* In the old way, ROMS would read the 'time' attribute on each boundary variable from the NetCDF file. This caused me grief when one of my tools added a C end-of-string character after the 'bio_time' or 'dye_time', but otherwise made sense. ROMS was ignoring the 'time' attribute set in varinfo.dat.
* In the new way, ROMS uses the 'time' attribute from varinfo.dat and ignores that in the NetCDF file. Check your varinfo.dat!

By the way, the report from a mismatch is not so very intuitive:
Code: Select all
NETCDF_GET_FVAR_1D - error while reading variable: zeta_west
in input file: /wrkdir/kate/NEP5/Files/NEP5_bdry1_1985.nc
call from: get_cycle.F
GET_NGFLD - error while reading variable: zeta_west at TIME index = 0
ERROR: Abnormal termination: NetCDF INPUT.
REASON: NetCDF: Index exceeds dimension bound