bug in the wind interpolation/rotation from coarse forcing files. I'll let you know when I fix it - or do you already know about this one?

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#4 Unread post by longmtm »

Dear Hernan and Kate,

Thanks a lot for the quick reply.


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