Unable to open existing NetCDF file : ocean_frc.nc

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Unable to open existing NetCDF file : ocean_frc.nc

#1 Unread post by chaos4u2 »

Hi, I'm trying to do my own case. It compiles well, but when I run the executable OceanG, I get this error:

NETCDF_OPEN - unable to open existing NetCDF file:
call from: inquire.F
I've modified all the analitical files: ana_grid, ana_initial, and all the ana's I wrote down in the header file.

This is what I put in the header file:
/* Model Physics */
#define SOLVE3D
#define UV_COR
#define UV_ADV
#define UV_VIS2
#define TS_DIF2
#define SALINITY
#define NONLIN_EOS
#define LMD_MIXING

/* Numerical Schemes Options */
#define DJ_GRADPS
#define MIX_S_UV
#define MIX_S_TS
#define SPLINES

/* Analytical Fields Configuration */
#define ANA_GRID

/* Surface Boundary Conditions */
#define ANA_SMFLUX
#define ANA_STFLUX
#define ANA_SSFLUX
#define ANA_SPFLUX
#define ANA_SRFLUX
#define ANA_M2OBC
#define ANA_FSOBC /* Analytical free surface */

/* Bottom Boundary Conditions */
#define UV_QDRAG /* Turn on quadratic bottom friction */
#define ANA_BTFLUX
#define ANA_BSFLUX
#define ANA_BPFLUX

/* Other Options */
#define AVERAGES

Does anybody know what is the problem? Thank you in advanced.

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Posts: 4091
Joined: Wed Jul 02, 2003 5:29 pm
Location: CFOS/UAF, USA

Re: Unable to open existing NetCDF file : ocean_frc.nc

#2 Unread post by kate »

Try undefining QCORRECTION. That term is dQ/dSST and requires two extra fields (dqdt and sst).


Re: Unable to open existing NetCDF file : ocean_frc.nc

#3 Unread post by chaos4u2 »

Thank you Kate, that solved the problem: I had to undefine QCORRECTION and SCORRECTION.

But now I get this new error:

ROMS/TOMS - Blows up ................ exit_flag: 1
MAIN: Abnormal termination: BLOWUP.

I use analitical grid (rectangular: 10000x1000x20), (Lm=100, Mm=4, N=20, NAT=2), (NTIMES=51840, DT=300, NDTFAST=45), (TNU2=5 5), (VISC2 =5), (ATK_BAK=1 1).

(ubar=vbar=0, zeta=15, u=v=0, t=20, s=38)

I think my problem is the Courant Number, but I'm not sure, here is the complete log:

Physical Parameters, Grid: 01

51840 ntimes Number of timesteps for 3-D equations.
300.000 dt Timestep size (s) for 3-D equations.
45 ndtfast Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between
each 3D timestep.
1 ERstr Starting ensemble/perturbation run number.
1 ERend Ending ensemble/perturbation run number.
0 nrrec Number of restart records to read from disk.
T LcycleRST Switch to recycle time-records in restart file.
288 nRST Number of timesteps between the writing of data
into restart fields.
1 ninfo Number of timesteps between print of information
to standard output.
T ldefout Switch to create a new output NetCDF file(s).
144 nHIS Number of timesteps between the writing fields
into history file.
1 ntsAVG Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged data.
288 nAVG Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into averages file.
1 ntsDIA Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged diagnostics data.
288 nDIA Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into diagnostics file.
5.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(01) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for tracer 01: temp
5.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(02) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for tracer 02: salt
5.0000E+00 nl_visc2 NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for momentum.
1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(01) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(02) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
1.0000E-05 Akv_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
3.0000E-04 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/s).
3.0000E-03 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient.
2.0000E-02 Zob Bottom roughness (m).
2 Vtransform S-coordinate transformation equation.
4 Vstretching S-coordinate stretching function.
3.0000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter.
0.0000E+00 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter.
10.000 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (m) used
in vertical coordinate stretching.
1025.000 rho0 Mean density (kg/m3) for Boussinesq approximation.
0.000 dstart Time-stamp assigned to model initialization (days).
0.00 time_ref Reference time for units attribute (yyyymmdd.dd)
5.0000E+01 Tnudg(01) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 01: temp
5.0000E+01 Tnudg(02) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 02: salt
0.0000E+00 Znudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for free-surface.
0.0000E+00 M2nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 2D momentum.
0.0000E+00 M3nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 3D momentum.
0.0000E+00 obcfac Factor between passive and active
open boundary conditions.
F VolCons(1) NLM western edge boundary volume conservation.
F VolCons(2) NLM southern edge boundary volume conservation.
F VolCons(3) NLM eastern edge boundary volume conservation.
F VolCons(4) NLM northern edge boundary volume conservation.
14.000 T0 Background potential temperature (C) constant.
35.000 S0 Background salinity (PSU) constant.
1.000 gamma2 Slipperiness variable: free-slip (1.0) or
no-slip (-1.0).
T Hout(idFsur) Write out free-surface.
T Hout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idUvel) Write out 3D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVvel) Write out 3D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idWvel) Write out W-momentum component.
T Hout(idOvel) Write out omega vertical velocity.
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 01: temp
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 02: salt

T Aout(idFsur) Write out averaged free-surface.
T Aout(idUbar) Write out averaged 2D U-momentum component.
T Aout(idVbar) Write out averaged 2D V-momentum component.
T Aout(idUvel) Write out averaged 3D U-momentum component.
T Aout(idVvel) Write out averaged 3D V-momentum component.
T Aout(idWvel) Write out averaged W-momentum component.
T Aout(idOvel) Write out averaged omega vertical velocity.
T Aout(idTvar) Write out averaged tracer 01: temp
T Aout(idTvar) Write out averaged tracer 02: salt

T Dout(M2rate) Write out 2D momentun acceleration.
T Dout(M2pgrd) Write out 2D momentum pressure gradient.
T Dout(M2fcor) Write out 2D momentum Coriolis force.
T Dout(M2hadv) Write out 2D momentum horizontal advection.
T Dout(M2xadv) Write out 2D momentum horizontal X-advection.
T Dout(M2yadv) Write out 2D momentum horizontal Y-advection.
T Dout(M2hvis) Write out 2D momentum horizontal viscosity.
T Dout(M2xvis) Write out 2D momentum horizontal X-viscosity.
T Dout(M2yvis) Write out 2D momentum horizontal Y-viscosity.
T Dout(M2sstr) Write out 2D momentum surface stress.
T Dout(M2bstr) Write out 2D momentum bottom stress.

T Dout(M3rate) Write out 3D momentun acceleration.
T Dout(M3pgrd) Write out 3D momentum pressure gradient.
T Dout(M3fcor) Write out 3D momentum Coriolis force.
T Dout(M3hadv) Write out 3D momentum horizontal advection.
T Dout(M3xadv) Write out 3D momentum horizontal X-advection.
T Dout(M3yadv) Write out 3D momentum horizontal Y-advection.
T Dout(M3vadv) Write out 3D momentum vertical advection.
T Dout(M3hvis) Write out 3D momentum horizontal viscosity.
T Dout(M3xvis) Write out 3D momentum horizontal X-viscosity.
T Dout(M3yvis) Write out 3D momentum horizontal Y-viscosity.
T Dout(M3vvis) Write out 3D momentum vertical viscosity.

T Dout(iTrate) Write out rate of change of tracer 01: temp
T Dout(iTrate) Write out rate of change of tracer 02: salt
T Dout(iThadv) Write out horizontal advection, tracer 01: temp
T Dout(iThadv) Write out horizontal advection, tracer 02: salt
T Dout(iTxadv) Write out horizontal X-advection, tracer 01: temp
T Dout(iTxadv) Write out horizontal X-advection, tracer 02: salt
T Dout(iTyadv) Write out horizontal Y-advection, tracer 01: temp
T Dout(iTyadv) Write out horizontal Y-advection, tracer 02: salt
T Dout(iTvadv) Write out vertical advection, tracer 01: temp
T Dout(iTvadv) Write out vertical advection, tracer 02: salt
T Dout(iThdif) Write out horizontal diffusion, tracer 01: temp
T Dout(iThdif) Write out horizontal diffusion, tracer 02: salt
T Dout(iTxdif) Write out horizontal X-diffusion, tracer 01: temp
T Dout(iTxdif) Write out horizontal X-diffusion, tracer 02: salt
T Dout(iTydif) Write out horizontal Y-diffusion , tracer 01: temp
T Dout(iTydif) Write out horizontal Y-diffusion , tracer 02: salt
T Dout(iTvdif) Write out vertical diffusion, tracer 01: temp
T Dout(iTvdif) Write out vertical diffusion, tracer 02: salt

Output/Input Files:

Output Restart File: ocean_rst.nc
Output History File: ocean_his.nc
Output Averages File: ocean_avg.nc
Output Diagnostics File: ocean_dia.nc

Tile partition information for Grid 01: 0100x0004x0020 tiling: 001x001

tile Istr Iend Jstr Jend Npts

0 1 100 1 4 8000

Tile minimum and maximum fractional grid coordinates:
(interior points only)

tile Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax grid

0 -1.50 102.50 0.50 5.50 RHO-points

0 -2.00 102.00 0.50 5.50 U-points

0 -1.50 102.50 0.00 5.00 V-points

Lateral Boundary Conditions: NLM

Variable Grid West Edge South Edge East Edge North Edge
--------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

zeta 1 Periodic Closed Periodic Closed

ubar 1 Periodic Closed Periodic Closed

vbar 1 Periodic Closed Periodic Closed

u 1 Periodic Closed Periodic Closed

v 1 Periodic Closed Periodic Closed

temp 1 Periodic Closed Periodic Closed

salt 1 Periodic Closed Periodic Closed

Activated C-preprocessing Options:

CAS_PRACTIC cas_practic
ANA_BSFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux.
ANA_BTFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux.
ANA_FSOBC Analytical free-surface boundary conditions.
ANA_GRID Analytical grid set-up.
ANA_INITIAL Analytical initial conditions.
ANA_M2OBC Analytical 2D momentum boundary conditions.
ANA_SMFLUX Analytical kinematic surface momentum flux.
ANA_SSFLUX Analytical kinematic surface salinity flux.
ANA_STFLUX Analytical kinematic surface temperature flux.
ASSUMED_SHAPE Using assumed-shape arrays.
AVERAGES Writing out time-averaged nonlinear model fields.
DIAGNOSTICS_TS Computing and writing tracer diagnostic terms.
DIAGNOSTICS_UV Computing and writing momentum diagnostic terms.
DJ_GRADPS Parabolic Splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2002).
DOUBLE_PRECISION Double precision arithmetic.
LMD_MIXING Large/McWilliams/Doney interior mixing.
MIX_S_TS Mixing of tracers along constant S-surfaces.
MIX_S_UV Mixing of momentum along constant S-surfaces.
NONLINEAR Nonlinear Model.
NONLIN_EOS Nonlinear Equation of State for seawater.
POWER_LAW Power-law shape time-averaging barotropic filter.
PROFILE Time profiling activated .
!RST_SINGLE Double precision fields in restart NetCDF file.
SALINITY Using salinity.
SOLVE3D Solving 3D Primitive Equations.
SPLINES Conservative parabolic spline reconstruction.
TS_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of tracers.
TS_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of tracers.
TS_DIF2 Harmonic mixing of tracers.
UV_ADV Advection of momentum.
UV_COR Coriolis term.
UV_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of 3D momentum.
UV_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of momentum.
UV_QDRAG Quadratic bottom stress.
UV_VIS2 Harmonic mixing of momentum.
VAR_RHO_2D Variable density barotropic mode.

Process Information:

Thread # 0 (pid= 20199) is active.

INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...

Vertical S-coordinate System:

level S-coord Cs-curve Z at hmin at hc half way at hmax

20 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 -0.0500000 -0.0012430 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
18 -0.1000000 -0.0050000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
17 -0.1500000 -0.0113558 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
16 -0.2000000 -0.0204535 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
15 -0.2500000 -0.0324983 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
14 -0.3000000 -0.0477616 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
13 -0.3500000 -0.0665877 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
12 -0.4000000 -0.0894007 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
11 -0.4500000 -0.1167151 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
10 -0.5000000 -0.1491465 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
9 -0.5500000 -0.1874259 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
8 -0.6000000 -0.2324164 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
7 -0.6500000 -0.2851320 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
6 -0.7000000 -0.3467612 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
5 -0.7500000 -0.4186931 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
4 -0.8000000 -0.5025493 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
3 -0.8500000 -0.6002201 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
2 -0.9000000 -0.7139071 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
1 -0.9500000 -0.8461733 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000

Time Splitting Weights: ndtfast = 45 nfast = 63

Primary Secondary Accumulated to Current Step

1-0.0005234147293094 0.0222222222222222-0.0005234147293094 0.0222222222222222
2-0.0009714664692682 0.0222338536606513-0.0014948811985776 0.0444560758828736
3-0.0013441562052106 0.0222554418044128-0.0028390374037882 0.0667115176872864
4-0.0016414877689917 0.0222853119423064-0.0044805251727799 0.0889968296295928
5-0.0018634711234351 0.0223217894482840-0.0063439962962150 0.1113186190778768
6-0.0020101269605588 0.0223631999176937-0.0083541232567738 0.1336818189955705
7-0.0020814926135807 0.0224078694057061-0.0104356158703545 0.1560896884012766
8-0.0020776292827024 0.0224541247971190-0.0125132451530569 0.1785438131983956
9-0.0019986305746722 0.0225002943367346-0.0145118757277291 0.2010441075351302
10-0.0018446323561275 0.0225447083495051-0.0163565080838565 0.2235888158846353
11-0.0016158239207149 0.0225857001796413-0.0179723320045715 0.2461745160642766
12-0.0013124604699909 0.0226216073778794-0.0192847924745624 0.2687961234421559
13-0.0009348769080999 0.0226507731661014-0.0202196693826623 0.2914468966082573
14-0.0004835029502319 0.0226715482085036-0.0207031723328942 0.3141184448167609
15 0.0000411204551404 0.0226822927185088-0.0206620518777538 0.3368007375352696
16 0.0006383233902467 0.0226813789306168-0.0200237284875071 0.3594821164658864
17 0.0013072879182242 0.0226671939663891-0.0187164405692830 0.3821493104322755
18 0.0020470277195447 0.0226381431237619-0.0166694128497383 0.4047874535560373
19 0.0028563664146621 0.0225926536188831-0.0138130464350762 0.4273801071749204
20 0.0037339145728811 0.0225291788096684-0.0100791318621951 0.4499092859845887
21 0.0046780454074473 0.0224462029302710-0.0054010864547477 0.4723554889148597
22 0.0056868691568581 0.0223422463656611 0.0002857827021103 0.4946977352805208
23 0.0067582061523945 0.0222158714955087 0.0070439888545048 0.5169136067760295
24 0.0078895585718746 0.0220656891365666 0.0149335474263794 0.5389792959125961
25 0.0090780808796274 0.0218903656127471 0.0240116283060068 0.5608696615253432
26 0.0103205489526884 0.0216886304820887 0.0343321772586952 0.5825582920074320
27 0.0116133278932155 0.0214592849498068 0.0459455051519107 0.6040175769572388
28 0.0129523385271270 0.0212012109966242 0.0588978436790377 0.6252187879538630
29 0.0143330225889594 0.0209133812515769 0.0732308662679971 0.6461321692054399
30 0.0157503065929473 0.0205948696384890 0.0889811728609444 0.6667270388439289
31 0.0171985643903242 0.0202448628253124 0.1061797372512686 0.6869719016692413
32 0.0186715784128439 0.0198626725055274 0.1248513156641126 0.7068345741747687
33 0.0201624996025234 0.0194477485407975 0.1450138152666360 0.7262823227155661
34 0.0216638060276065 0.0189996929940748 0.1666776212942425 0.7452820157096409
35 0.0231672601847493 0.0185182750823502 0.1898448814789918 0.7638002907919911
36 0.0246638649874256 0.0180034470782446 0.2145087464664173 0.7818037378702357
37 0.0261438184405543 0.0174553611896352 0.2406525649069716 0.7992590990598709
38 0.0275964670013474 0.0168743874465117 0.2682490319083191 0.8161334865063826
39 0.0290102576263794 0.0162611326242596 0.2972592895346985 0.8323946191306422
40 0.0303726885048774 0.0156164602325623 0.3276319780395759 0.8480110793632044
41 0.0316702584782326 0.0149415115991205 0.3593022365178085 0.8629525909623249
42 0.0328884151457325 0.0142377280773820 0.3921906516635411 0.8771903190397069
43 0.0340115016565149 0.0135068744074769 0.4262021533200560 0.8906971934471838
44 0.0350227021877421 0.0127510632595543 0.4612248555077981 0.9034482567067381
45 0.0359039861089966 0.0119727809887156 0.4971288416167947 0.9154210376954537
46 0.0366360508328980 0.0111749146307379 0.5337648924496927 0.9265959523261916
47 0.0371982633519407 0.0103607801677846 0.5709631558016334 0.9369567324939763
48 0.0375686004615528 0.0095341520932970 0.6085317562631862 0.9464908845872733
49 0.0377235876693764 0.0086992943052625 0.6462553439325626 0.9551901788925358
50 0.0376382367907678 0.0078609923570542 0.6838935807233303 0.9630511712495899
51 0.0372859822305206 0.0070245870950371 0.7211795629538509 0.9700757583446270
52 0.0366386159508082 0.0061960097121366 0.7578181789046591 0.9762717680567636
53 0.0356662211253486 0.0053818182465631 0.7934844000300076 0.9816535863033268
54 0.0343371044797891 0.0045892355548887 0.8278215045097967 0.9862428218582154
55 0.0326177273183133 0.0038261887886712 0.8604392318281100 0.9900690106468866
56 0.0304726352364683 0.0031013504038198 0.8909118670645783 0.9931703610507063
57 0.0278643865202133 0.0024241807318983 0.9187762535847915 0.9955945417826045
58 0.0247534792311893 0.0018049721425602 0.9435297328159808 0.9973995139251647
59 0.0210982769782096 0.0012548948263115 0.9646280097941905 0.9986544087514763
60 0.0168549333749722 0.0007860442267958 0.9814829431691627 0.9994404529782720
61 0.0119773151839917 0.0004114901517964 0.9934602583531544 0.9998519431300684
62 0.0064169241467540 0.0001453275921521 0.9998771824999084 0.9999972707222206
63 0.0001228175000912 0.0000027292777798 0.9999999999999997 1.0000000000000004

ndtfast, nfast = 45 63 nfast/ndtfast = 1.40000

Centers of gravity and integrals (values must be 1, 1, approx 1/2, 1, 1):

1.000000000000 1.036028576182 0.518014288091 1.000000000000 1.000000000000

Power filter parameters, Fgamma, gamma = 0.28400 0.22089

Minimum X-grid spacing, DXmin = 1.20130955-310 km
Maximum X-grid spacing, DXmax = 1.20130955-310 km
Minimum Y-grid spacing, DYmin = 0.00000000E+00 km
Maximum Y-grid spacing, DYmax = 0.00000000E+00 km
Minimum Z-grid spacing, DZmin = 5.78056806-322 m
Maximum Z-grid spacing, DZmax = 5.82997462-322 m

Minimum barotropic Courant Number = 1.00000000E+20
Maximum barotropic Courant Number = Infinity
Maximum Coriolis Courant Number = 8.82088245E+00

Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 0.000000E+00 (Beckmann and Haidvogel)
rx1 = 0.000000E+00 (Haney)

Initial basin volumes: TotVolume = 0.0000000000E+00 m3
MinVolume = 0.0000000000E+00 m3
MaxVolume = 0.0000000000E+00 m3
Max/Min = 0.0000000000E+00

NL ROMS/TOMS: started time-stepping: (Grid: 01 TimeSteps: 00000001 - 00051840)

C => (i,j,k) Cu Cv Cw Max Speed

0 0 00:00:00 NaN NaN NaN 0.000000E+00
(000,0,00) 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00

Elapsed CPU time (seconds):

Thread # 0 CPU: 0.368
Total: 0.368

Nonlinear model elapsed time profile:

Allocation and array initialization .............. 0.116 (31.5219 %)
Ocean state initialization ....................... 0.168 (45.6519 %)
Computation of global information integrals ...... 0.012 ( 3.2609 %)
2D/3D coupling, vertical metrics ................. 0.080 (21.7393 %)
Omega vertical velocity .......................... 0.004 ( 1.0869 %)
Equation of state for seawater ................... 0.084 (22.8260 %)
Total: 0.464 126.0869

All percentages are with respect to total time = 0.368

ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01:

Analytical header files used:


ROMS/TOMS - Blows up ................ exit_flag: 1

MAIN: Abnormal termination: BLOWUP.

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Posts: 4091
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Location: CFOS/UAF, USA

Re: Unable to open existing NetCDF file : ocean_frc.nc

#4 Unread post by kate »

You are right that something is very wrong with your Courant number, however, it blew up without even taking a timestep. Your initial basin volume is 0 - have you set a non-zero depth?


Re: Unable to open existing NetCDF file : ocean_frc.nc

#5 Unread post by chaos4u2 »

Your initial basin volume is 0 - have you set a non-zero depth?

I don't understand why the initial basin volume is 0. I've checked if I had a 0 in the depth and zeta, but I didn't.

In the ANA_GRID: I put depth = 5.0_r8
In the ANA_INITIAL: I put zeta = 5.0_r8, tl_zeta=5.0_r8, ad_zeta=5.0_r8

I turned off ANA_FSOBC and ANA_M2OBC.

May be it could be some parameter in the ocean.in file but I don't know which one is.

Also I don't understand why it doesn't change the courant number when I change DT, Lm, h or NDTFAST.

Thank you for your help.

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Posts: 4091
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Re: Unable to open existing NetCDF file : ocean_frc.nc

#6 Unread post by kate »

I don't know where you set the depth to 5, but it is still getting a zero, which you can tell from this output:

Code: Select all

Vertical S-coordinate System:

level S-coord Cs-curve Z at hmin at hc half way at hmax

20 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 -0.0500000 -0.0012430 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
18 -0.1000000 -0.0050000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
17 -0.1500000 -0.0113558 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
16 -0.2000000 -0.0204535 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
15 -0.2500000 -0.0324983 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
14 -0.3000000 -0.0477616 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
13 -0.3500000 -0.0665877 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000...

Posts: 87
Joined: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:29 pm
Location: SKLEC,ECNU,Shanghai,China

Re: Unable to open existing NetCDF file : ocean_frc.nc

#7 Unread post by tony1230 »

Minimum X-grid spacing, DXmin = 1.20130955-310 km
Maximum X-grid spacing, DXmax = 1.20130955-310 km
Minimum Y-grid spacing, DYmin = 0.00000000E+00 km
Maximum Y-grid spacing, DYmax = 0.00000000E+00 km
Minimum Z-grid spacing, DZmin = 5.78056806-322 m
Maximum Z-grid spacing, DZmax = 5.82997462-322 m
Is there some wrong? It looks deviant!


Re: Unable to open existing NetCDF file : ocean_frc.nc

#8 Unread post by chaos4u2 »

I still don't find the error. I think it must be something not defined in the ocean.in file. I'll keep searching. Thank you for your help.

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